similar to: S4 into a data frame

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "S4 into a data frame"

2007 Mar 31
Problem with S4 inheritance: unexpected re-initialization?
Dear all, To explain my problem I am attaching a demonstration package "myclasspkg": I have the following two S4 classes with similar inheritance: SubSubClassA <- SubClassB <- BaseClass SubSubClassB <- SubClassB <- BaseClass In R I am calling the following functions: > library(myclasspkg) > subA <-
2009 Aug 05
S4 method dispatch: coercion of arguments with setAs defined
Hi list, I've got a class B that contains a slot obj of class A. I'd like to be able to call all the methods of class A directly on objects of class B as if I had called the method on slot obj. This without overloading all methods of class A to work on class B. I don't define B as an extension of A, because I want class B to also work with objects of classes that inherit from
2005 Feb 10
Undocumented S4 methods: generic coerce and siglist matrix, Massvector
Hi, While checking the package I am getting all the time the following complain about the function: Undocumented S4 methods: generic coerce and siglist matrix,Massvector I have not defined the function nowhere in the R files. My gues is that this has something to do with the following definition of the setAs function. setAs("matrix","Massvector" ,def=
2020 Oct 05
S4 - inheritance changed by order of setClassUnion and setAs()
Dear colleagues, there is a behaviour with S4 (virtual) classes that I find very hard to understand: Depending on the position of setAs(), the tree of inheritance changes. This is my baseline example that defines the classes "grandma", "mother", "daughter" and a virtual class "mr_x". For a new instance if "daughter", "mr_x" is betweeen
2008 Apr 23
S4 default for coercing
Something has changed in the S4 default for coercing. Am I now suppose to use setAs, or is there something else I should do to make this work: R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22) .... > require("methods") > setClassUnion("OptionalPOSIXct", c("POSIXct", "NULL")) [1] "OptionalPOSIXct" > setClass("TSmetax",
2007 Jul 25
initalizing and checking validity of S4 classes
Dear useRs and wizaRds, I am currently developing a set of functions using S4 classes. On the way I encountered the problem exemplified with the code below. For some reason the 'validity' method does not seem to work, i.e. does not check for errors in the specification of the slots of the defined class. Any hints? My understanding of the whole S4 system was that validity checks are made
2007 May 21
list element names in S4 class extending list
can list names attributes be preserved through S4 class containment? seems to be so but only if the containment relationship is direct ... see below. > setClass("c1", contains="list") [1] "c1" > l1 = list(a=1, b=2) > o1 = new("c1", l1) > names(o1) # pleasant surprise [1] "a" "b" > setClass("c2",
2007 Dec 23
Problem with initialize of S4 classes
Dear all Below is the code for "scriptPreFilter.R" which gives the following result: > source("scriptPreFilter.R") > prefltr <- new("PreFilter", mad=c(0.5,0.01)) [1] "------initialize:PreFilter------" [1] "------initialize:Filter------" > str(prefltr) Formal class 'PreFilter' [package ".GlobalEnv"] with 2 slots
2010 Jan 24
recursive data-structures in R - An S4 "node" Class
Hi, In an effort to learn S4 objects, I am trying to port some c based tree code to S4 object. My immediate goal is to use .Call() interface for calling my c code from R. My long term goal is to understand how to write c structs that follows S4 classes and not the other-way-around. The c struct for the node is : typedef struct node{ int c; int n; inode **nodes; //length = n } inode; I
2010 Mar 08
setClass or setValidity?
Hi,   I'm reading up on S4 classes *). There seem to be at least two ways of input validation: setClass() (using the 'validity' argument)  and setValidity(). Is it a matter of taste which function is used? Or should more complex validation code better be put in a setValiditity call? *) A (Not So) Short Introduction to S4 Object Oriented Programming in R V0.5.1 Christophe Genolini
2007 Mar 04
Problem using callNextMethod() in S4
Dear all, Maybe, I am doing something wrong, but using R-2.5.0 on my Intel-Mac, I have problems using function callNextMethod() in method initialize. I am loading the following code as file "testS4.R": setClass("baseClass", representation(myname = "character", mydir = "character", "VIRTUAL"),
2011 Sep 14
S4 method dispatch
List, In order to get rid of some old, unreadable S3 code in package sp, I'm trying to rewrite things using S4 methods. Somewhere I fail, and I cannot sort out why. In order to isolate the problem, I created two functions, doNothing<- and dosth, and both should do nothing. The issue is that in most cases they do nothing, but in some cases dosth(obj) changes the class of obj and breaks with
2012 Mar 15
Extending a group of S4 classes by setClassUnion ?
Hi, I would like to create some S4 classes as follows setClass("Father",representation(name="character")) setClass("Son1",contains="Father",representation(par="numeric")) setClass("Son2",contains="Father",representation(par="logical")) Son1<-new("Son1") Son1 at name<-"Son1" Son1 at par<-3
2008 Feb 29
Problems initializing an extended S4 class
Hi all, I am having trouble extending S4 classes in cases where I'm using both validity and initialize methods. I've read as much S4 information as I can find, but I've yet to have that "a-ha" moment. In my application, I am using validity methods to guard against inappropriate input data that my code has no way of handling, and initialize methods to detect and deal
2004 Nov 26
Namespaces, coercion and setAs
I'm trying to resolve a small problem that has arisen from introducing a NAMESPACE for the package SparseM. Prior to the namespace I had a class "matrix.diag.csr" that consisted of diagonal sparse matrices. It was defined to have the same attributes as the matrix.csr class and setAs was used to define how to coerce integers and vectors into this form:
2008 May 07
optional setValidity()
Hi Suppose I have an S4 class "foo" and a validity checking function ".checkfoo()": setClass("foo", representation=representation("numeric")) setValidity("foo" , .checkfoo) is fine; in my application, .checkfoo() verifies that a bunch of necessary conditions are met. But .checkfoo() is very time consuming and I want to give users the option
2007 Jul 16
S4 coerce
(I am not sure if this is a bug or a request for a more understandable warning, or possible something obvious I should be posting on r-help.) I am trying to coerce an new class object to be a DBIConnection and it does not work the way I think it should: R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) ... > require("RMySQL") # or require("RSQLite") Loading required package: RMySQL Loading
2009 Jan 25
Defining an iterator
Inspired by Rudolf Biczok's query of Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:25 AM, I tried to implement iteration in a generic way using S4. (Though I am admittedly still struggling with learning S4.) > setClass("foo",representation(bar="list")) [1] "foo" > x<-new("foo",bar=list(1,2,3)) Given this, I would not expect for(i in x)... to work, since R has no way
2009 Mar 20
classes and methods
I have put together a test class and methods > setClass("foo",representation(x="numeric")) [1] "foo" > setMethod("plot","foo",function(x,y,...)boxplot(x,...)) [1] "plot" > x <- rnorm(100) > class(x) <- "foo" > plot(x) > y <- new("foo",x=rnorm(50)) > class(y) [1] "foo" My
2011 Jun 06
How can I write methods for 'as()'?
Dear list, I wonder how to write methods for the function 'as' in the sense that I can call 'as(object, Class, strict=TRUE, ext)' and let method dispatch figure out the correct method. AFAIU, there is a difference between, e.g. '' and the methods of 'as()' as stated above since the former depends on arg 'x' instead of 'object',