similar to: need gui matrix editor: does R Core team have advice on how?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "need gui matrix editor: does R Core team have advice on how?"

2005 Oct 15
R GUI considerations (was: R, Wine, and multi-threadedness)
Hello, Following a discussion initiated on r-devel, that mentions SciViews-R and other GUIs issues for R, I would like to make comments (and would be happy if these comments would initiate interesting initiatives). A big, big problem with SciViews-R is that a part of it is written in Visual Basic 6, a M$$$$ language, not supported any more, buggy, non transposable to other platforms, etc,
2005 Sep 07
Using Tk table widget to display matrix
Has anyone written a matrix editor or data.entry() replacement using the Tk table widget? I've been playing around with the examples at and making some progress, but I'd rather not spend much time on this if someone else has already done it. Jeff
2020 May 03
Tcl.Tk Tktable package missing from R 4.0.0 on Windows
Dear R-devel list members, The Tktable package for Tcl/Tk is apparently missing from the Windows distribution of R 4.0.0. I (actually a user of the Rcmdr package) discovered this when trying to use the new-data-set dialog in the Rcmdr package, producing the error, "Tcl package 'Tktable' must be installed first." I believe the Tktable has been part of the R distribution for
2012 Mar 30
Error in use of "gwindow" and ".First" function
Hi, I saved an image and planed to open it whenever I want to load it. However, when I open it, It doesn't work. The code is following, and saved it as an image. .First<-function(){ require(tcltk) require(TeachingDemos) library(gWidgetstcltk) options(guiToolkit = "tcltk") win <- gwindow("Don't worry", visible = FALSE) } Error message is following, Error :
2008 Jan 16
Installing one channel GUI
Hello, I'm trying to install oneChannelGui on my computer. For this purpose, I've tried to carefully follow the manual, and done the following: 1. I've installed the Affy power tools 2. I've installed TCL from (by following the link at the right side of the page, and installing activeTCL8.5.0.0) Nonetheless, when I try running
2004 Apr 23
Tcl Tk table
Hi I've a problem with the following example: library(tcltk) .Tcl("array unset tclArray") myRarray <- matrix(1:1000, ncol=20) for (i in (0:49)) for (j in (0:19)) .Tcl(paste("set tclArray(",i,",",j,") ",myRarray[i+1,j+1],sep="")) tt<-tktoplevel() table1 <- tkwidget(tt,"table",variable="tclArray",
2011 Apr 08
Where is the tcltk package?
Perhaps I'm being even thicker than usual, but I can't find the tcltk package on CRAN. There is a tcltk2 package, which says that it is a collection of supplements to tcltk, but I cannot see a just-plain tcltk anywhere. If I try to install tcltk2 (from the Linux command line, or using install.packages() in R) it complains that it needs tcltk. If I try to install tcltk using
2003 Sep 30
Adding Tk extensions to R for windows
Hi, I'm developing an R/TclTk application which uses the BWidget and Tktable Tk extensions and I'm trying to make it easy to install. For now, I'm focusing on Windows users who start with nothing. I have built Tcl/Tk and Tktable for windows using Msys/MinGW. (BWidget contains only Tcl scripts so does not need building.) I have then copied Tktable and BWidget into the lib subdirectory
2012 Apr 01
bioconductor help
Hello, I have a question on how to get bioconductor running properly on Ubuntu 11.10 as I have tried everything it seems like and I keep on getting this message. But before I go farther can you please email and say that you will help me with this because nobody seems to want to help or know how to. "Cannot find Tcl/Tk package "Tktable". affylmGUI cannot conitnue...." I have
2003 Sep 05
Installing R on Red Hat Linux, Tcl/Tk
Hi, I've been trying to install R on Red Hat Linux 9 for some potential users of my R/TclTk application. I tried using the rpm for R 1.7.1 for Red Hat Linux 9. It told me that I needed: so I looked for a binary release of Tcl 8.3.x on but found that the link to the Tcl 8.3.x binaries pointed to ActiveTcl 8.4.x . I couldn't see
2003 May 20
Tcltk question for R people
Hello... Curious to know whether the TK extensions “Tktable” and “Iwidgets” will be included in future versions of R (full installation). These are key components of GUI construction and would be very useful in my current R-tcltk endeavors. I realize that I could just install a version of ActiveTcl, which includes the extensions; however, my goal is to eventually distribute my work keeping
2012 Apr 20
error loading tcltk2
Hello, I just installed R-2.15.0 on windows XP and cannot load package tcltk2 (which I just downloaded from CRAN as; package install reported no problems): > library(tcltk2) Carico il pacchetto richiesto: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk2', details: call: system("cat /etc/issue", intern = TRUE,
2009 Jan 20
tclarray with embedded spaces in data
I would like to use a tclArray: mytkarray <- tclArray() as the variable for a table: table1 <- tkwidget(f1, 'table', variable= mytkarray) but if I include character strings with embedded spaces, I get braces appearing in the table. I can remove them using a non-R tclarray, (the difference between the first example of and
2001 Sep 15
Tk version of data.entry?
Has anyone taken the time to put together a Tk version of the data.entry() function? -Greg LEGAL NOTICE Unless expressly stated otherwise, this message is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended for the addressee(s) only. Access to this E-mail by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an addressee, any disclosure or copying of the contents of this E-mail or any action taken (or
2009 Feb 10
tcltk, tcltk2, Rcmdr, Mac OS X
Dear Colleagues, When I try to install Rcmdr the following happens: ---------------------------------- > library(Rcmdr) Error in structure(.External("dotTclObjv", objv, PACKAGE = "tcltk"), class = "tclObj") : [tcl] invalid command name "font". Error : .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' Error: package/namespace load failed for
2008 Sep 25
Bug while loading Package "tcltk" with R-2.7.2 (PR#13016)
Full_Name: Cyril Alegret Version: 2.7.2 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( An error occurs when I try to load the package "tcltk2_1.0-7" with R-2.7.2 (whereas it works with version 2.6.2). Please find below the error message : "> source("C:\\Data\\Travail\\Software&Method\\R\\Procs\\Chargement des librairies.R") Le chargement a n?cessit? le package
2012 Apr 02
yet another update error
Hi, After upgrading R I always update installed packages to the new version. This time an error I have never seen or heard of appeared: thousands, perhaps millions of lines like the ones below. --------------8><-------------- error reading package index file /usr/local/lib/R/library/tcltk2/tklibs/datefield0.2/pkgIndex.tcl: too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?) error reading
2009 Apr 30
[Fwd: problems installing rjags | tcltk]
Quick followup. Confirmed that TCl/Tk are both installed on the machine (they are, in both 32- and 64-bit flavours), as are all tcl and tk-related libs, devel packages, and about everything else I could find. It occurred to me that perhaps the R I compiled isn't 'tcltk' aware. I checked the config.log, and there is some hint that this might be the case. Just before ## File
2008 Aug 08
Tcl\tk not supported on this system
In trying to install the pbatR package, I was greeted with the error Error: package 'tcltk' does not have a name space Execution halted Directly installing the package tcltk2 returned the following error: Loading required package: tcltk Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) : Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system I have seen from previous posts that tcl/tk must be
2008 Sep 01
Error with Rcmdr package
Dear all, A friend of mine, who just installed Rcmdr package. When calling the package, the error as following comes up. And actually, I've checked in CRAN packages, the tcltk package doesn't exist anymore, but tcltk2. Any help is appreciated Regards Nguyen D Nguyen Garvan Institute of Medical Research Sydney, Australia library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk