similar to: errors compiling R-2.0.0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "errors compiling R-2.0.0"

2004 Dec 28
error installing 2.0.1 '.install_package_description'
Dear R, I am attempting to install 2.0.1 on a Debian system and getting an error that appeared for people installing 2.0.0. Warning message: package seems to be using lazy loading already in: makeLazyLoading("tools") Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable ".install_package_description" was not found Execution halted platform i686-pc-linux-gnu arch i686 os
2004 Dec 29
.install_package_description error
Hi R, Apologies for the earlier non-informative error message. I am installing R 2.0.1 from source on a Linux debian system. Configure works fine. Then I run make and get an error that was reported by several people when installing R 2.0.0. Here is the error message > Warning message: > package seems to be using lazy loading already in: > makeLazyLoading("tools") >
2003 Dec 08
trouble with predict.l1ce
Dear R-help, I am having trouble with the predict function in lasso2. For example: > data(Iowa) > l1c.I <- l1ce(Yield ~ ., Iowa, bound = 10, absolute.t=TRUE) > predict (l1c.I) # this works is fine > predict (l1c.I,Iowa) Error in eval(exper,envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "Yield" And I have similar trouble whenever I use the newdata argument in
2003 Nov 14
index of max value ?
Is there a function in R, which would return index of maximum value in a vector ? e.g. > v <- round(10*rnorm(8)) > v [1] 6 -3 -6 15 7 9 0 -19 > max(v) [1] 15 ??? index.max(v) ??? 4
2003 May 09
debugging packages
Dear r-devel, I am debugging my package with printf statements and I would like to remove -O2 from the compiler options. Can I do with a switch on ./configure or is it necessary to set the environment variables thanks, Clayton [[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2003 Dec 10
e1071:svm - default epsilon = 0.1 (NOT 0.5) (PR#5671)
In e1071 package/svm default epsilon value is set to 0.1 and not 0.5 as documentation says. R
2003 Nov 12
column extraction by name ?
I have a data frame (df) with colums x, y and z. e.g. df <- data.frame(x = sample(4), y = sample(4), z = sample(4)) I can extract column z by: df$z or df[3] I can also extract columns x,y by: df[1:2] or by df[-3]. Is it possible to extract x,y columns in a "symbolic" fashion i.e. by equivalent of df[-z] (which is illegal) ??? Or alternativeley, is there an equivalent of
2004 Jun 17
using "= matrix (...)" in .C calls
Dear R-devel, I am trying to alter rpart so that it makes additional calculations when growing the tree. In the "rpart.s" there is a call to the C routine: rp <- .C("s_to_rp2", as.integer(nobs), as.integer(nsplit), as.integer(nodes), as.integer(ncat),
2003 Dec 09
problem with pls(x, y, ..., ncomp = 16): Error in inherit s( x, "data.frame") : subscript out of bounds
I don't know the details of pls (in the pls.pcr package, I assume), but if you use validation="CV", that says you want to use CV to select the best number of components. Then why would you specify ncomp as well? Andy > From: ryszard.czerminski at > > When I try to use ncomp parameter in pls procedure I get > following error: > > >
2003 Oct 27
how to select random rows ?
How can I select random subsets (rows!) from a data set ? If I generate simple data set > a <- data.frame(x=1:2, y = NaN, z = 2:1) > a x y z 1 1 NaN 2 2 2 NaN 1 I can select random subsets (colums) very easily using sample function: > sample(a, 2) z y 1 2 NaN 2 1 NaN I expected that using transpose of a would do the same for rows, but I am getting rather unexpected
2003 Oct 24
how to remove NaN columns ?
How can I remove columns with NaN entries ? Here is my simple example: > data <- read.csv("test.csv") > xdata <- data[3:length(data)] > xs <- lapply(xdata, function(x){(x - mean(x))/sqrt(var(x))}) > x <- data.frame(xs) > x C D E F 1 -0.7071068 NaN -0.7071068 -0.7071068 2 0.7071068 NaN 0.7071068 0.7071068
2003 Oct 31
print(), cat() and simple I/O in R
I am trying to produce rather mundane output of the form e.g. pi, e = 3.14 2.718 The closest result I achieved so far with print() is: > print (c(pi, exp(1)), digits = 3) [1] 3.14 2.72 > print(c("pi, e =", pi, exp(1)), digits = 3) [1] "pi, e =" "3.14159265358979" "2.71828182845905" I understand that c() promotes floats to strings and
2004 Aug 19
sorting character vectors
The following is not what I expected in sorting characters (single letters and the same letters with preceding spaces). Can someone enlighten me as to why the following might be a correct result for sorting? ; x <- c(LETTERS[1:3], paste(" ", LETTERS[1:3], sep="")) ; x [1] "A" "B" "C" " A" " B" " C" ; sort(x)
2007 May 09
Unit Testing Frameworks: summary and brief discussion
Greetings - I'm finally finished review, here's what I heard: ============ from Tobias Verbeke: wrote: > Greetings! > > After a quick look at current programming tools, especially with regards > to unit-testing frameworks, I've started looking at both "butler" and > "RUnit". I would be grateful to receieve real
2004 Mar 02
row.names are dropped when extracting one column ?
Apparently row names are dropped when I extract single column from a data frame. Why this behaviour ? > y <- as.matrix(df[,1:2]); length(row.names(y)) [1] 324 > y <- as.matrix(df[,1:1]); length(row.names(y)) [1] 0 Best regards, Ryszard
2004 Jan 15
prcomp scale error (PR#6433)
Full_Name: Ryszard Czerminski Version: 1.8.1 OS: GNU/Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( prcomp(..., scale = TRUE) does not work correctly: $ uname -a Linux 2.4.20-28.9bigmem #1 SMP Thu Dec 18 13:27:33 EST 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux $ gcc --version gcc (GCC) 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5) > a <- matrix(rnorm(6), nrow = 3) > sum((scale(a %*% svd(cov(a))$u, scale
2003 Jun 18
Private: Problem with tapply/lapply and sample (PR#3286)
Full_Name: Peter Gedeck Version: R1.6.2 and R1.7.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, I marked the bug report Private, as I don't want my email address on the web server. The problem that I found is best explained using an example. index <- 1:6 cluster <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3) tapply(index,cluster,sample) gives $"1" [1] 2 1 3 $"2" [1] 4 5
2004 Feb 03
problem with read.table
Any ideas why read.table complains about not correct number of elements in line while readLine/strsplit indicate that all lines have the same number of elements ? R > tbl <- read.table('tmp', header = T, sep = '\t') Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, : line 32 did not have 27 elements > lines <-
2007 Apr 24
NA and NaN randomForest
Dear R-help, This is about randomForest's handling of NA and NaNs in test set data. Currently, if the test set data contains an NA or NaN then predict.randomForest will skip that row in the output. I would like to change that behavior to outputting an NA. Can this be done with flags to randomForest? If not can some sort of wrapper be built to put the NAs back in? thanks, Clayton
2007 Oct 31
seg fault with randomForest ( ... , xtest )
Dear R-help, what are the limits on xtest? > NOT_A.rf <- randomForest (log10(Y[!A] ) ~ . , data = notA_desc , proximity=T ,xtest = A_desc) *** caught segfault *** address 0x9cdd000, cause 'memory not mapped' Segmentation fault I don't think that the matrix are large: notA_desc is 651 obs of 27 variables A_desc is 17 obs of 27 variables thanks in advance, Clayton