similar to: Impact of cex changing as a function of mfrow

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Impact of cex changing as a function of mfrow"

2011 May 11
mtext text size (cex) doesn't match plot
Hi, I am using mtext instead of the ylab argument in some plots because i want to move it away from the numbers in the axis. However, the text in the X axis, for example: par(mar=c(5, 5.5, 4, 2)); plot(data, main="plot name", xlab= 'X axis', ylab="", font=2, cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.main=1.8); mtext('Y axis', side=2, cex=1.5, line=4,
2010 Mar 27
string width calculation
Colleagues, I am trying to create a PDF document in which I use margin text with two different fonts. The resulting text might be: XXXXXyZZZ where X and Z are one font and Y is the other. My plan was to do this in the following manner: mtext("XXXXX ZZZ", cex=2, adj=0.5, family=SOMEFONT) mtext("Y", cex=2, adj=??, family=DIFFERENTFONT) My question regards how to calculate
2011 Mar 10
Main title in a multiple display of graphs
Hello! I want to display four xyplots in the same window (sorry if I don't use the propers words, but my English is rude) I know that if I use plot(y~x) then x=(1:100) y=(1:100) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(y~x) plot(y~x) plot(y~x) plot(y~x) would give what I want, but this is not the case because I need the functions of xyplot. So I did the following:
2012 Mar 13
size of graphs when using multiple figures by row
Hi all, I have a basic question concerning graphs in R. I?m using the par() function and I?m working with multiple figures by row (mfrow) but my the hight of my figures become compressed. I have 4 rows and 2 columns (because I want to plot 8 histograms (freq = FALSE ) on it. I know I can adapt my margins with for example ?oma? and ?mai? but I don?t know how to choose the size of the figure? I
2013 Jan 07
Changing mtext direction, or using text for the margin?
Hi all, I have read through the archives, but can't find a solution to this problem. I need the text direction on "dependent B", plotted in margin 4, to go top to bottom (opposite what it is now). Here's some sample code: #plot with mtext example par(mgp = c(2,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2), las=1, mar=c(2,2,2,2), omi= c(0.5,0.2,0,0.2)) a<-1:10 b<-7:16 c<-21:30 plot(a~b,
2004 Aug 02
How to add a common title (or xlab, ylab) for multi-plots in the same window?
Dear R people, I am using par(mfrow=c()) to plot multi-figures in the same window. And I like to put a common title (and xlab, ylab) for all of plots. I have already left some margin by resetting omi values in par() and hided all (xlab, ylab) for each sub-plot. Could anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks a lot, Frank
2023 Jun 08
need help with plotmath and/or plotting unicode characters
R 4.2.3 OS X Colleagues This should be easy -- but not for me. I want to plot text similar to this: N ? XX: YY where XX can be either 1 or 50 and YY is an integer I envision that there would be two solutions: UNICODE: If I can generate "?" via unicode, the problem is solved: mtext(side=3, paste0("N ", UNICODE, " ", XX, ": ", YY)) PLOTMATH:
2011 Jun 14
problems with plots in loop (corrected Email)
Dear helpers, In an attempt to use a loop to generate graphs in a for loop in run into a problem. The plan is to fill each page with eight graphs (mfrow = c(4,2)) in to two columns. Only the buttom graphs ( meaning every fourth graph) have tick labels on the x axis to preserve space. I used an if .... Else statement to achieve that. The problem is that the first eight graphs are skipped
2009 Jun 22
Help needed: Fraction for Histogram > 1 ???
