similar to: Wrapper function for multivariate arrays for ode

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Wrapper function for multivariate arrays for ode"

2012 Jul 18
Defining a variable outside of optim or differential equation solver.
This is applicable to either using optim or the differential equation solver or any similar solver Suppose I want to use the differential equation solver and this is my code d<-y[2] vdpol<-function(t,y) { list(c(1, d, 3, 4 ) } stiff<-ode(y=rep(0,4),times=c(0,1),func=dvdpol,parms=1) The thing is I want d to be composed of one of state variables in the
2018 Apr 12
Hello All, I'm struggling to solve this ODE using R, vdpol <- function (h, v, t) ( list(c ( -0.1*v/(pi*(2*10*h-h^2)), (v = (-0.1*v/(pi*(2*10*h-h^2))^2) + 2*9.81*h)) )) library(deSolve) yini <- (c(h = 20, v=0)) nonstiff <- ode(y = yini, func = vdpol, times= seq(0, 30, by =
2013 May 02
ODE solver
I am trying to use the package ode and periodically it will come up with this error message Warning..Internal T (=R1) and H (=R2) are such that in the machine, T + H = T on the next step (H = step size). Solver will continue anyway. And then the program just take very long to run. Is there anyway to get the program to terminate when this warning is issued instead of continuing to run ?
2011 Jan 25
deSolve: Problem solving ODE including modulo-operator
I have a problem integrating the 'standard map' ( ) with deSolve: By using the modulo-operator '%%' with 2*pi in the ODEs (standardmap1), the resulting values of P and Theta, should not be greater than 2pi. Because this was not the case, i was thinking that the function 'ode' has some
2012 Jan 30
ode() tries to allocate an absurd amount of memory
Hi there R-helpers: I'm having problems with the function ode() found in the package deSolve. It seems that when my state variables are too numerous (>33000 elements), the function throws the following error: Error in vode(y, times, func, parms, ...) : cannot allocate memory block of size 137438953456.0 Gb In addition: Warning message: In vode(y, times, func, parms, ...) : NAs
2011 Aug 16
deSolve, extracting variable values from inside ode function
I'm just getting to grips with using ode function and have used the examples and vignettes to produce a small model of a one-pool, michaelis-menten, enzyme kinetic reaction. The rate of flux of substrate into pool A is constant (fluxoa) however the rate of flux out of pool A is controlled by the HMM equation (v = Vmax/ ( 1 + (Km / Concentration A )) ). This function works fine and
2009 May 13
ode first step
Hi all, I try to assess the parameters (K1,K2) of a model that describes the adsorption of a molecule onto on adsorbent. equation: dq/dt = K1*C*(qm-q)-K2*q I know the value of 'qm' and I experimentally measure the variables 'q', 'C', and the time 't'. t C q 1 0 144.05047 0.0000000 2 565 99.71492 0.1105625 3 988 74.99426
2012 Apr 25
Using apply() with a function involving ode()
Hello, I am trying to get the output from the numerical simulation of a system of ordinary differential equations for a range of values for three parameters. I am using the ode() function (deSolve package) to run the numerical simulation and apply() to run the simulation function for each set of parameter values. I am having trouble getting the apply() function to work. Here is an
2010 Oct 24
Optimize parameters of ODE Problem which is solved numeric
Hi, I have a data-matrix: > PID sato hrs fim health 214 3 4.376430 6.582958 5 193 6 4.361825 3.138525 6 8441 6 4.205771 3.835886 7 7525 6 4.284489 3.245139 6 6806 7 4.168926 2.821833 7 5682 7 1.788707 1.212653 7 5225 6 1.651463 1.436980 7 4845 6 1.692710 1.267359 4 4552 5 1.686448 1.220539 6
2011 Mar 15
precompiled ode with spline input
I tried to use lsode with precompiled C code instead of an R function defining the derivatives. No problem so far. However, now I need to implement an ODE that contains spline functions, i.e. the derivatives at given time points depend on the value of a spline function at this time point. What is an efficient way to implement this in precompiled C code? -- Daniel Kaschek <daniel.kaschek at
2009 Jun 12
External signal in ODE written in C (using deSolve and approx1?)
