similar to: Adding a "description" meta-tag to the R homepage

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Adding a "description" meta-tag to the R homepage"

2011 Nov 20
Adding a "description" meta-tag to the R homepage (bump)
Hello dear R-devel, I am allowing myself to bump this issue again (half a year later) - I think that the website could benefit from having a description meta-tag. Could anyone please let me know who to contact regarding this? With much respect, Tal On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Tal Galili <> wrote: > Hello Peter, > > Here is what google
2010 Nov 11
Adding meta-data when creating objects. e.g: changing "<-" so to (for example) add "creation time" - how-to and pros/cons?
My objective is to start having meta-data on objects that I create. For example, consider the following function: assign2 <- function(x, ...) { assign("x", ...) attr(x, "creation time") <- Sys.time() x <<- x } assign2("x", 1:4) "assign2" assigns to x the vector 1:4, and it then also adds the creation time of the object. (Hat tip goes to
2009 Sep 29
Equivalent for Matematica function Which...
Dear All! I'm looking for equivalent of Matematica function "Which" which works as follows: z = Which[x<10,0.3, 10<=x<20,0.5, 20<=x<100,1] where x is a vector I can replace it with custom function with set of ifelse but I'm looking for simpler and faster (much faster) solution best wishes Jarek
2010 Apr 21
long output in R
Hello all: Is there a way to set up R such that, when you have a very long output from a command, it will pause when it has displayed one-screen of information and ask me to press a button to continue displaying? I happen to have one such command and the information I need is at the top of the output - and it's just nowhere to be seen. (If you are familiar with Stata, I'm looking for
2010 Jun 19
R vs SAS and Revolution R
Hello How do you compare R to SAS in terms of speed and management of large datasets? What about Revolution R? I've seen on their site, they claim that Revolution R is much faster than R and it's multithread... Can you really notice the difference?. What dissadvantage does it have? I think it's based on R 2.10. but R already issued the version 2.12 Regards What alternative
2013 Oct 18
No P.values in polr summary
Hi everyone, If I compute a "Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression" with the polr function from MASS package. the summary give me : coefficients, Standard error and Tvalue.. but not directly the p.value. I can compute "manualy" the Pvalue, but Is there a way to directly obtain the pa.value, and I wonder why the p.valeu is not directly calculated, is there a reason? exemple
2012 Jan 24
Splitting up large set of survey data into categories
Hi, I am a total newbie to R so I apologize if the answer to my question is too obvious. I a data set of the following form: Date V1 V... VN Region Industry 22/03/1995 23:01:12 1 3 2 15 A 21/03/1995 21:01:12 3 3 1 9 C 1/04/1995 17:01:06 3 2 1 3 B
2009 Nov 18
Importing tRNA data into R ?
Hello dear R help group, I would like to download the tRNA data on: And then import it into R. Can anyone direct me as to how to do so? Thanks, Tal ---------------------------------------------- My contact information: Tal Galili E-mail: Phone number: 972-52-7275845 FaceBook: Tal Galili My Blogs: (Web and
2010 Dec 07
Encoding problem - I fails to read Hebrew text from online
Hello all, # I am trying to read the text in this URL: u <- # By using this command: readLines(u) And no matter what variation I tried, I keep getting this output: [1] "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><toplevel><CompleteSuggestion><suggestion
2011 Jan 16
Equivalent to Stata egen tag
What are the R equivalents to the Stata command egen tag and egen count? egen station_week_tag = tag(station week) Thank you
2012 Jan 30
Getting htmlParse to work with Hebrew? (on windows)
Hello dear R-help mailing list. I wish to be able to have htmlParse work well with Hebrew, but it keeps to scramble the Hebrew text in pages I feed into it. For example: # why can't I parse the Hebrew correctly? library(RCurl) library(XML) u = "" a = getURL(u) a # Here - the hebrew is fine. a2 <- htmlParse(a) a2 # Here it is a mess... None of
2010 May 22
Capturing R console output into a file (sink+savehistory ??)
After reading more, I understand I didn't formulate my last question correctly, so please allow me to rephrase: What I am looking for is a way to save the R console session output. That is, a command that would combine the results of using: ?sink # And ?savehistory My motivation for this is that doing it will allow someone who is a blind user of R to be able to easily export his results to
2009 Nov 20
How to: highlight R syntax on webpages ?
My question if in the Subject, but if to extend: I am specifically curious about WordPress blogs. But any solution will give me a lead. Thanks, Tal ---------------------------------------------- Contact me: | 972-52-7275845 Read me: (Hebrew) | (Hebrew) | (English) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jan 01
How to use read.table with Hebrew column names ?
Hello dear R help group, I am trying to read a .txt file, with Hebrew column names, while keeping the column names looking well in R - but without success. I uploaded an example file to: And am trying the command: read.table("", header = T, sep = "\t") This returns me with: X.....ª X...ª......
2009 Oct 14
Scatter plot using icons (from a gif) instaed of points - is it possible ?
Hello dear R-help group. I wish to plot a scatter plot using icons (or images) instead of points. Is it possible? and how so? Thanks, Tal ---------------------------------------------- My contact information: Tal Galili E-mail: Phone number: 972-52-7275845 FaceBook: Tal Galili My Blogs: (Web and general, Hebrew)
2010 Nov 25
Is there an implementation for "URL Encoding" (/format) in R?
Hello all, I would like some R function that can translate a string to a "URL encoding" (see here: Is it implemented? (I wasn't able to find any reference to it) Thanks, Tal ----------------Contact Details:------------------------------------------------------- Contact me: | 972-52-7275845 Read me:
2011 Apr 18
Windows 7, update.packages problem: "unable to move temporary installation"?
Hello all, I am using R 2.13.0 with windows 7, after giving my user full privileges to the R folder (as described here<> ). This allows me to install new packages just fine. However, when using update.packages(), to update existing packages, I keep getting the following error (for example, when updating the MASS package):
2010 Dec 10
Consistency of variable storage in R and Sys.setlocale (is this a feature or bug)?
<I was not sure if this should go to R-devel or R-help. If I e-mailed this to the wrong place, please let me know.> Hello dear R-devel members, I came by an oddity, with regards to how character variables are being transformed when they are in Hebrew, and when Sys.setlocale is changed. Here is an example: # first, let's set the locale to Hebrew Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL",
2010 Nov 09
Is there a way to have 'comment' keep a list?
Hello all, I recently discovered the "comment" command. I see it can only hold a vector of characters. Is there a way (or an alternative), to make it possible to have it keep a list? (for example, to keep different pieces of information like date of creation, information of each variable and so on) The closest solution I can think of is using 'names' on the vector, like this:
2010 Jan 21
"stack imbalance in ..." when loading a workspace
Hi all, I just failed in loading a saved wordspace (13MB of size), and received these errors: Warning: stack imbalance in 'missing', 52 then 51 Warning: stack imbalance in 'if', 50 then 53 Warning: stack imbalance in 'as.environment', 57 then 59 Warning: stack imbalance in 'ls', 54 then 53 Warning: stack imbalance in '.Internal', 54 then 53 Warning: stack