similar to: RcppArmadillo compilation error: R CMD SHLIB returns status 1

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "RcppArmadillo compilation error: R CMD SHLIB returns status 1"

2012 May 03
Setting up a windows system for rcpp
I am running into a wall getting my system to work with rcpp and inline. Following Dirk's advice on stackoverflow, I hope someone is able to help me. My steps were to install MinGW 32 bit first, then installing Rtools, I disabled MinGW's entry in the PATH. I am trying to get the following code to work: library(Rcpp) library(inline) body <- ' NumericVector xx(x); return wrap(
2013 May 24
Rcpp with OpenMP - Need example Makevars
Dear R experts, recently I started developing a Rcpp package "OpenMPTest". Within that package I want to use OpenMP, as in the following code example: // header file #include <omp.h> using namespace Rcpp ; RcppExport SEXP testOpenMP( SEXP nThreads ) ; // cpp file SEXP testOpenMP( SEXP nThreads ) { BEGIN_RCPP NumericVector numberThreads = NumericVector( nThreads );
2010 May 17
Rcpp 0.8.0 on CRAN
===== Summary ===== Version 0.8.0 of the Rcpp package was released to CRAN today. This release marks another milestone in the ongoing redesign of the package, and underlying C++ library. ===== Overview ===== Rcpp is an R package and C++ library that facilitates integration of C++ code in R packages. The package features a set of C++ classes (Rcpp::IntegerVector, Rcpp::Function,
2010 May 17
Rcpp 0.8.0 on CRAN
===== Summary ===== Version 0.8.0 of the Rcpp package was released to CRAN today. This release marks another milestone in the ongoing redesign of the package, and underlying C++ library. ===== Overview ===== Rcpp is an R package and C++ library that facilitates integration of C++ code in R packages. The package features a set of C++ classes (Rcpp::IntegerVector, Rcpp::Function,
2014 Mar 03
reference classes, LAZY_DUPLICATE_OK, and external pointers
We (the lme4 authors) are having a problem with doing a proper deep copy of a reference class object in recent versions of R-devel with the LAZY_DUPLICATE_OK flag in src/main/bind.c enabled. Apologies in advance for any improper terminology. TL;DR Is there an elegant way to force non-lazy/deep copying in our case? Is anyone else using reference classes with a field that is an external pointer?
2013 Apr 13
how to add a row vector in a dataframe
Hi, Using S=1000 and simdata <- replicate(S, generate(3000)) #If you want both "m1" and "m0" #here the missing values are 0 res1<-sapply(seq_len(ncol(simdata.psm1)),function(i) {x1<-merge(simdata.psm0[,i],simdata.psm1[,i],all=TRUE); x1[]<-0; x1}) res1[,997:1000] #????? [,1]???????? [,2]???????? [,3]???????? [,4]??????? #x1??? Numeric,3000 Numeric,3000
2009 Dec 31
Obtaining partial output from a function that does not run to completion.
I have written a function that contains runs lm() vif() and glm() When the glm() blows up with an error message, I don't get the output from either the lm() or vf() even thought neither lm() nor vif() have any problems . How can I force the function to print sequential results rather than wait for the entire function to complete before listing the functhion's output? Thanks, John
2011 Feb 06
Help with integrating R and c/c++
Hi, I have been using R for close to two years now and have grown quite comfortable with the language. I am presently trying to implement an optimization routine in R (Newton Rhapson). I have some R functions that calculate the gradient and hessian (pre requisite matrices) fairly efficiently. Now, I have to call this function iteratively until some convergance criterion is reached. I think the
2010 Aug 31
cannot allocate vector of size 381.5 Mb
Hi, I read some posts from the mailing list on the same problem, but it seems that i still cannot solve this problem. I only want to generate some simulated data. #Generate 2500 observations-it works without errors > coords<-as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0,100,length.out=50), seq(0,100,length.out=50))) #SimData is a user-written function > SimBinData<-SimData(n=2500,coords=coords,
2009 Dec 30
glm error: cannot correct step size
R 2.8.1 windows XP I am getting an error message that I don't understand when I try to run GLM. The error only occurs when I have all independent variables in the model. When I drop one independent variable, the model runs fine. Can anyone help me understand what the error means and how I can correct it? Thank you, John > fit11<-glm(AAMTCARE~BMI+BMIsq+SEX+jPHI+jMEDICAID+factor(AgeCat)+
2009 Dec 09
Why cannot get the expected values in my function
Hi, In the following function, i hope to save my simulated data into the "result" dataset, but why the final "result" dataset seems not to be generated. #Function simdata<-function (nsim) { result<-matrix(NA,nrow=nsim,ncol=2) colnames(result)<-c("x","y") for (i in 1:nsim) { set.seed(i) result[i,]<- cbind(runif(1),runif(1)) }
2006 Mar 16
lme4/Matrix: Call to .Call("mer_update_y"...) and LMEoptimize gives unexpected side effect...
