Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "R bioconductor agilent aCGH analysis"
2004 May 17
Bioconductor 1.4 released
The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 5th release of
Bioconductor, version 1.4. There are many new packages as well as
several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are
encouraged to upgrade existing tools and check out the new packages.
Release 1.4 is intended to be operated with R version 1.9.x, which can
be obtained at CRAN
2005 Oct 03
unable to compute MAD in aCGH package
I am currently using the aCGH package in R version 2.1.0 Windows with some
supporting packages (eg. cluster) built under R 2.1.1.Using aCGH package,
I am able to identify regions of genomic aberrations in my cell lines
using the HMM model. However, when I tried to use aCGH for my paraffin
embeded tumour sample, I got the following warning.
Warning: MAD could not ben computed for one of
2019 Nov 15
S3 methods in packages. Change in R 4.0.0?
since Bioconductor devel branch 3.11 started, which is operating with
R-devel 4.0.0 (for e.g. 2019-11-03 r77362 on OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan),
my package CFAssay 1.21.0 is not built on none of all three Systems,
Linux, Windos and Mac. The error message refers to xy.coords which is
called by R function plot.default. I found out that it has to do with
the S3 object system. In my package I
2011 Jul 28
filterMicroRna function: Sample replicates in preprocessing Agilent miRNA dataset
I have a question about filterMicroRna in AgiMicroRna package function for filtering probes in Agilent microRNA dataset.
>ddPROC = filterMicroRna(ddNORM.micro, dd, control = TRUE, IsGeneDetected = TRUE, wellaboveNEG = FALSE, limIsGeneDetected = 75, limNEG = 25, makePLOT = TRUE, target.micro, verbose = TRUE)
If in a dataset there are two or more sample replicates and in the step of
2012 May 23
File format for single channel analysis of Agilent microarray data in Limma?
I am following the protocol outlined here for analysis of single channel
Agilent microarray data:
I keep getting the following error message when using Limma's read.maimages
function to load my data into an RGList object:
Error in RG[[a]][, i] <- obj[, columns[[a]]] :
number of
2008 Oct 03
Problem with read.table in Windows and Linux
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to open the same file under Linux and Windows. Under Windows everything is ok but when I try to do it under Linux I have a mistake and I don't know why. This is the mistake:
Error in make.names(col.names,unique=TRUE):
string multibyte 1 invalid
I write this when I want to do it under Windows: zz.info<-read.table(file("C:/Documents and
2011 Jun 07
Error message
fn <- dir(pattern="txt",full.name=T)
> fn
[1] "./GSM696980_US81503234_252741110209_S01_CGH_107_Sep09_1_1_32914.txt"
[2] "./GSM696981_US81503234_252741110209_S01_CGH_107_Sep09_1_2_32916.txt"
[3] "./GSM696982_US81503234_252741110209_S01_CGH_107_Sep09_1_3_33021.txt"
[4] "./GSM696983_US81503234_252741110209_S01_CGH_107_Sep09_1_4_33024.txt"
2012 Oct 07
BioConductor package: 'oligo'
Dear Help,
After loading the pd.Citrus library and checking the DataFrame, I ran
> the R code for:
> 1) 'oligo'
> {> library(pd.citrus)
> Loading required package: RSQLite
> Loading required package: DBI
> > data(pmSequence)
> > show(pmSequence)
> DataFrame with 341730 rows and 2 columns
> fid sequence
> <integer>
2009 Apr 20
generic genotype calling algorithm?
I have Agilent and Illumina SNP data. That's the only thing I know about the
files - there seem to be no version specification in any of them.
