Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "equation solver"
2012 Oct 23
find similarity between two spectral profile
I'm Pina and I'm a student in geology. I'm working with spectral profile of
sand and I have to find the similarity between one spectral profile selected
by hyperspectral image anche one that I created to mix different percentage
of 4 mineral component. I have to find the best mix of percentage of this 4
mineral in order to have the best likeness with the spectral profile chose
2008 Jan 25
Asterisk Billing
I'm checking some Billing Software for Asterisk. In opensource I only
know (the name, I haven't used) AstBill. What other software should I
check with similar capabilities?
Thank you!
Carles Pina i Estany GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64
http://pinux.info Manresa - Barcelona
2019 May 08
UID to file?
In the past I was in a situation that given an email UID I wanted to
know which file in the Maildir directory this UID was saved.
I did a small parser for $HOME/Maildir/dovecot-uidlist where, if the
file had:
1000 W1838 S1796 :1557351041.10447_1.example
I would ask for the UID 1000 and would return
:1557351041.10447_1.example (and I knew that it was in
Is there any
2012 Mar 06
PLS Error message
I work with hyperspectral remote sensing data and I try to built a pls
model with this data. I already built the model but if I try to
calculate the RMSEP and R2 with a test data set I get the following
error message:
Error: variable 'subX' was fitted with type "nmatrix.501" but type
"nmatrix.73" was supplied
The problem is that I don't get the message for
2017 Jul 26
GlusterFS Fuse client hangs when coping large files
I?m having some weird problems while coping large files (> 1GB) to a GlusterFS through a Fuse client.
When the copy is done using the cp command everything is fine, but if I use a Java program, the GlusterFS Fuse hangs.
The kern.log shows timeout for the Java program and the Fuse client.
Anyone have experienced this behavior?
Test environment:
Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux
2011 Aug 27
Error: package 'lsei' is not installed for 'arch=i386'
Hi guys,
I am having problem loading a package that I have installed. I have searched
some old thread but they were no help in terms of solving the problem.
I uninstalled every possible component of R and installed R 2.13 and
followed the R-faqs installation steps. Then I installed the package (lsei)
from local zip file which was installed successfully but can not be loaded
and returns the error
2012 Apr 10
Package boot, funtion cv.glm
Hey all,
I need some help with a cross validation. I'm new with R and as well with
statistics. I had a group work to create a tool for remote sensing class
that extracts the best bands of hyperspectral satellite images that describe
vegetation. Its a regression between a linear function of using a normalized
differenced index (i-j)/(i+j) while i and j are the bands (in the data these
are the
2007 Nov 06
MeetMe CPU resources
We would like to have a conference with 15 users aprox. We think that
Pentium 4 3GHz and 1GB of RAM should be enough. Only Asterisk running.
We wonder if somebody has some other experience, good or bad.
We will use Asterisk 1.2 (it is a small and short project for only
Carles Pina i Estany GPG id: 0x8CBDAE64
http://pinux.info Manresa - Barcelona
2006 Mar 29
SMS in Spain (it seems Protocol 2)
(I have asked it some time ago in Asterisk-es mailing list, so excuse me if
anybody receive it twice.)
I am trying to send SMS in Spain using landlines. It seems that
app_sms.c only handles Protocol 1, but Spain and Italy are using
Protocol 2.
I have been searching in Internet without any results... anybody is
sending SMS from Asterisk (or any method) using Protocol 2? (so, it
2019 Jan 27
download Dovecot emails over rsync (done!), possible alternatives
Apologies for the extra long email. It's a situation with a solved
problem and I might need to solve it again, I'd like to have some
Two years ago, in a trip around the Antarctic with a very limited
communication I deployed a mail system based on Postfix+Dovecot. I need
to do something similar again and I used a "hack" that I thought that I
might avoid (that
2007 Oct 24
whisper chanspy in asterisk 1.2
I would like to have "whisper" channel spy (not private whisper) in
Asterisk 1.2. I see here:
That is only available for Asterisk 1.4.
