similar to: R-alpha: Can we "require" 1) GNU make, 2) Perl -- for help "compiling"?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R-alpha: Can we "require" 1) GNU make, 2) Perl -- for help "compiling"?"

1997 Sep 10
R-alpha: New Version Available
The newest version of R for Unix (version R-0.50-a4) is now (or will soon be) available from the following sites. NORTH AMERICA: EUROPE: JAPAN: NEW ZEALAND:
1997 Sep 02
R-alpha: R interaction within ESS-4.9-b11: two small issues
1) I installed the latest ESS (Emacs Speaks Statistics) beta release on a machine running Linux. Since there is no S-PLUS product for Linux, I set the ess-site.el file for R, xlisp-stat, and S version 4. I.e., ;; (1.5) Require the needed dialects for your setup. ;;(require 'essd-s+3) (require 'essd-r) (require 'essd-xls) ;;(require 'essd-sas) ;;(require 'essd-s3) ;;
1997 Apr 01
R-beta: Re: R-alpha: windows advice
Robert Gentleman <rgentlem at> writes: > Help Files > ========== > Has anyone had any experience with latex2rtf and then on to windows help? > We can hope that people have netscape and then simply use the html version > but it would be nice if there were some easy way to produce real windows > help. Please keep the nroff versions and the old help()
1997 Jul 22
R-alpha: New version of R for testing
The newest version of R for Unix (version 0.50 alpha-1) is now (or will soon be) available from the following sites. NORTH AMERICA: EUROPE: JAPAN: NEW ZEALAND:
1997 Apr 28
R-alpha: R-0.49: 2 problems
I found the following 2 problems (no debugging, sorry). * qt(0.975, 3) never returns. Can someone please check that? Happens for me on Debian GNU/Linux/ix86 compiled with CFLAGS="-O2 -g". * Yet another stupid way to cause a segfault: R> x Error: Object "x" not found R> debug(t.test) R> t.test(rnorm(10)) debug: choices <- c("two.sided",
1997 Oct 29
R-alpha: Using autoload and smaller 'base' package [was "Re: New Version"].
[This is a "spill-over" from the "R-core" mailing list, since several of you may be interested and have comments ... -MM] >>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Lumley <> writes: Thomas> On 29 Oct 1997, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote: >> Perhaps we should revise the current contents of the base library >>
1997 Apr 22
R-beta: library(splines) in version 0.50 alpha
I am using the 0.50 alpha version of R packaged (in 3 parts) by Kurt for Debian Linux. Package: r-base Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: local Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <Kurt.Hornik at> Version: 0.50b7-1 Depends: libc5, xlib6, libreadline2 Description: R, a language not entirely unlike the language S. Package: r-contrib Status: install ok
2002 Jul 02
XEmacs vs. GNU Emacs?
