Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Error from sparse pattern matrix product"
2010 Dec 17
How to use the RUnit tracker in unit tests?
Does anybody know how I incorporate the use of the tracker in RUnit
in the unit tests?
I have read the RUnit Vignette, help pages and searched around,
but I could find no examples of using 'inspect' in the unit
test functions. Moreover, doing so, I tried something like
myFunction <- function(x) {
track <- tracker()
2010 Sep 16
The permutation of one vector into another
Dear R-help-list
I have two character vectors
a <- c("A", "B", "C")
b <- c("A", "C", "B")
sapply(a, function(i) grep(i, b))
computes the permutation of the entries in 'b' needed
to bring 'b' into the same order as 'a'.
I have searched around, but haven't been able to find
any existing function
2015 Mar 20
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
Hi Martin,
package arules heavily relies on ngCMatrix and uses multiplication and
addition for logical operations. I think it makes sense that in a mixed
operation with one dgCMatrix and one ngCMatrix the ngCMatrix should be
"promoted" to a dgCMatrix.
The current behavior of %*% and friends is in deed confusing:
> m <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 5*5, replace=TRUE), nrow=5)
2010 Dec 11
'identical' and the warning "ignoring non-pairlist attributes"
Dear R developers
Using the 'foreach' package I encounter warnings like
Warning message:
In identical(.combine, cbind) : ignoring non-pairlist attributes
Warnings appear once in a new R-session when I run a
particular piece of code - and not again. I understand from
the source code of 'identical' that the function checks and
believes that .combine and cbind have non-pairlist
2011 Apr 14
Krylov subspace computations of matrix exponentials
I use the very nice expm functions available from the expm and Matrix
packages. My understanding is that for large sparse matrices the
currently best methods available are Krylov subspace methods, but
they are as far as I can tell not implemented in either of the packages
mentioned, nor in any other R package I have found.
Does anybody know if Krylov subspace methods are available from
any R
2010 Sep 03
'seq' help page: seq_length -> seq_len?
In the Value section of the 'seq' help page it says
'seq_along' and 'seq_length' always return an integer vector.
I believe it should be
'seq_along' and 'seq_len' always return an integer vector.
as there are no seq_length function?
Best, Niels
Niels Richard Hansen Web: www.math.ku.dk/~richard
Associate Professor
2010 Sep 30
Assignment to a slot in an S4 object in a list seems to violate copy rules?
Dear R-developers
I came across the following issue, which I find strange:
setClass("A", representation(a = "numeric"))
B <- list()
myA <- new("A", a = 1)
B$otherA <- myA
B$otherA at a <- 2
myA at a
Assigning a new value to slot 'a' in the _copy_ of myA stored
in B$otherA changes the original value of myA -- this was
surprising to me, and I
2015 Mar 19
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
Hi Martin
I got stung by this last week.
glmnet produces a coefficient matrix of class ?dgCMatrix?
If a predictor matrix was created using sparseMatrix as follows,
one gets unexpected results, as this simple example shows.
My fix was easy (I always convert the predictor matrix to class ?dgCMatrix? now)
> y=Matrix(diag(4))
> y
4 x 4 diagonal matrix of class "ddiMatrix"
2015 Mar 19
RFC: Matrix package: Matrix products (%*%, crossprod, tcrossprod) involving "nsparseMatrix" aka sparse pattern matrices
This is a Request For Comment, also BCCed to 390 package maintainers
of reverse dependencies of the Matrix package.
Most users and package authors working with our 'Matrix' package will
be using it for numerical computations, and so will be using
"dMatrix" (d : double precision) matrix objects M, and indirectly, e.g., for
M >= c will also use "lMatrix" (l:
2009 Feb 23
Slow indexing access for Matrix
Consider the following little "benchmark"
> require(Matrix)
> tmp <- Matrix(c(rep(1,1000),rep(0,9000)),ncol=1)
> ind <- sample(1:10000,10000)
> system.time(tmp[ind,])
user system elapsed
0.004 0.001 0.005
> ind <- sample(1:1000,10000,replace=TRUE)
> system.time(tmp[ind,])
user system elapsed
0.654 0.006 0.703
2011 Jan 28
arules package question- apriori/S4 object export question
I am new to R( but quickly being awed by the range of this it can accomplish,
you have one more convert to the useR universe). I have successfully
implemented the apriori function and are getting great results. My question
concerns how to export these results. I have read lots about write.csv
functions and exporting data frames and other standard objects. Im having
difficulty working with these S4
2014 Jul 04
DESCRIPTION.in file causes R CMD check to fail?