Is there a generic genotype calling algorithm that I could try to use on
these datasets?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/generic-genotype-calling-algorithm--tp23141124p23141124.html
Sent from the R help
2012 Feb 21
"CV" for log normal data
Hi, I have a microarray dataset from Agilent chips. The data were really log ratio between test samples and a universal reference RNA. Because of the nature of log ratios, coefficient of variation (CV) doesn't really apply to this kind of data due to the fact that mean of log ratio is very close to 0. What kind of measurements would people use to measure the dispersion so that I can compare
2009 Aug 07
error installing bioconductor
Hi, I am new to R. I am downloaded the installer for R 2.9.1, and that
installed just fine.
Then I want to install Biocondcutor packages. According to bioconductor
website, I input the following commands.
> source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> bioLite()
Error: could not find function "bioLite"
What am I doing wrong here?
View this message in
2006 Aug 29
Bioconductor installation errors
I follow the Bioconductor instruction (http://www.bioconductor.org/download
<http://www.bioconductor.org/download> ) to install Biocoductor, there have
some errors:
/usr/lib/R/bin/SHLIB: line 115: make: command not found
chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/affyio/libs/*': No such
file or directory
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'affyio'
2004 Oct 12
R/BioConductor error (PR#7282)
Full_Name: H Deshmukh
Version: 2.0
OS: 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
Can somebody tell me what is it that i am doing wrong,i was not sure whether to
post BioConductor error here or not.
> getBioC(libName = "all")
Running getBioC version 1.2.65....
If you encounter problems, first make sure that
2006 Jun 20
Installing bioconductor
I been trying to install bioconducter into R using the script on the bioconductor home page. However, I get this error message:
> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
Error in file(file, "r", encoding = encoding) :
unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
unable to connect to 'www.bioconductor.org' on port 80.
It is maybe
2006 May 14
Bioconductor AND Genetics Library
I am aware of the R Genetics Project that developed the R library and
software called Bioconductor (http://www.bioconductor.org/ ) . How do the
two relate to each other? What is the one that the other is not and vice
versa? Can anybody link me to something that answers the question?
Farrel Buchinsky, MD
Pediatric Otolaryngologist
Allegheny General Hospital
Pittsburgh, PA
2008 Oct 06
Bioconductor installation on 64 bit R problem
I am attempting to install Bioconductor on 64 bit R. The installation of some bioconductor packages fails with the errors below. I would be very grateful for any help on how to resolve the issue.
Best regards,
Octavio Espinosa
Most of the bioconductor packages won't install, for examples 'Biobase'
errors with:
** building package indices ...
2011 Jan 24
Setting bioconductor repository in .Rprofile. Is there a permanent way?
I currently set the Bioconductor repository in my .Rprofile using this
code (which needs editing for every version number change of
# Choose repositories
repos <- structure(c(CRAN="http://streaming.stat.iastate.edu/CRAN",
2013 Oct 23
Problema con Bioconductor y R 3.0.2
No se bien si hacer la pregunta aca, pero en la lista de correo de
bioconductor he tenido algunos problemas para hacer la consulta.
Por un error actualice R de la version 15.0.3 a la 3.0.2, y ahora no me
corren las librerias de bioconductor. Al intentar usar alguna me aparece
el mensaje :
Your Bioconductor is out-of-date, upgrade to version 2.13 by following
instructions at
2008 Dec 01
[BioC] Rcurl 0.8-1 update for bioconductor 2.7
Hi Patrick,
Greetings from !(sunny) Pittsburgh.
What's the scoop on RCurl on windows (XP)?
I've tried to install RCurl_0.92-0.zip and RCurl_0.9-3.zip,
with both R 2.7.2 and R 2.8.0 from the RGUI (utils:::menuInstallLocal),
and get the error
"Windows binary packages in zipfiles are not supported".
which (according to google's one and only hit) comes from a perl script.
2008 Jun 19
Installation Error with Bioconductor on R
Hi, I am trying to install Bioconductor onto R version 2.7.0 for Windows. I installed R, then followed the instructions on http://www.bioconductor.org/download, which state that you should type the following:
When I do that, I get the following error:
Running biocinstall version 2.2.9 with R version 2.7.0
Your version of R