similar to: convert date to a factor

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "convert date to a factor"

2012 Jul 17
NA instead of time stamp
I was wondering why I get <NA> instead of the timestamp in the following. Thanks. > dataDir <- file.path(wd) > localRaw <- read.csv(file.path(dataDir,"LOCAL.csv"),,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) > localRaw[1:2,] Year Month Day hour minute second Temp1mab Temp7mab Temp14mab Salinity1mab 1 2009 10 5 0 0 0 11.288 13.675 13.743 33.513
2012 Jul 31
time series line plot: Error in plot.window(...) : invalid 'xlim' value
Hello, This should be pretty simple but I cannot get it right. Please point to the right code. Thanks. > last <- read.csv(file.path(dataDir,"plot1.csv"),,stringsAsFactors = FALSE) > last date r_wvht 1 8/6/2008 0.9766667 2 8/8/2008 0.7733333 3 8/11/2008 1.4833333 4 8/13/2008 1.5766667 5 8/14/2008 1.3900000 6 8/18/2008 0.7800000 7 8/20/2008
2012 Jul 16
Error in as.xts
Hi I got the following error using as.xts Error in xts(x, =, frequency = frequency, ...) : NROW(x) must match length( Here is how the data looks like > d1 <- read.csv(file.path(dataDir,"AppendixA-FishCountsTable-2009.csv"), > d1[1:3,] dive_id date time species count size site depth level TRANSECT VIS_M 1 62 10/12/2009
2012 Jul 29
readRDS, In as.double.xts(fishReport$count) : NAs introduced by coercion
Hello, I looked in the R-help but could not find an archive addressing the following. I would like to convert a character to numeric after reading a file with RDS extension. After using as.numeric, I checked if it is numeric. It was not converted. Please help. Here is my code >Report <- readRDS(file="RDS/Report.RDS") > Report[1:2,] dive_id date
2017 Jul 08
Factor vs character in a data.frame vs vector
Thanks Marc. It never occurred to me that I would need a ""stringsAsFactors" expression in a data.frame.? I could have sworn I never did before when mocking up some data but clearly I was wrong or there has been a change in R v. 3.4.1 which seems unlikely. On Friday, July 7, 2017, 10:37:29 AM EDT, Marc Schwartz <marc_schwartz at> wrote: > On Jul 7, 2017, at 6:03
2017 Jul 08
Factor vs character in a data.frame vs vector
> On Jul 7, 2017, at 7:03 PM, John Kane <jrkrideau at> wrote: > > Thanks Marc. > It never occurred to me that I would need a ""stringsAsFactors" expression in a data.frame. I could have sworn I never did before when mocking up some data but clearly I was wrong or there has been a change in R v. 3.4.1 which seems unlikely. Welcome John. Going back to
2017 Jul 07
Factor vs character in a data.frame vs vector
> On Jul 7, 2017, at 6:03 AM, John Kane via R-help <r-help at> wrote: > > This is not serious problem but I just wonder if someone can explain what is happening. > The same command within a dataframe is giving me a factor and as a plain vector is giving me a character. It's probably something simple that I have read and forgotten but I thought I'd ask.
