similar to: colocar subscripts y cursiva

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "colocar subscripts y cursiva"

2012 Jun 28
Sobre survival analysis
Hola Estoy tratando de correr un survival analysis usando un Cox regression model. Tengo una duda respecto a la organizacion del script. Tengo una variable que es -tamano del individuo- y quiero ver si hay diferencia en sobrevivencia respecto a tamano. Como diseno de campo los tamanos fueron ubicados de forma aleatoria en bloques al azar. Cuado planteo el script tengo algo como:
2012 Jun 26
MuMIn - assessing variable importance following model averaging, z-stats/p-values or CI?
Dear R users, Recent changes to the MuMIn package now means that the model averaging command (model.avg) no longer returns confidence intervals, but instead returns zvalues and corresponding pvalues for fixed effects included in models. Previously I have used this package for model selection/averaging following Greuber et al (2011) where it suggests that one should use confidence intervals from
2012 Jun 30
Significance of interaction depends on factor reference level - lmer/AIC model averaging
Dear R users, I am using lmer combined with AIC model selection and averaging (in the MuMIn package) to try and assess how isotope values (which indicate diet) vary within a population of animals. I have multiple measures from individuals (variable 'Tattoo') and multiple individuals within social groups within 4 locations (A, B, C ,D) crucially I am interested if there are
2009 Sep 25
Letra cursiva en legend()
Buenas tardes para todos, Consideren la siguiente gráfica: # Algunos datos set.seed(123) D <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 2) # Gráfico matplot(D, type = ''l'', lty = 1, col = c(3,4), las = 1, xlab = "Observación", ylab = ''Valores'') # Leyenda legend(''topleft'', c(''A1'',''A2''), text.col =
2005 Aug 12
coercing created variables into a new data frame using na.omit()
Hi, I am an R newbie and one thing I am having trouble with binding variables that I have created within one data frame into a new data frame when using na.omit(). To illustrate this problem I will give the example I am working on and the approah I have been using:- data.frame1<-filepath.... attach(data.frame1) #create a new variable using a function new.variable<-rep(1,length(weight3))
2012 May 02
MCMCglmm priors including phylogeny
Hi all, I'm hoping I might be able to get some help with some issues specifying priors for MCMCglmm. I'm trying to fit a gaussian glmm using MCMCglmm to a data set with two (correlated) response variables. The response variables are both logit-transformed proportions (there are a few reasons why I've chosen these with gaussian error over binomal glmm, which I won't go into).
2005 Dec 09
Residuals from GLMMs in the lme4 package
Hello there This is the first time I have used r-help message board so I hope I have got the right address. I am trying to check the residuals of a GLMM model(run using the package lme4). I have been able to check the residiuals of REMLs in lme4 using the following: m1<-lmer(vTotal~Week+fCollar+ (1|fCat), collars) res<-resid(m1) plot(res) qqnorm(res) library(MASS) par(mfrow=c(2,3))
2005 Aug 02
simplifying a lmer model
I have been using lmer in lme4() to analyse the effect of dropping a term from the model as below<-anova(m1,m2) Where m1 is an original model and m2 has one term removed. I can then create my own type III tables for each variable in the model. However with many variables this becomes exceedingly time consuming! anova.lme in nlme() and Anova() in car dont seem to work for lme
2010 Feb 09
Missing interaction effect in binomial GLMM with lmer
Dear all, I was wondering if anyone could help solve a problem of a missing interaction effect!! I carried out a 2 x 2 factorial experiment to see if eggs from 2 different locations (Origin = 1 or 2) had different hatching success under 2 different incubation schedules (Treat = 1 or 2). Six eggs were taken from 10 females (random = Female) at each location and split between the treatments,
2011 Feb 23
Plot confidence intervals
   Hello, list:    I'm not sure about where to send this question. I have several repeatability calculations, together with their 95% confidence intervals, and I would like to plot them, in a way similar to error bars. I was wondering if there is any specific function to do this, or any method I can apply in R, as I haven't found anything like that in the R book.    Thank you very much
2024 Feb 05
Challenges with Replicated Gluster volume after stopping Gluster on any node.