I have been trying to draw histogram for my manscript and found some strange things that I could not figure out why. Using the same code listed below I have successfully draw histograms for a few figures with fraction labeled on Y axis less than 1 (acturally between 0 to 0.1). But one dataset gives the Y axis label 0 to 5 as fraction. This is not true, as fraction are less than 1, although the
2023 Jan 16
Printing special characters
R 4.2.2 OS X Colleagues A file that I have read includes strings like this: "EVENT ? 30 sec" When I include the string in a graphic using: mtext(STRING, ?) it appears as: "EVENT ... 30 sec" Is there a simple work-around (short of reformatting all the strings, then using plotmath)? Dennis Dennis Fisher MD P < (The "P Less Than" Company) Phone / Fax:
2007 Oct 24
Graphics - plotting two graphs
Hi, I wanted to plot 2 lines on a single graph. Each graph has one axis that can be common. The code that I'm using is: ------------------------------------------------------- par(mfrow=c(1, 1)) x1 <- c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12) x2 <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) y1 <- c(10,12,15,22,34,21) y2 <- c(40, 130, 150, 145, 40, 30) par(las=1, mar=c(4, 4, 2, 4))
2003 Jan 22
self-split plot on multiple device
Hello! I would plot more than 10 (this number is always different) graphics on a figure with layout like 'mfrow=c(4,2)'. There is some existing function able to open the right number of device if number of graphics is done or I have to build it myself with some 'IF.....ELSE.....'? Thanks. A.S. ----------------------------
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
I'm trying to recreate a graph similar to the last one found on this link: The difference is that I want budbreak on the top, and the temperatures at the bottom. I tried to set par before each graph and include lines, with no avail. Thanks, Bert. Andre On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:41 PM, Bert Gunter
2010 Aug 01
Constructing arguments for plotmath
Colleagues, I am encountering difficulty adding formatted text to a graphic. Specifically, I want to add a superscript in the middle of a text string but I would like to format the text string on the fly. The commands: plot(1,1) ARG <- bquote('TEXT'^'\u00ae') mtext(ARG, line=-2, side=1) yield the desired output. However, my goal is to paste together a string, then pass
2017 Aug 02
switch of cex adjustment with mfrow?
Dear list members, i am trying to create multiple figures with identical layout (i.e. font sizes etc.) for a publication created with Latex. To do so (i.e. to get identical font sizes) I save all plots as a pdf with widths and heights as they would later appear in the paper (to prevent scaling etc.). My problem now is that I create several multipanel plots with par(mfrow=c(...)) which sometimes
2008 Jun 06
boxplot changes fontsize of labels
Hi all! So far I learned some R but finilizing my plots so they look publishable seems not to be possible. I set up some boxplots. Everything works well but when I put more then two of them in one plot the labels of the axes appear smaller than the normal font size. > x <- rnorm(30) > y <- rnorm(30) > par(mfrow=c(1,4)) > boxplot(x,y, names=c("horray",
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
Hi, Bert: Yes, I studied the functions you suggested, but I didn't get to adapt it to my example whose reproducible code I sent in my first email. Here it is the code of the functions I studies: ## par par(mfrow = c(2, 3)) par(cex = 0.6) par(mar = c(3, 3, 0, 0), oma = c(1, 1, 1, 1)) for (i in 1:6) { plot(1, 1, type = "n") mtext(letters[i], side = 3, line = -1, adj = 0.1, cex =
2011 Nov 15
Plot alignment with mtext
I would like the text plotted with 'mtext' to be alighned like it is for printing on the console. Here is what I have: > print(emt) ME RMSE MAE MPE MAPE MASE original -1.034568e+07 1.097695e+08 2.433160e+07 -31.30554 37.47713 1.5100050 xreg 1.561235e+01 2.008599e+03 9.089473e+02 267.05490 280.66734
2010 Jul 20
Registered / trademark signs
Colleagues, What is the easiest means to embed a: ? (registered) or ? (trademark) sign in text in a graphic. I would like to use mtext and avoid plotmath, if possible. Ideally, the sign should be superscripted but I can easily sacrifice that. Optimally, I need a solution that works in both OS X and Windows (? XP) and with R versions ? 2.11 Thanks in advance. Dennis Dennis Fisher MD P <
2017 Jun 20
Help with the plot function
1. Did you study the functions (esp. ?layout) to which I referred you? 2. Show us your code! -- "to no avail" is meaningless! -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 7:01 PM, Andr? Luis Neves