similar to: Does send_file act differently with Mongrel than withWebrick?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Does send_file act differently with Mongrel than withWebrick?"

2006 Dec 14
Does send_file act differently with Mongrel than with Webrick?
Mongrel Windows XP Rails 1.1.6 I have a rails app that serves up mp3 files via the send_file command. We create a playlist (M3U) with URLs to the mp3s. These play just fine using Windows Media Player. However using WinAmp we get an error "error syncing to stream" when it tries to request the mp3. After playing around I found that if I am running Rails under Webrick WinAmp
2006 Sep 26
Mongrel Processes Dying
We are seeing mongrel processes dying in our mongrel cluster. What is the best way to troubleshoot this? We have ruby 1.8.4, Rails 1.1.0 (upgrading soon), MySql 4.1 running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4, Apache 2.2, mongrel-, mongrel_cluster-0.2.0 I saw the following messages in the mongrel.log but not sure if theay are related to the processes dying. It would be nice if
2007 Feb 15
Anyway to Force a start even if the .pid file exists?
I''m using monit to restart mongrel processes if they go away. With mongrel 0.3 I could issue a start command and the process would start up even if the .pid file existed (though a warning would appear). Now, with mongrel 1.0.1 the warning says I must clear the .pid file and the process is not started. Is there anyway to force it to start without having to clear the .pid? Regards
2007 Feb 15
Multiple Processes Spawned from mongrel_rails start ?
Hello, I have mongrel 1.0.1, rails 1.2.2 ruby 1.8.5 running on Centos 4.4. When I execute the mongrel_rails start -d I see that 3 processes are spawned. See below: [root at ccc aaa]# mongrel_rails start -d [root at ccc aaa]# ps -def |grep mong root 2743 1 9 07:14 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/mongrel_rails start -d root 2744 2743 0 07:14 ? 00:00:00
2006 Sep 26
Clustering - Avoiding "dead" processes?
I have Mongrel Cluster setup with Apache a mod_proxy_balancer. I''ve seen (from time to time) mongrel instances become non-responsive. Is there anyway to configure the balancer so that it "knows" which processes are no longer good and stops trying to use them? _______________________________________________________ The FREE service that prevents junk email
2006 Aug 08
How Create New Parameter set at Start Time?
I would like to be able to set a paramter during start up like: ruby script\server -nodename testNode_1 ... and would like to have access to this setting from models and/or controllers. Can someone point me in the right direction to get this working? Regards -- Posted via
2004 Jan 12
Samba 2.2.8a: Deleting all files
I have a directory on Unix exposed as a Samba share. All the filenames are greater than 8.3 format. When I go to this directory from a DOS prompt and do 'del *.*', I get a bunch of errors 'Unable to find file ...'.. But, if the directory contained 500 files, after the 'del *.*' it contains 400 files. I repeat the del *.*, get a few more errors Unable to find file ...
2006 Mar 16
Drag Drop problem with Div using overflow:auto
There seems to be a problem with dragging an object outside a div if using overflow:auto on the div style. My problem is the same as the one described in the following thread but the responder''s "fix" did not work for me. Is there a fix for this problem? Regards
2007 Jun 07
Is there any plan to support HTTP Proxy
Tinc is a great idea but often we sit behind corporate firewall which also often to only allow traffic to go through HTTP proxy. is there any plan of tinc to implement the proxy support, then it will truely be wonderful. like other through proxy service, one might setup a broker server to establish an initial connection through proxy and then hand over the communication to point-to-point, like
2003 Oct 15
build failure with linux-2.6.0-test7
I tried building with linux-2.6.0-test7 build dies with: make[1]: Entering directory `/home/rogelio/src/klibc-0.80/klibc' gcc -Wp,-MD,./.fork.d -march=i386 -Os -fomit-frame-pointer -malign-functions=0 -malign-jumps=0 -malign-loops=0 -nostdinc -iwithprefix include -I../klibc -I../klibc/arch/i386/include -I../klibc/include/bits32 -D__KLIBC__ -DBITSIZE=32 -I../klibc/include
2006 May 14
send_file and locking files after download?
Hello, I''m working on a download service which grants users a one-time-download access to files. The idea is to write an entry to a database table after a successful download that "locks" the download link for the user. After doing some quick tests with send_file I noticed that send_file does not block until the user has downloaded the full file, but proceeds with the
2005 Dec 13
send_file doesn't work with Apache?...
Hi, I''ve been using send_file in my Rails application with WEBrick happily to send files of various sizes and kinds. The same code fails to send anything but a 500 error when run under Apache, and a log file message "warning: syswrite for buffered IO". Looking back through the mailing list archives I see that there have been send_file bugs in the past. Can some knowledgeable
2005 Aug 31
Painfully slow under windows
I did some testing on the speed. found tinc under windows is paintfully slow, particularly, it is paintfully slow to transfer anything from the windows machine. here is my setting. I have two windows xp in local network 100MB. use ftp to test speed. without tinc, the speed is about 5MB/sec. but through the vpn interface, speed is about only 10-20KB/sec. the next test, I installed VMWare 5.0 on
2007 Feb 22
error with send_file.. please help me...
Ben wrote: > API is your friend. > > send_file I put this code block in files_controller.rb def send_file(path, options = {}) #:doc: raise MissingFile, "Cannot read file #{path}" unless File.file?(path) and File.readable?(path) options[:length] ||= File.size(path)
2007 Aug 27
Send_file() method for downloading any file
HI, I need to know how to download any file using send_file() method.The code I have shown below is for a specific ever I need it for any file. THE CODE ........ def download_files send_file(''D:/hr/Handbook.doc'', :filename => params[:filename] , :type => ''application/octet-stream'',
2012 May 31
send_data/send_file does not open a save as dialog box
Hello, We are using JRuby 1.5.1/ruby 1.8.7/Rails 2.3.8 with a GWT front end. I''m having an issue when attempting to send a server side .csv file to the user using rails send_file. my code is: send_file(path_to_file, type=>''text/csv'') While this is returning fine with an http status of 200, the client side save as dialog is never opening for the user to receive
2007 Aug 24
How to download any file using send_file() method
HI, I am directory listing and in that listing I have certain files and sub directories, now when I click on the files it should download that particular file but I am not able to accomplish it, and I have got to use send_file() method. In the send file Code shown below I have made use of the address of one of the files directly so when I click the link of any file it downloads it. THE CODE
2006 Jul 22
form_remote_tag and send_file
All, I have an existing form that calls an action which in turn creates a PDF and sends it to the browser using send_file. I want to change this form to use form_remote_tag so that I can set a progress bar and once the PDF is finished, the progress bar hides and the PDF opens. The send_file data is being sent to the browser, but not displayed anywhere. When I use a regular form post, it
2006 Apr 03
Making output_compression work with send_file
While working with the newly fixed output compression plugin, one of the devs in my team discovered that it breaks with send_file(). So if you are using send_file() in your application you must get the fixed file I''ve put at: The change is actually in checking for the Content-Disposition header added by send_file(). See the full writeup
2006 Mar 29
send_file is behaving strange
Hi all, I am using send_file("/path/to/my/file")to send a file from the server to a client. The file is not empty but when displayed on the client, it is totally blank. In windows system, it''s working properly, the problem is only with a linux server -- Posted via