I wonder if there is any way to emulate it in Asterisk 1.2. For example,
to "join" two calls: one to use a private whisper and other one to use
a normal chanspy.
2007 Nov 16
channels to destroy
In a couple of Asterisks, after type "sip show channels" we have a lot
of these:
IP_PEER dst_number something 00102/00103 unkn No (d) Rx: BYE
IP_PEER dst_number2 something2 00102/00103 unkn No (d) Rx: BYE
We are using ASterisk 1.2.x
When I say "a lot" I mean more than 180, more than 230, etc.
Is it normal?
How we can remove it?
Thank you very much,
2008 Jan 15
SIP Reason
I'm sniffing traffic between Asterisk and a Softswitch. I see that, in
"Decline" SIP packages, there is a header called "Reason" and I would
like to access to the content of this header from Asterisk.
How I can access to Reason header content?
I would like to access here using ASterisk 1.4 and 1.2, but if it's only
with Asterisk 1.4 will not be a big problem.
2011 Mar 22
GSOC 2011 : Weighting Schemes and Matcher Optimisations
My name is Santiago Pina and I am currently studying two BSc(Hon)
simultaneously ; one in Computer Science and the other in Mathematics as
part of a pilot project at Universidad de Murcia. I am very excited to
contribute in open source community through the platform of Google Summer of
Code 2011. I was interested in the Weighting Schemes project and in the
Matcher Optimisations project,
2004 Jan 20
evaluation of discriminant functions+multivariate homosce dasticity
While I don't know anything about Box's M test, I googled around and found a
Matlab M-file that computes it. Below is my straight-forward translation of
the code, without knowing Matlab or the formula (and done in a few minutes).
I hope this demonstrates one of Prof. Ripley's point: If you really want to
shoot yourself in the foot, you can probably program R to do that for you.
2008 Mar 11
arp who-has not answered
Fast question: from DomU I cannot ping Dom0, I only get
19:17:33.573370 arp who-has tell
19:17:34.573421 arp who-has tell
using tcpdump in Dom0. Why?
Detailed question:
I''m setting up a Xen virtual server. The environment is:
-Debian Etch and using Xen from Debian repository (so Xen 3.0.3,
PhD position in the field of combining Hyperspectral and Radar (L-Band) Remote Sensing of Vegetation
2013 Apr 02
PhD position in the field of combining Hyperspectral and Radar (L-Band) Remote Sensing of Vegetation
The Helmholtz Alliance of Earth System Dynamics aims at the development
of innovative remote sensing products based on the newest satellite
missions. The focus here is on quantifying dynamic processes within the
bio-, hydro-, geo- and cryosphere to monitor and understand
environmental change on a global scale.
The Alliance will be the nucleus within an innovative network of more
than 60
2017 Oct 23
hsdar is back on CRAN
hsdar is back on CRAN
We are very happy to announce that a new version of the hsdar-package
(hyperspectral data analysis in R) is available on CRAN.
The introductory vignette is available here:
The main class "Speclib" has been changed in that the additional information
is now stored in the SI slot (function
2009 Dec 04
Solve linear program without objective function
Dear R-users,
i try to solve to following linear programm in R
0 * x_1 + 2/3 * x_2 + 1/3 * x_3 + 1/3 * x_4 = 0.3
x_1 + x_2 + x_3 + x_4 = 1
x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 > 0,
x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 < 1
as you can see i have no objective function here besides that i use the
following code.
2008 Jan 23
Asterisk scalability
I wonder how Asterisk scales when we increment the Core's or CPU's of
one computer.
I see that Asterisk is only one process (I guess that it uses threads).
But because Asterisk is only one process, this process is always
executed in the same CPU. So we can have a 8 Cores server, with one Core
running Asterisk, another Core running operating system stuff/other
small daemons and 6