Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "MANOVA with random factor"
2012 Mar 23
Using MuMIn - error message
I hope that you can bare with me. I am new to models, but I think I have a
pretty godd understanding of how to run them now, including how to use AICc
and Anova. The issue is that I have many factors that I wish to compare so
doing each one at a time would take forever.
I came across the MuMIn package and I was so excited, however I am getting
an error message and i don't know why.
2012 Mar 27
read.octave fails with data from Octave > 3.2.X
I'm afraid that the function read.octave from package "foreign" has
some problems with the ASCII data format exported by new versions of
Octave (later than 3.2.X). It fails even for a simple case as:
[Octave code:]
octave:1> x=1;
octave:2> save -ascii testdata.mat x
[Now in R:]
> octavedata <- read.octave('testdata.mat')
Mensajes de aviso perdidos
2013 Jan 08
GLMM post- hoc comparisons
Hi All,
I have data about seed predation (SP) in fruits of three differents colors (yellow, motted, dark) and in two fruiting seasons (2007, 2008). I performed a GLMM (lmer function, lme4 package) and the outcome showed that the interaction term (color:season) was significant, and some combinations of this interaction have significant Pr(>|z|), but I don't think they are the right
2012 Mar 12
How to create interrupted boxplot
I have created two boxplots with following R code. There is one outlier in
B group.
The outlier is 33. But the all other data are between 0 to 4.
How can I skip y-axis around 5 to 25, and expand 0-4 for this case. Also I
want keep the outlier in my boxplot.
I want my boxplot look like the second one, keep the outlier, and make an
interrupt of y-axis from 5 to 25.
2012 Mar 15
Ggplot barchart drops factor levels: how to show them with zero counts?
When plotting a barchart with ggplot it drops the levels of the factor for
which no counts are available.
For example:
ggplot(mtcars[!mtcars$cyl==4,], aes(cyl))+geom_bar()
This shows my problem. Because no counts are available for factorlevel '4',
the label 4 dissapears from the plot. However, I
2012 Mar 12
Faceted bar plot shows wrong counts (ggplot2)
I have encountered a problem with faceted bar plots. I have tried to
create something like the example explained in the ggplot2 book (see pp.
mpg4 <- subset(mpg, manufacturer %in%
c("audi", "volkswagen", "jeep"))
mpg4$manufacturer <- as.character(mpg4$manufacturer)
mpg4$model <- as.character(mpg4$model)
base <-
2012 Jun 12
replacing NA for zero
Dear R users,
I have a very basic query, but was unable to find a proper anwser.
I have the following data.frame
x y
2 0.12
3 0.25
4 0.11
6 0.16
7 0.20
and, due to further calculations, I need the data to be stored as
x y
1 0
2 0.12
3 0.25
4 0.11
5 0
6 0.16
7 0.20
8 0
How do
2007 Oct 12
collapsing a data frame
Trying to find a quick/slick/easily interpretable way to
collapse a data set.
Suppose I have a data set that looks like this:
h <- structure(list(INDEX = structure(1:6, .Label = c("1", "2", "3",
"4", "5", "6"), class = "factor"), TICKS = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3
), BROOD = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label =
2013 Jul 25
ask help!
In the R console, I have the following:
> runif(10)
Error in runif(10) :
'.Random.seed' is not an integer vector but of type 'list'
Can someone advise me of the solution of the problem?
Mei-Yuan Chen
Department of Finance
NCHU, aiwan
2011 Sep 22
How make a x,y dataset from a formula based entry
Hello all,
So I am using the (formula entry) method for randomForests:
randomForest(y~x1+x2+...+x39+x40,data=xxx,...) but the issue is that some of
the items in that package dont take a formula entry - you have to explicitly
state the y and x vector:
Now my question is whether there is a function/way
2012 Jun 12
Two-way linear model with interaction but without one main effect
I know that the type of model described in the subject line violates
the principle of marginality and it is rare in practice, but there may
be some circumstances where it has sense. Let's take this imaginary
example (not homework, just a silly made-up case for illustrating the
rare situation):
I'm measuring the energy absorption of sports footwear in jumping. I
have three models (S1,
2009 Apr 01
At the moment I have 2 network connected in a VPN and I'm planning to
extend this.
Actual status:
Network A has a public IP
Network B is behind a provider-scale NAT.
Actually I'm using openvpn with a single UDP connection from B to A, and
hosts inside Network A can communicate with B.
I tried with tinc, and I saw tinc has to go TCP-Only for accomplish
this. This is because Tinc
2012 Feb 22
Dear all,
I have a (probably very basic) question. I am imputing data with the mice
package, using 10 chains. I can then write out the 10 final values of the
chains simply by
name1 <- complete(imp, 1)
name10 <- complete(imp,10)
Not a big deal, I just wanted to do that in a little loop as follows:
for (i in 1:10){
set[i] <-
2012 May 19
anovas ss typeI vs typeIII
Hi all,
I have been struggling with ANOVAs on R. I am new to R, so I created a simple data frame, and I do some analyses on R just to learn R and then check them on SPSS to make sure that I am doing fine. Here is the problem that I've run into:
when we use the aov function, it uses SS Type I as default (on SPSS it is Type III). Then I used the Anova function under cars package using the
2006 Sep 05
help: advice on the structuring of ReML models for analysing growth curves
Hi R experts,
I am interested on the effects of two dietry compunds on the growth of
chicks. Rather than extracting linear growth functions for each chick and
using these in an analysis I thought using ReML might provide a neater and
better way of doing this. (I have read the pdf vignette("MlmSoftRev") and
"Fitting linear mixed models in R" by Douglas Bates but I am not
2011 Sep 29
How to Code Random Nested Variables within Two-way Fixed Model in lmer or lme
Hi All,
I am frustrated by mixed-effects model! I have searched the web for
hours, and found lots on the nested anova, but nothing useful on my
specific case, which is: a random factor (C) is nested within one of the
fixed-factors (A), and a second fixed factor (B) is crossed with the
first fixed factor:
A x B
My question: I have a functioning model using the aov command (see
2008 Jun 25
data frame manipulation - splitting monitoring interval and assigning stage
Hello, everyone.
I'm hoping to prevent myself from doing a lot of pointing and clicking
in Excel. I have a dataframe of bird nest check observations, in which
I know the date of the first check, the date of the second check (both
currently in Julian date format), the status of the nest at the second
check (alive or failed), and the date that the nest hatched (i.e.
changed from Incubation
2001 Feb 24
Updating Starcraft?
I'm having a little trouble with trying to install newer versions of
Starcraft (updates or Brood War) on a win-free Wine installation. I can
run the installer off the original Starcraft CD, and it puts all of the
files in the right place, adds a couple registry entries, and then chokes
on creating the entries in the Start Menu. Still, I can kill the process
at that point, and I have a usable
2011 Jun 22
error using glmmML()
Dear all,
This question is basic but I am stumped. After running the below, I receive
the message: "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!"
model1 <-
data = data, cluster= data$Patch, family=binomial(link="logit"))
My response variable is sex ratio, and I have learned quickly not
2005 Nov 25
Use of nesting in lmer- error in numerical expression
Dear R users,
I am trying to fit a GLMM using lmer to a dataset where the brood identity
(LNRREIR) is nested within mothers identity. The reason for this is that
each mother can have several nests within each year and also between years.
I am running the following script (actually I have tried all different
combinations with LNRREIR and mother):
mod <- lmer(sr~z.hatchday +