Dear all I want to compute Monte Carlo p-values in lmer-models based on sampled data sets. To speed up calculations, I've tried to use internal functions from the Matrix package (as suggested ealier on the list by Doug Bates). So I did: fm2 <- lmer(resistance ~ ET + position + (1|Grp), Semiconductor,method='ML') simdata<-simulate(fm2,nsim=1) ynew <- simdata[,1] mer
2012 Nov 25
Problema de compilacion con Rcpp
Hola, necesito compilar un programa de tipo source (Rstan) con c++ La propia web del programa indica como hacerlo con Rcpp. Sin embargo no consigo que funcione Rcpp ni con un ejemplo básico. He seguido las instrucciones que vienen en Tengo instalado Rtools y los paths correspondientes, pero no
2006 Aug 31
what's wrong with my simulation programs on logistic regression
Dear friends, I'm doing a simulation on logistic regression model, but the programs can't work well,please help me to correct it and give some suggestions. My programs: data<-matrix(rnorm(400),ncol=8) #sample size is 50 data<-data.frame(data) names(data)<-c(paste("x",1:8,sep="")) #8 independent variables,x1-x8; #logistic regression model is
2014 Jan 15
rbinom in RcppArmadillo?
What is the RcppArmadillo way to make binomial draws from a vector of probs, similar to what rbinom does in R? Thanx! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R devel mailing list archive at
2009 Jan 13
problem whit Geneland
I do the these passages: library(Geneland) set.seed(1) data <- simdata(nindiv=200, coord.lim=c(0,1,0,1) , number.nuclei=5 , allele.numbers=rep(10,20), IBD=FALSE, npop=2, give.tess.grid=FALSE) geno <- data$genotypes coord <- t(data$coord.indiv) path.mcmc <-
2010 Jan 02
Help with tryCatch
Windows XP R 2.8.1 Colleagues, I am trying to run a function testone() and if the function completes without error do one set of instructions, and if the function generates either a warning or an error run another set of instructions. I have read try, and tryCatch help screens at least 20 times, have tried to experiment with code, but I can't understand how to accomplish my desired task.
2008 Sep 07
an error to call 'gee' function in R
Dear List: I found an error when I called the 'gee' function. I cannot solve and explain it. There are no errors when I used the 'geeglm' function. Both functions fit the gee model. The project supervisor recommends me to use the 'gee' function. But I cannot explain to him why this error happens. Would you help me solve this problem? I appreciate your help. In
2006 Aug 02
Trying to use segmented in a function
Hi folks I wonder if anyone can help me. I want to run some simulations to see how big a sample size might be necessary to distinguish a curved bivariate relationship (e.g. something that might be best described by a quadratic model) from a relationship that is two straight lines with a sudden change in slope (e.g. something best described by a breakpoint regression). I am using
2013 May 29
Hi, You might need to check library(boot).? I have never used that before.? So, I can't comment much.? It is better to post on R-help list.? I had seen your postings on Nabble in the past.? Unfortunately those postings were not accepted in R-help.? You have to directly post at ? r-help at after registering at: ?