similar to: Possible bug in edit(x) for editing matrices [tested on a Mac]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Possible bug in edit(x) for editing matrices [tested on a Mac]"

2012 Jan 13
checkRd freezes while parsing erroneous preprocessor macros
Dear developers, I came across with a bug while parsing Rd files. Given is the following minimal Rd file: ---- \name{foo} \title{foo} \description{ #ifdef windows win #endifd #ifdef unix unix #endif } ---- By accident I have a typo at line 6, instead of having #endif I typed #endifd. If I run checkRd(), parse_Rd(), Rd2HTML(), or others including the command line "R CMD Rconv" R
2011 Nov 10
unable to load Hmisc in R 2.14.0
On my MacBook Pro (OS 10.6.8), after updating to R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) and reinstalling the Hmisc package, I am unable to load the Hmisc library. Hmisc was working *before* I updated R. Any idea what's wrong? Details below. > install.packages("Hmisc", dependencies=TRUE) trying URL '' Content
2011 Nov 18
libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.2.26 but running with 1.5.2
Hi, I have a problem on my mac when trying in R to produce png images. I am getting this warnings with the ArrayQualityMetrics package: > arrayQualityMetrics(rma_fatBody, outdir="normData", force =T) The report will be written into directory 'normData'. KernSmooth 2.23 loaded Copyright M. P. Wand 1997-2009 (loaded the KernSmooth namespace) libpng warning: Application built
2012 Jan 10
importing S3 methods with importFrom
In my own package, I want to use the default S3 method of the generic function lrtest() from the lmtest package. Since I need only one function from lmtest, I tried to use importFrom in my NAMESPACE: importFrom(lmtest, lrtest) However, this fails R CMD check in the examples: Error in UseMethod("lrtest") : no applicable method for 'lrtest' applied to an object of class
2011 Apr 14
Problem with R 2.13.0 Task Views (on Mac)
Dear R-users, After upgrading to the recent version of R, I'm having a problem updating task views: > sessionInfo() R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit) locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: [1] datasets utils stats graphics grDevices methods base other attached packages: [1]
2012 Oct 19
Mac and Windows binaries of rJava broken for R-devel?
Hi, Here is a problem we see with the Mac and Windows binaries of rJava (0.9-3) currently available on CRAN for R-devel (i.e. under bin/macosx/leopard/contrib/2.16/ and bin/windows/contrib/2.16/): > library(rJava) > .jinit("gaggle/inst/jars/gaggleRShell.jar") Error in .Call("R_do_new_object", ClassDef, PACKAGE = "base") :
2012 Mar 27
rgl package broke with R 2.14.2
Dear People I can't figure out how to fix this problem: rgl won't run under R 2.14.2 (it was working for me before under 2.14.0). The error message is: > library(rgl) Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rgl', details: call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) error: unable to load shared object '/Library/Frameworks/
2012 Mar 28
Grafico en 3D
Buenas tardes, Podria por favor alguien ayudarme a descifrar por que no es posible ver la grafica 3D cuando se utiliza lattice? Ya se que algunas veces los duendes hacen de las suyas, pero no estoy seguro de que este sea el caso. He reiniciado R, cambiado a RStudio y utilizado XP, pero no pasa "nada". Mi sessionInfo() es: R version 2.14.0 Patched (2011-11-12 r57642) Platform:
2011 Jun 29
Compilation error Mac binary
Hello, the compilation of the GUTS package on CRAN for Mac produces the following error messages: I guess it is some namespace collision, but I can not reproduce it on my machine, it compiles fine here. What is the cause and which setup do I need to reproduce the errors? R: version platform
2011 Jan 13
Openbugs and rbugs on mac with wine
Hello list, I?ve been trying to get OpenBUGS running on my mac using the wine emulator. I can run Openbugs just fine by doing: wine ~/OpenBUGS312/OpenBUGS.exe In the terminal, so OpenBUGS works. When I try to run the schools example using rbugs(), the OpenBUGS process starts in wine, but it just sits there, no log, no script, no output of any sort. The rbugs () call makes the init,
2011 Nov 24
Installing rJava from source on Mac
Hi Everybody I am trying to install the latest version of JavaGD from source but get the following error. trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 102242 bytes (99 Kb) opened URL ================================================== downloaded 99 Kb * installing *source* package ‘JavaGD’ ...