Dear list The deSolve package allows you to specify the model code in C or Fortran. Thanks to the excellent vignette this works fine. However I have not yet managed to use forcing functions in C code. In pure R code this works very well with approxfun() specified outside the model: ############################################### #Model lvml <- function(t, x, parms) {
2010 Sep 16
More accurate ODE solver?
Dear All, I was using rk4 and lsoda to solve a ODE system. However, both of them gave bad accurate solutions, especially compared with Matlab solver ODE45. For example, ODE45 gave solutions that can go to a stable level (about 1.6) when time goes to infinity, however, the solutions from lsoda are decreasing to very very small (about 1e-130) numbers. Does R have more accurate ODE solvers as
2010 Apr 06
estimating the starting value within a ODE using nls and lsoda
All- I am interested in estimating a parameter that is the starting value for an ODE model. That is, in the typical combined fitting procedure using nls and lsoda (alternatively rk4), I first defined the ODE model: minmod <- function(t, y, parms) { G <- y[1] X <- y[2] with(as.list(parms),{ I_t <- approx(time, I.input, t)$y dG <- -1*(p1 + X)*G +p1*G_b dX <-
2024 Feb 02
List of Words in BioWordVec
Is there a way to extract list of words in BioWordVec in R Thank you Tjun Kiat [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Apr 18
Event-triggered change in value with a time-delay
Hello, I am solving a set of ODEs using deSolve and have run into a problem I would appreciate some advice on. One of the parameters (m) in the ODEs changes between two states when one of the variables (D) crosses a threshold (D_T) for the first time in either direction. Additionally, when the variable crosses the threshold (either by increasing or decreasing), there is a time delay (delay)
2024 Feb 02
List of Words in BioWordVec
I *think* this might be better posted here: Cheers, Bert On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 4:37?PM TJUN KIAT TEO <teotjunk at> wrote: > Is there a way to extract list of words in BioWordVec in R > > Thank you > > Tjun Kiat > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > ______________________________________________
2018 Apr 18
Event-triggered change in value with a time-delay
> On Apr 18, 2018, at 1:04 AM, Hannah Meredith <hrmeredith12 at> wrote: > > Hello, > > I am solving a set of ODEs using deSolve and have run into a problem I > would appreciate some advice on. One of the parameters (m) in the ODEs > changes between two states when one of the variables (D) crosses a > threshold (D_T) for the first time in either direction.
2017 Jun 21
How to apply a system of ordinary differential equations to a cell grid?
Hello, I am developing an agent-based model to simulate the spread of infectious diseases in heterogeneous landscapes composed of habitat polygons (or clumps of connected cells). To simplify the model, I consider a habitat grid (or raster) containing the polygon ID of each cell. In addition, I have epidemiological parameters associated with each polygon ID. At each time step, the parameter values
2011 Aug 12
deSolve output
Hi, I've solved a simple differential equation describing the degradation of amino acid carbon (THAA-C) using deSolve. Code is a follows: # Input of model parameters, a and b describes form of curve, i is apparent initial age of Org. C. parameters <- c(a = a, b = b, i=i) # Initial value of the model, G state = c(G = G) #specifies the function degradation as a function of
2012 Sep 21
Parallel Programming
I am trying to do parallel programming and I tried this library(doSNOW) library(foreach) testfunc<-function(x){ x<-x+1 x } noc<-2 cl <- makeCluster(,rep(list("localhost"),noc)), type = "SOCK") registerDoSNOW(cl) clusterExport(cl=cl,c("testfunc.r")) testl<-foreach(pp=1:2) %dopar% { testfunc(pp) } And this works but if I try to