similar to: anova.lm and F-test

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 120 matches similar to: "anova.lm and F-test"

2008 Jul 29
Help interpreting density().
I issue the following: > d <- density(rnorm(1000)) > d and get: Call: density.default(x = rnorm(1000)) Data: rnorm(1000) (1000 obs.); Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.2235 x y Min. :-3.5157 Min. :2.416e-05 1st Qu.:-1.6892 1st Qu.:1.129e-02 Median : 0.1373 Median :7.267e-02 Mean : 0.1373 Mean :1.367e-01 3rd Qu.: 1.9639
2012 Aug 20
Changing line length in Sweave output works for numeric, but not for character vectors
Hi there: I'm preparing a report in RStudio 0.96.330 on a Mac OS. I'm running R 2.15.0 I understand from Ross Ihaka's document ( that you can modify the line length of Sweave output by a call to options(wdith=x). This works great for me for numeric output, but not for character vectors that I have to print.
1998 Jun 17
bug in functions of form "mcpar<-"
This fairly harmless looking piece of code, which worked in 0.61 (and in S-PLUS) fails in 0.62.1. R> "mcpar<-" <- function(x,mcpar) {attr(x,"mcpar") <- mcpar; x} R> mcpar(x) <- c(1,100,1) Error in mcpar<-(*tmp*, value = c(1, 100, 1)) : unused argument to function The error message gives a hint about how to work around the problem - just replace the
2011 Mar 24
subset and as.POSIXct / as.POSIXlt oddness
Dear R users, Given this data: x <- seq(1,100,1) dx <- as.POSIXct(x*900, origin="2007-06-01 00:00:00") dfx <- data.frame(dx) Now to play around for example: subset(dfx, dx > as.POSIXct("2007-06-01 16:00:00")) Ok. Now for some reason I want to extract the datapoints between hours 10:00:00 and 14:00:00, so I thought well: subset(dfx, dx >
2010 Feb 02
Plot - specification for grid of x axis
Dear all, I have a simple question for which I cannot find the answer. I need to make an easy plot, but for the x axis I need to be able to specify by myself the division of x axis from x[,1] either every single observation, or every 5th, or 10th or 20th x <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=100, ncol=2) x[,1]<-seq(1,100,1) x[,2]<-rnorm(100) Thanks a lot for your help!!! [[alternative HTML
2012 Feb 13
non linear quantile regression - Median not plotting where it should
Hi, I'm attempting to calculate the 0.25 and 0.97 quantiles for tree height (0-50 meters) against tree age (0-300 years) and I am running into some difficulty with the plotted grafic. I've run the examples in the quantreg help and can get those to work properly and by plugging in my data I can also get the lines plotted on my dataset. Unfortunately I'm running into a problem with the
2011 Aug 11
Splitting data
I want to implement the following algorithm in R: I want to split my data, use a t test to compare both means of the groups to see if they significantly differ from each other. If this is a yes (p < alpha) I want to split again (into 4 groups) and do the same procedure twice, and stop otherwise (here the problem arises). As a final result I would have different groups of data. I made some
2006 Jan 06
Centos 3.5 x86_64 yum update conflict with perl
On some machines that haven't been updated for a while I'm getting: Errors reported doing trial run file /usr/bin/c2ph from install of perl-5.8.0-90.4 conflicts with file from package perl-5.8.0-89.10 for a ton of perl-related files. Hmmm... another machine that has had intermediate updates didn't complain but now says: # rpm -q perl perl-5.8.0-89.10 perl-5.8.0-90.4 Is that
2007 Apr 04
Annotate a levelplot (using abline) - Difficulty with trellis.