hi. i'm building a package using autotools. to propagate the package
version number from configure.ac to DESCRIPTION, i'm using a
DESCRIPTION.in file. both of these files are "shar"'d below.
i need to distribute the DESCRIPTION.in file, as ./configure will need
it. but, "R CMD check" wants to look at DESCRIPTION, so i've let that
also come into the package
2018 Apr 23
R 3.5.0 fails its regression test suite on Linux/x86_64
On 23/04/2018 6:33 AM, Peter Simons wrote:
> Hi,
> I just tried to upgrade Nixpkgs to R 3.5.0, but unfortunately the new
> version fails its regression test suite. We configure the build using
> the flags "--without-recommended-packages", in case that's relevant. You
> can see a complete build log with all relevant information at [1].
> Anyway, the test
2011 Jan 05
Place of Django template tags inside of ext3.0 viewport panels
Does anyone know where I can find information on using ext3 with Django.
Specifically, I want to place Django template tags inside of a
particular panel in my ext3 viewport... I have tried what is seen below,
but it doesn't seem to work..
var viewport=new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'border',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
items: [{
2010 Oct 19
DLL not found
Dear R-helpers,
I have a fresh installation of windows vista, and R 2.12.0 (session info below).
> require(sp)
Loading required package: sp
Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) :
DLL 'lattice' not found: maybe not installed for this architecture?
> require(lattice)
Loading required package: lattice
Failed with error: ?package 'lattice' is not
2010 Nov 12
Surprising behavior using seq()
Hello R-help,
I noticed the following surprising behavior when using %in% to find elements in a vector generated using seq().
# weird!!!
> c(7.7, 7.8, 7.9) %in% seq(4, 8, by=0.1)
# OK now
> c(7.7, 7.8, 7.9) %in% round(seq(4, 8, by=0.1), 1)
# wait, how is this different?
> c(7.7, 7.8, 7.9) %in% seq(7, 8, by=0.1)
Is there an
2011 Apr 22
Seeking help re: ? single apply command or an alternative
Dear R-help list,
Sorry to trouble everyone. This seems like it could be achieved with a
single command (? variant of apply), but I am not quite seeing it.
I am trying to multiply one vector (a1 below) by corresponding values in a3
(as determined by matching element in a vector a2). The example below might
be clearer.
a1 <- c(4,3,4,6,8,9,2,3,4,6,7,4)
a2 <-
2018 Apr 23
R 3.5.0 fails its regression test suite on Linux/x86_64
I just tried to upgrade Nixpkgs to R 3.5.0, but unfortunately the new
version fails its regression test suite. We configure the build using
the flags "--without-recommended-packages", in case that's relevant. You
can see a complete build log with all relevant information at [1].
Anyway, the test failures look like this:
| make[3]: Entering directory
2010 Dec 09
Condional Density Plot from different data
I'm not certain I am using the lattice plot correctly here. Below is reproducible code. Suppose I have two data frames, such as:
datA <- data.frame(condition = gl(3, 100), scores = c(rnorm(100), rnorm(100, 1,1), rnorm(100, 2,1)))
datB <- data.frame(condition = gl(3, 1000), scores = c(rnorm(1000, 3,1), rnorm(1000, 4,1), rnorm(1000, 5,1)))
I would like to plot the
2011 May 17
scales argument in bwplot (lattice)
Suppose I have data such as the following
tmp <- data.frame(var1 = rnorm(100), var2 = rnorm(100), var3=rnorm(100, 10, 30))
tmp1 <- data.frame(vars = with(tmp, c(var1, var2, var3)), type = gl(3, 100))
var3 is on a different scale, but I create the following plot, which looks terrible as a result
bwplot(~ vars|type, tmp1,
layout = c(1,3),
Of course, I can