2009 Aug 21
trouble with Vista & reading files
All, I am having trouble with a "read.table()" function that is inside of another function. But if I call the function by itself, it works fine. Moreover, if I run the script on a Mac OS X (with the default Mac OS X version of R installed, rev 2.8), it works fine. But it does not work if I run it on windows vista (also default Windows version of R, rev. 2.8). Again, both
2012 Aug 03
replacement has length zero. In addition: Warning message: In max(i) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Hi, Here is my data, the first 10 rows > u=regCond_all[1:10,] > dput(u) structure(c(999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 1.9, 2, 1.97, 1.99, 1.83, 1.78, 1.6, 1.52, 1.52, 1.36, 10.53, 9.88, 9.88, 10.53, 10.53, 10.53, 5.26, 9.88, 10.53, 10.53, 5.4, 5.57, 5.46, 5.34, 5.5, 5.59, 5.62, 5.76, 6.23, 6.19,
2017 Jul 07
Factor vs character in a data.frame vs vector
This is not? serious problem but I just wonder if someone can explain what is happening. The same command within a dataframe is giving me a factor and as a plain vector is giving me a character.? It's probably something simple that I have read and forgotten but I thought I'd ask. Thanks #================================================ dat1 <- data.frame(aa = letters[1:10]) str(dat1)
2010 Jul 08
download gplots and caTools
Dear list, I am using R.2.11.1 version on a PC. I downloaded successfully gplots_2.8.0 but I could not find where to download caTools > library("gplots") Loading required package: caTools Error: package 'caTools' could not be loaded In addition: Warning message: In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) : there is no package called
2013 Sep 02
Convert chr pieces to numbers that have specific values defined by 2 vectors
Dear all, I think this is an easy task, but I don't know how to do it. Specifically, I have 69 columns with 300.000 rows. In each cell there is a code like "2E3", "4RR", etc. I now have a list that replaces this with values, e.g., old new 2E3 5 4RR 3 etc. The list ist about 1600 rows long, so also to extensive for normal solutions Do you how to do that? It would
2012 Jul 19
expert opinion on lmer
Hello, I have the following design, counts were collected at different transects, different depths and different sites at different times. Time is continuous and assumed to be random, all the others are categorical fixed where transect is nested within depth which is nested within site. I would like an expert opinion about the following code where intercept is modeled as random (I am not sure
2013 Apr 12
split date and time
Hi R experts, For example I have a dataset looks like this: Number TimeStamp Value 1 1/1/2013 0:00 1 2 1/1/2013 0:01 2 3 1/1/2013 0:03 3 How can I split the "TimeStamp" Column into two and return a new table like this: Number Date Time Value 1 1/1/2013 0:00 1 2 1/1/2013 0:01 2 3 1/1/2013 0:03 3 Thank! [[alternative HTML version
2013 Apr 12
how to change the date into an interval of date?
Hi, I am not sure I understand your question correctly. dat1<- read.table(text=" id??????????? responsed_at???????????????? number_of_connection????????????????? scores 1????????????????? 12-01-2010?????????????????????????????????? 1????????????????????????????????????????????? 2 1????????????????? 15-02-2010??????????????????????????????????
2013 Aug 26
Loop for converting character columns to Numeric
Hi, Suppose you created a dataframe like this: set.seed(28) ?dat1<[1:5],sample(1:20,5,replace=TRUE),6:10)),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?str(dat1) #'data.frame':??? 5 obs. of? 3 variables: # $ V1: chr? "a" "b" "c" "d" ... # $ V2: chr? "1" "2" "10" "18" ... # $ V3: chr?
2013 Jan 09
select partial name and full name columns
Hi, I have the following function: getDataFromDVFileCustom <- function (file, hasHeader = TRUE, separator = "\t") { DVdatatmp <- as.matrix(read.table(file, sep = "\t", fill = TRUE, comment.char = "#", = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "NA")) DVdatatmper <- as.matrix(DVdatatmp[ , c("datetime",
2013 Feb 17
addition in the initial question
Dear Elisa, Try this: vec1<-c(33,18,13,47,30,10,6,21,39,25,40,29,14,16,44,1,41,4,15,20,46,32,38,5,31,12,48,27,36,24,34,2,35,11,42,9,8,7,26,22,43,17,19,28,23,3,49,37,50,45) vec2<-vec1[1:26] names(vec2)<-LETTERS[1:26] label1<-unlist(lapply(mapply(c,lapply(seq(0,45,5),function(x) x),lapply(seq(5,50,5),function(x) x),SIMPLIFY=FALSE),function(i)
2013 Apr 23
Extract part of a numer
Hi, May be this helps: set.seed(25) dat1<- data.frame(ID=c("1001#01","1001#02","1001#03","1002#01","1002#02"),val=rnorm(5),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ?dat1$ID<-as.numeric(gsub("#.*","",dat1$ID)) ?dat1 #??? ID??????? val #1 1001 -0.2118336 #2 1001 -1.0415911 #3 1001 -1.1533076 #4 1002? 0.3215315 #5 1002 -1.5001299 A.K.
2013 Apr 12
Removing rows that are duplicates but column values are in reversed order
Hi, From your example data, dat1<- read.table(text=" id1?? id2?? value a????? b?????? 10 c????? d??????? 11 b???? a???????? 10 c????? e???????? 12 ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #it is easier to get the output you wanted dat1[!duplicated(dat1$value),] #? id1 id2 value #1?? a?? b??? 10 #2?? c?? d??? 11 #4?? c?? e??? 12 But, if you have cases like the one