Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Z score in gplots"
2010 Sep 18
Drawing Heatmap using gplots
I am using heatmap.2 of gplots to make heatmaps of my the attached file. I
am giving my code for the same ..
x=read.table("1.txt", header=TRUE)
heatmap.2(mat, col=greenred(75),
distfun = dist,
hclustfun = hclust,
dendrogram = c("both"),
scale = c("row"),
2012 Jan 28
gplot heatmap
I am drawing a heat map using gplots of R package. The file (new4) is
having values 0 and 1 only.
x=read.table("new4", header=TRUE)
distfun = dist,
hclustfun = hclust,
dendrogram = c("row"),
scale =
2011 Apr 13
Clustering help in Heat Maps
Dear Experts,
I am using the below script to generate the heat map of gene expression
data. I am using Hierarchical Clustering (hclust) for clustering. Now I want
to compare different clustering parameters such as *K-means* clustering, Model
Based Clustering,
I have two queries:
1. How to incorporate different clustering method in the same code?
2. Is this possible to implement pvclust in the
2009 Jul 21
problem with heatmap.2 in package gplots generating non-finite breaks
I have written a wrapper for heatmap.2 called
heatmap.w.row.and.col.clust which auto-generates breaks using
breaks<-round((c(seq(from=(-20 * stddev), to=(20 * stddev))))/20,
digits = 2) #(stddev in this case = 2.5)
This has always worked well in the past but now I am getting an error
that non-finite breaks are being generated. Drilling down, it seems
that my wrapper is generating finite
2006 May 16
reordering materix presentation in heatmap.2 in the 'gplots' library
Dear R users,
I'm trying to create images of 2 symmetrical matrices using heatmap.2 of the 'gplots' library. Both matrices have the same row and column names
For the first matrix I'm using the default clustering and column denrogram options:
heatmap.2(Matrix1, symm=T, breaks=20, col=rich.colors(19), main="matrix1", density.info="histogram",
2010 Mar 16
heatmap.2 - ColSideColors question
I wanted to make more than one side color bar. For example, I can make one side color bar (col1) with the following code:
mat <- matrix(sample(1:100,40),nrow=5)
class1 <- c(rep(0,4),rep(1,4))
col1 <- ifelse(class1 == 0,"blue","red")
class2 <- c(rep(1,3),rep(2,5))
col2 <- ifelse(class2 ==
2004 Feb 16
labRow/labCol options in heatmap()
The function heatmap() allows to specify row/column labels
via the options labRow/labCol. From the code of heatmap(),
I understand that when no labels are specified, the row/column
labels (or indices) of the input matrix are taken as labels and
re-ordered together with the rows and columns of the matrix before
plotting, whereas labels supplied via labRow/labCol are plotted
in the original order.
2010 Mar 20
abline on heatmap
Is there a way I can draw an abline on a heatmap? I try the abline function, but don't get the line. My sample code is:
mat <- matrix(sample(1:100,40),nrow=5)
dendrogram = "column",labCol = NULL)
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2020 Jun 21
Possible bug in heatmap()?
Dear All,
There might be a bug in heatmap():
x <- matrix(rnorm(10*5), 10, 5)
heatmap(x, labCol=1:5)
Error in axis(1, 1L:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, :
'at' and 'labels' lengths differ, 5 != 10
Works fine under 4.0.1. Looking at the code from 4.0.1 vs. Rdevel, esp. this part sticks out:
labRow <- labRow[rowInd] %||% rownames(x) %||%
2011 Sep 21
heatmap.2 with colsep and sepwidth
I am using attributes colsep and sepwidth from heatmap.2 function,
however when using larger values for sepwidth the following columns are
not moved to the right but the seperator is covering the column(s) with
a white bar and the column labels and ColSideColors remain at their
positions, is this intended? I expected the following columns to be
shifted to the right by sepwidth. Is there a way
2010 Sep 11
Argument lib is missing
Dear all,
I have installed R using yum install R-2.9. I am able to use R for general
functions but when I installed some library say gplots I am getting the
below error.
> install.packages("gplots")
Warning in install.packages("gplots") :
argument 'lib' is missing: using
Warning: unable to access index
2006 Feb 02
Heatmap.2 axes question
I'm suppressing the labeling of my rows and columns in heatmap.2 using the
labRow = " ", labCol = " "
But I'd like to annotate them again using the axis command:
axis(1, at=seq(500, 1000, 500))
mtext("Group 1", "Group 2")
For some reason however it appears that the axis command is having no
effect. My complete
2011 May 07
venn diagramm
Dear all,
I have a set of five datasets with string, for which I need to draw the venn
diagram. there are tools available to draw venn diagram online, but limited
to three sets. I can also generate venn for three from limma package, but do
not know how to proceed with five subsets.
Help me in drawing the same any script .
Thank you
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2008 Nov 25
row labels in heatmap.2(package gplots)
Dear R users,
I have a question regarding how to make row labels readable in a heat map.
I have successfully made a heat map using function "heatmap.2" in the package "gplots". However, as there are many rows in the heat map, I have difficulties labeling them (heatmap.2 provides a parameter "labRow" to label the row names, but as I have too many rows, I can not make
2006 Jul 17
Correlation Mapping
On the cover of Zivot and Wang's Modeling Financial Time Series with S
Plus, there is a correlation plot that seems to indicate the strength
of correlation with color-coded squares, so that more highly
correlated stocks appear darker red. If anybody out there is familiar
with the book or understands what I am talking about, I am curious as
to whether or not there is a similar function in R
2011 Feb 24
set argument of a function by string variable
Hi folks,
I am wondering if the following is possible: I want to control the
arguments sent to a function by string variables. For example, instead of
> heatmap.2( A, col=greenred(75) )
I would want to have something like:
> heatmap.2 ( paste(A, "col=greenred(75)", sep=",") )
Is this possible to do that?
2011 Jul 27
Inversions in hierarchical clustering were they shouldn't be
I''m using heatmap.2 to cluster my data, using the centroid method for clustering and the maximum method for calculating the distance matrix:
test <- matrix(c(0.96, 0.07, 0.97, 0.98, 0.50, 0.28, 0.29, 0.77,
0.08, 0.96, 0.51, 0.51, 0.14, 0.19, 0.41, 0.51),
ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
2004 Sep 07
gridBase and heatmap
I would like to use gridBase to place four separate heatmaps (actually,
a stripped-down heatmap.2 from ght gregmisc package that contains only
the "image" part) into four different viewports. I can get the
placement correct, but I keep 'losing' the previous plot. Any
Here is some quick example code trying to put a heatmap into the left
viewport and then
2005 Oct 03
i created a graph with heatmap(sma) function:
and I wish to change the gradation of colors from blue to red, how could
i do?
Using "heatmap(dataHeat(x), col=c(2,4))" i will use only 2 colors
without gradation.
Ty so much
2009 Jan 20
heatmap.2 color issue
Dear All:
I tried to use heatmap.2 to generate hierarchical clustering using the following command:
heatmap.2(datamatrix, scale="row", trace="none", col=greenred(256), labRow=genelist[,1], margins=c(10,10), Rowv=TRUE, Colv=TRUE)
datamatrix is subset of a RMA normalized data subset by a genelist.
The problem is a lot of times, the z-score in key are from, like -5 to 15 or