As a user of only R, I don't use much of the potential of ESS and Emacs. Without entering a religious feud, is there any reason I should use XEmacs rather than my current GNU Emacs? (I looked on the XEmacs site, but I didn't understand the programming issues they were talking about (over my head).) Martin Henry H. Stevens, Assistant Professor 338 Pearson Hall Botany Department Miami
1997 Nov 21
R-beta: [WIN95] Running R from the shell
Is it possible to run R soley from the shell? I'm evaluating necessary fixes to R and XLispStat (and eventually SAS and S-PLUS 4) for running as subprocesses to Emacs (NTEmacs) for ESS. Currently, I lose control of R when running via Emacs; is it possible to "remove" the windows? (all, or all but the graphics window)? best, -- -tony (Anthony Rossini) Statistics
2002 May 15
Processing "vignette" files
Is there any way to process the "vignette" documantation files? I have been looking at the bioconductor packages and most of them have *.Rnw files in doc directories. They look like regular TeX but have sections showing R code that seem to choke TeX. Thanks, Andy __________________________________ Andy Jaworski Engineering Systems Technology Center 3M Center, 518-1-01 St. Paul, MN
2003 Feb 15
Perl on Windows XP for Rcmd build
Is there a recommended binary version of perl to use under Windows XP for `Rcmd build'? The R FAQ for Windows just mentions "perl". I think that Kevin Wang's document on R for Windows suggests ActiveState perl but I have not been able to install it. I am running Windows XP Professional on a laptop. The operating system was originally Windows 98 then upgraded to Windows ME
2002 Dec 20
Getting graphs into LaTeX
Hello ALL: I ran with success the following commands in R getting a file saved ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ postscript() postscript('~/data/st202/2003/lecture00/lecture00-graph-01.eps', horizontal = FALSE, height = 6, pointsize = 10) hist(trial.outcome.5, breaks = 5, main = '1000 Replications of 5 Trials of a
2004 Aug 06
Problem streaming to shoutcast w/ liveice
Maybe this is the wrong place to post, but... When trying to start up liveice to a shoutcast server I'm getting the following error, and then it dies and screws up the terminal emulation for my session. Anyone seen this before? LiveIce Streaming Mpeg Audio Generator Input Mode: Direct
2003 Sep 11
potentially nasty interaction between R 1.8.0 and tetex
I've been having problems building vignettes in bioconductor packages with R-devel. Turns out that Rdevel/share/texmf/hyperref.cfg wants Blue and Red predefined, when only blue and red are defined (as of rsync Rdevel, Sept 10th). This is on a Debian unstable system (Sept 9th version). Might not apply to all other tetex systems. Seems to have bitten the bioconductor build system, though.
2002 Apr 22
could we add an argument to suppress printing of levels for print.factor()?
could we add an argument to suppress printing of levels for print.factor()? i.e.: print.factor <- function (x, quote = FALSE, print.levels = TRUE, ...) ## MODIFIED { if (length(x) <= 0) cat("factor(0)\n") else print(as.character(x), quote = quote, ...) if (print.levels) { ## ADDED cat("Levels:
1997 Apr 16
R-alpha: data in contributed packages
I know, we've discussed this several times in the good old days days of the R-testers list :-), but the problem is still unsolved. I want to include Tibshirani's data in my port of the bootstrap package, but we still have no way of including data in a clean way. IMHO we should have a subdirectory of $RHOME/data for each library, e.g. $RHOME/data/base $RHOME/data/bootstrap Actually
2002 May 16
building packages on windows
Has anyone had success building a package on a windows machine? I am trying the following command with no luck (perhaps my flags are incorrect?). At this point I am stuck. Any help greatly appreciated. Niels Waller (BTW - I have no idea why it cannot find sh.exe since I have it is a directory that is specified in a path statement) H:\R\bin>rcmd build --binary --use-zip h:\taxon2 * checking
2002 Apr 12
How to specify search order for require()
In a .First.lib I want to issue two require()s to insure that two other packages are loaded. But I want the package being loaded by .First.lib using library.dynam("mypackage",pkb,lib) to be higher in the search order than the two required packages, because I want to have a couple of functions from the two required packages overridden. What is the best way to do that? Thanks in advance
2002 Aug 30
density() returns a density function that does not add up to 1
Dear R users, I ran into this curious problem: > d <- rnorm(100) > d.density <- density(d) > sum( d.density$x * d.density$y) [1] 2.517502 Admittedly the method of computing the mass under the density curve at line 3 is crude. But 2.5 is pretty far from 1, the value it should be. I tried a few other dataset and got similar result. Am I missing something obvious? Or is the return
2002 Dec 20
Sweave & xtable
I'm trying to get Sweave running for automatic report generation, and it seems to run fine when just using verbatim output. However, I've ran into a problem with xtable. I would like to print the following matrix using xtable: > dim(counts) [1] 19 15 All columns are filled with real/integer numbers > 0 and < 1000. Just typing xtable(counts) gives correct LaTeX output, but