2012 Nov 19
tcltk freezing using MS Windows for R-2.14+
I am the maintainer of a Bioconductor package (affylmGUI) which uses tcltk. It freezes inconsistently on MS Windows, but not Mac or Unix. see details below. After considerable testing I have reduced the problem from a few thousand lines of code to 30 lines! If you paste the following lines of code into an R window: testGUI <- function(){ require(tcltk) MainWindow <-
2012 Sep 28
Simple Question
Hi Everyone, I am trying a very simple task to append the Timestamp with a variable name so something like a_2012_09_27_00_12_30 <- rnorm(1,2,1). Tried some commands but it doesn't work out well. Hope someone has some answer on it. Session Info R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) Platform: i386-apple-darwin9.8.0/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1]
2012 Feb 02
Problem with range()
Hello, I'm using range do define boundaries for a linear model, so the line I graph is only graphed for the range of data. There are NAs in the data, but I dont remember this being a problem before. I typed na.action=na.omit anyway, which has usually solved any NA issues in the past. Any idea why R cant do vector functions for these data? Solution? Thanks, Colin Wahl M.S. Biology candidate
2011 Apr 05
Precision of summary() when summarizing variables in a data frame
Hi, I summary() a variable with 409908 numeric observations. The variable is part of a data.frame. The problem is that the min and max returned by summary() do not equal the ones returned by min() and max(). Does anybody know why that is? > min(data$vc) [1] 15452 > max(data$vc) [1] 316148 > summary(data$vc) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 15450 21670 40980
2010 Nov 29
Replacing several rows of a matrix at once
Hello Folks. This must be a silly question with a (not) obvious (to me) answer. Consider this: tmp <- matrix(1:200, nrow = 20) vec <- 300:309 tmp[9,] <- vec # replacing one row works fine p <- c(3, 11, 17) tmp[p,] <- vec # replacing multple rows pastes the values down a column and recycles vec. What I want to do is replace multiple rows simultaneously at once. I suppose I can
2012 Mar 17
parApply vs parCapply
I've started to use the parallel package and it works very well speeding things up. Thank you for making this easy to do. Should I have expected that parCapply would return a vector when parApply returns a matrix? library(parallel) x <- matrix(rnorm(8), nc = 2) apply(x, 2, function(y) y) [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.9649685 0.91339851 [2,] -1.4313140 0.13457671 [3,] 1.0499248
2012 Mar 19
enableJIT(3) with Primitives
I'm not sure if this is a bug or expected behavior, but I don't see anything in the documentation that explains it, so I thought I'd mention it: ~ michaelweylandt$ R -q --vanilla library(compiler) enableJIT(3) `+` # Throws an error `+` # Throws a warning `+` # Prints the primitive as expected sessionInfo() R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) Platform: i386-apple-darwin9.8.0/i386
2013 Feb 07
It's a BUG or a Feature? Generating seq break comparing operators
Hello everybody: I get a strange behavior with seq, take a look at this: > msd <- seq(0.05,0.3, 0.01) > msd[13] [1] 0.17 > class(msd) [1] "numeric" > class(msd[13]) [1] "numeric" > typeof(msd[13]) [1] "double" now the problem: > msd[13] == 0.17 [1] FALSE It is strange only to me? Consider that: > 0.17 == 0.17 [1] TRUE and also > a
2013 Feb 01
the word "rand" comes up in console after typing a command
Hi list, I keep on getting this "rand" word come up on my console. It shows up maybe one out 20 times I type in R console. I don't understand why it is coming up? > mean(variables) [1] -0.41 rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand> mean(variables) > rm(list=ls()) rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand rand