Hi, I am generating a beautiful plot with the 'levelplot' function over my square matrix of data. In order to help visualise the data I would like to draw a diagonal line on the matrix. Because the plot is actually a trellis object, I am having difficulty working out how to do this. I have been reading around, but I don't see any easy solution to the problem. (Most of the docs I have
2013 Jan 03
Sas by function in R
Hello, It's an alternative to use SAS by function in R? I want to plot d histograms by plot.from example bellow: Thank you! plot d 1 1 16.3 2 1 25.0 3 1 57.8 4 1 17.0 5 2 10.8 13 2 96.4 17 3 76.0 18 3 32.0 19 3 11.0 20 3 11.0 24 3 106.0 25 3 12.5 21 4 19.3 22 4 12.0 26 4 15.0 27 5 99.3 32 7 11.0 36
2007 Oct 05
Malformed/Missing URL error from cisco call manager
I've seen this question floating around, but yet to see any answers. PLEASE let me know if anyone has figured this out. I've got a SIP trunk between Cisco Call Manager 4.x ( and Asterisk 1.4 ( I'm trying to send calls from CM to Asterisk. It appears Asterisk is sending info back that CM doesn't like. I keep getting a SIP/2.0 400 Bad Request -
2008 Aug 04
Howto Smooth a Curve Created with the Point Function
Hi all, I have this figure: created with the following steps: > x [1] 90.4 57.8 77.0 103.7 55.4 217.5 68.1 85.3 152.0 113.0 97.1 89.9 [13] 68.1 83.7 77.4 34.5 104.9 170.3 88.6 88.1 108.8 77.4 85.6 82.7 [25] 81.3 108.0 49.5 71.0 85.7 99.3 203.5 275.9 51.1 84.8 16.5 72.6 [37] 160.5 158.3 136.7 140.0 98.4 116.1
2000 Sep 26
bounds violations, infinite loops in optim/L-BFGS-B (PR#671)
I'm having some trouble with optim(method="L-BFGS-B"), and I'm not sure I have the ability to track down and fix what seem to be bugs within optim(). I'm bootstrapping an original data set and fitting a model to each bootstrapped data set. For some bootstrapped samples, optim() sets negative parameter values (despite the fact that I have explicitly set non-zero lower
2008 Jul 29
Howto Draw Bimodal Gamma Curve with User Supplied Parameters
Hi, Suppose I have the following vector (data points): > x [1] 36.0 57.3 73.3 92.0 300.4 80.9 19.8 31.4 85.8 44.9 24.6 48.0 [13] 28.0 38.3 85.2 103.6 154.4 128.5 38.3 72.4 122.7 123.1 41.8 21.7 [25] 143.6 120.2 46.6 29.2 44.8 25.0 57.3 96.4 29.4 62.9 66.4 30.0 [37] 24.1 14.8 56.6 102.4 117.5 90.4 37.2 79.6 27.8 17.1 26.6 16.3 [49] 41.4 48.9 24.1
2009 Mar 03
locfit smoothing question (package maintainer not reachable)
Dear list members, I am trying to understand this output from the smoothing package locfit (1.5-4, running on R 2.8.1 on Windows Vista 64 bit). # sample code x<-1:100 y<-rnorm(100) fit<-locfit(y~x,family="gaussian") #default parameters are fine plot(fit,band="global") #plot seems "reasonable", confidence bands use a global estimate of variance
2013 Mar 28
using cvlm to do cross-validation
Hello, I did a cross-validation using cvlm from DAAG package but wasn't sure how to assess the result. Does this result means my model is a good model? I understand that the overall ms is the mean of sum of squares. But is 0.0987 a good number? The response (i.e. gailRel5yr) has min,1st Quantile, median, mean and 3rd Quantile, and max as follows: (0.462, 0.628, 0.806, 0.896, 1.000, 2.400) ?
2007 Feb 24
recovering collums of DF using a text var.list
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado... Nome: n?o dispon?vel Url:
2011 Aug 14
Scaling problem in optim()
I am using the function optim and I get the error message ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH. Reason for this could be a scaling problem. Thus, I used parscale in order to scale the parameters. But I still have the error message. For example, with parscale=c(rep(1,n), 0.01,1,0.01): return(optim(c(mu1,b,k,phi), neg2loglikelihood, method = "L-BFGS-B",
2011 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] tbaa
Can you post the source code of your test case? Gan On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 1:44 PM, <liyi at> wrote: > Hi, > > Could anyone tell me how exactly do I use "Type Based Alias Analysis"? > > I compiled the C program with Clang, and verified that there is tbaa > metadata in the IR code. > > But then when I use "opt -tbaa input.c.bc
2011 Dec 02
[LLVMdev] tbaa
Hi, Could anyone tell me how exactly do I use "Type Based Alias Analysis"? I compiled the C program with Clang, and verified that there is tbaa metadata in the IR code. But then when I use "opt -tbaa input.c.bc -aa-eval" to check the results, it always gives 100% may aliasing no matter what input. Am I using "tbaa" correctly? Thanks. Yi