Hello Everyone, We have a replicated Gluster volume with three nodes, and we face a strange issue whenever we need to restart one of the nodes in this cluster. As per my understanding, if we shut down one node, the Gluster mount should smoothly connect to another remaining Gluster server and shouldn't create any issues. In our setup, when we stop Gluster on any of the nodes, we mostly get
2024 Feb 05
Challenges with Replicated Gluster volume after stopping Gluster on any node.
Hi, normally, when we shut down or reboot one of the (server) nodes, we call the "" script. But i think you did that, right? Best regards, Hubert Am Mo., 5. Feb. 2024 um 13:35 Uhr schrieb Anant Saraswat < anant.saraswat at>: > Hello Everyone, > > We have a replicated Gluster volume with three nodes, and we face a >
2010 Mar 04
how to create a dummy call
Hi all, What i'm going to do is that enable caller sing while playing a background music (likes karaoke). My approach is using Monitor and Meetme apps.Caller make a call to asterisk, asterisk join caller in to a voice conference and create a dummy caller which will play music, then Monitor app record both music and singer's voice. But i dont know how to create a dummy caller or throw a
2005 Sep 01
Mobilephone users get echo of them self when calling in to our asterisk server.
Hi there. The title basicly explains it. When we get incomming calls from cellular phones, the callers tend to echo ALOT. They hear their own voice at very high volums. This is a problem only for mobilphone users that calls in to us. I'm using wifi IP-phones. Asteirsk: CVS-Nv1-0-7-04/19/05 Any way to fix this on the asterisk server? Regards, Arne Morten --------------
2007 Sep 30
Flac on a mobilephone
Qestion hvow can i use my SE w800i to reed flac files from a meorycard Best regards Fredrik
2020 Feb 15
Colocar objeto Dates dentro de un vector.
Hola, Estoy encontrando un problema al intentar poner un objeto Dates en un vector o dataframe. Mi ejemplo # preliminares install.packages( lubridate ); library( lubridate ) v <- c(0, 0, 0) original<-c(2019,308,1700, 25) # c(año, día del año, hora, temperatura) esto sale así de un sensor de temperatura # convertimos los datos originales en algo que entienda R a <-
2020 Feb 17
Colocar objeto Dates dentro de un vector.
Carlos, muchas gracias, voy a probarlo. Pero me sigue intrigando por que no puedo ponerlo como elemento de un vector... Misterios del R. SI lo averiguo os lo digo. Jaume. El sáb., 15 feb. 2020 a las 19:08, Carlos Ortega (<cof en>) escribió: > Hola, > > Una alternativa que te puede ayudar es enfocar el problema de esta otra > forma. > Puedes ir guardando
2020 Feb 24
Colocar objeto Dates dentro de un vector.
Muchas gracias, Probaré eso también y ya os cuento. Jaume. El lun., 17 feb. 2020 a las 22:10, Javier Marcuzzi (< javier.ruben.marcuzzi en>) escribió: > Estimado Jaume Tormo > > En lo personal yo utilizo un enfoque como el que comenta Carlos Ortega, se > me ocurre que posiblemente funcione si a su código le coloca algo de > formato, me refiero a esta forma: >
2008 May 29
plotting zoo using datetime as xlim
is there a way to use the actual index value for plotting zoo objects this is the way that the index is set up and a sample range of what I would like to plot 01/01/06 00:00:00 - 01/01/06 23:45:00 { library(zoo) # chron library(chron) fmt.chron <- function(x) { chron(sub(" .*", "", x), gsub(".* (.*)", "\\1:00", x)) }} x <- structure(c(15.57, 15.5,
2015 Jun 05
usar Selenium para web scraping
Hola. Tengo que bajarme varias tablas del INE y necesito interactuar con el navegador. Ví el fantástico post que escribió Gregorio Serrano (que la tierra le sea leve), en y estoy intentando reproducirlo para aprender como funciona relenium Pero relenium me da error después de if(!require(relenium))