Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "basehaz() in package survival and warnings with coxph"
2012 Aug 08
basehaz() in package 'Survival' and warnings() with coxph
I have a couple of questions with regards to fitting a coxph model to a data
set in R:
I have a very large dataset and wanted to get the baseline hazard using the
basehaz() function in the package : 'survival'.
If I use all the covariates then the output from basehaz(fit), where fit is
a model fit using coxph(), gives 507 unique values for the time and the
corresponding cumulative
2007 Jan 19
Error in basehaz function ?
Hello R-users.
I believe that the way basehaz (in the survival package) compute the
baseline hazard function is false.
I come to question this function when it gives me hazard probabilities
greater than 1.
Looking at the code I think I've localised the error :
hazard probability is computed as :
H <- -log(surv)
but it seems to me that hazard probabilities is rather an instantaneous
2007 Sep 27
center option of basehaz in survfit
I have a very general question about what the centering option in basehaz does to factors. (basehaz computes the baseline cumulative hazard for a coxph object using the Breslow estimator).
Lets say I'm interested in a survival model with two (dichotomous) factors and a continuous covariate.
Variable Possible Values
Factor1 0 or 1
Factor2 0 or 1
2008 Apr 07
basehaz and newdata
I am unable to get the basehaz function to apply a proportional
hazards model to a new data frame. I replicated my specific situation
with the example for coxph in the help, where I changed the x value of
the first record from 0 to 1. Is there something incorrect in the
syntax that I am using? Thanks in advance!
test1 <- list(time= c(4, 3,1,1,2,2,3),
2009 Mar 14
obtaining the values for the hazard function in a cox regression
Hello ,
I am hoping for some advice regarding obtaining the values for the
hazard function in a cox regression that I have undertaken. I have a
model in the following form, analysed with the package survival (v.
2.34-1) and a log-log plot obtained using Design (v. 2.1-2).
For two variables, the lines in the survival curves crossed. The
statistician I been obtaining advice from (who does not
2009 Dec 16
Baseline survival estimate
Dear R-help,
I am trying to obtain the baseline survival estimate of a fitted Cox model
(S_0 (t)). I know that previous posts have said use 'basehaz' but this
gives the baseline hazard function and not the baseline survival estimate.
Is there a way to obtain the baseline survival estimate or do I have to use
the formula which does something like S(t) = exp[- the integral from 0 to t
2012 Jan 25
formula error inside function
I want use survfit() and basehaz() inside a function, but it doesn't work.
Could you take a look at this problem. Thanks for your help. Following is my
n <- 50 # total sample size
nclust <- 5 # number of clusters
clusters <- rep(1:nclust,each=n/nclust)
beta0 <- c(1,2)
#generate phmm data set
Z <- cbind(Z1=sample(0:1,n,replace=TRUE),
2009 Oct 27
cox regression extract strata as numeric
Hi there,
I perform a stratified cox and then I need the strata as a numeric array "straft.ln"
ft.ln <- coxph(Surv(times,deaths)~ages+chemos+chemos:f1+chemos:f2+horms+horms:f1+horms:f2+grades+grades:f1+grades:f2+positives+positives:f1+positives:f2+sizes+sizes:f1+sizes:f2+strata(stra),data=ddd)
2005 Jun 10
Estimate of baseline hazard in survival
Dear All,
I'm having just a little terminology problem, relating the language used in
the Hosmer and Lemeshow text on Applied Survival Analysis to that of the
help that comes with the survival package.
I am trying to back out the values for the baseline hazard, h_o(t_i), for
each event time or observation time.
Now survfit(fit)$surv gives me the value of the survival function,
2012 Jul 06
How to compute hazard function using coxph.object
My question is, how to compute hazard function(H(t)) after building the
coxph model. I even aware of the terminology that differs from hazard
function(H(t)) and the hazard rate(h(t)). Here onward I wish to calculate
Here what I have done in two different methods;
2009 May 04
Nelson-Aalen estimator of cumulative hazard
I am computing the Nelson-Aalen (NA) estimate of baseline cumulative hazard in two different ways using the "survival" package. I am expecting that they should be identical. However, they are not. Their difference is a monotonically increasing with time. This difference is probably not large to make any impact in the application, but is annoyingly non-trivial for me to just
2004 Aug 13
How to use the whole dataset (including between events) in Cox model (time-varying covariates) ?
coxph does not use any information that are in the dataset between event
times (or "death times") , since computation only occurs at event times.
For instance, removing observations when there is no event at that time in
the whole dataset does not change the results:
> set.seed(1)
> data <-
2011 Jun 16
coxph: cumulative mortality hazard over time with associated confidence intervals
Dear R-users,
I computed a simple coxph model and plotted survival over time with
associated confidence intervals for 2 covariate levels (males and
M1 <- coxph(survobject~sex, data=surv)
survsex <- survfit(survobject~sex,data=surv)
plot(survsex, conf.int=T, col=c("black","red"), lty = c(1,2),
lwd=c(1,2), xlab="Time",
2009 Feb 23
predicting cumulative hazard for coxph using predict
I am estimating the following coxph function with stratification and frailty?where each person had multiple events.
> head(xmodel)
id enum dtime status gender cage uplf
1 1008666 1 2259.1412037 1 MA 0.000 0
2 1008666 2 36.7495023 1 MA 2259.141 0
3 1008666
2003 Aug 04
coxph and frailty
I have a few clarification questions about the elements returned by
the coxph function used in conjuction with a frailty term.
I create the following group variable:
group <- NULL
group[id<50] <- 1
group[id>=50 & id<100] <- 2
group[id>=100 & id<150] <- 3
group[id>=150 & id<200] <- 4
group[id>=200 & id<250] <- 5
2004 Jul 04
smooth non cumulative baseline hazard in Cox model
Hi everyone.
There's been several threads on baseline hazard in Cox model but I think
they were all on cumulative baseline hazard,
for instance
"basehaz" in package survival seems to do a cumulative hazard.
extract from the basehaz function:
sfit <- survfit(fit)
2006 Mar 07
breslow estimator for cumulative hazard function
Dear R-users,
I am checking the proportional hazard assumption of a cox model for a
given covariate, let say Z1, after adjusting for other relavent covariates
in the model. To this end, I fitted cox model stratified on the discrete
values of Z1 and try to get beslow estimator for the baseline cumulative
hazard function (H(t)) in each stratum. As far as i know, if the
proportionality assumption
2008 Aug 06
Help in running Stata dataset in R
Dear All,
I installed R 2.7.0 and tried to call a dataset i had ealier own called
on R2.6.2 but i keep on getting an error:
Error in fromchar(x) :
character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Tried doing the same with R2.7.1 but i get the same error.
However if i call the same on R 2.6.2, there is no error:
> des()
2008 Nov 05
I ran the coxph model and everything worked fine. When I extract the
output from the basehaz(y) function and was wondering if that baseline
is cumulative or not.
I then do:
F(t,t+1)=1-exp(h_0(t+1) exp(coeff(1)*covariate(1)+...))
Does this give me the probability of death from t to t+1 (in which case
the baseline is not cumulative) or the probability of death before t+1
(in which case the
2009 Jun 20
Plotting Cumulative Hazard Functions with Strata
So i've fit a hazard function to a set of data using
kmfit<-survfit(Surv(int, event)~factor(cohort))
this factor variable, "cohort" has four levels so naturally the strata
variable has 4 values.
I can use this data to estimate the hazard rate
and calculate the cumulative hazard function by
Now, I would like to plot this