similar to: package test failed on Solaris x86 -- help needed for debugging

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "package test failed on Solaris x86 -- help needed for debugging"

2009 Mar 04
CRAN package check on MacOS: sh: line 1: gs: command not found
Dear R developers, I recently observed a NOTE on several MaxOS X package checks: sh: line 1: gs: command not found !!! Error: Closing Ghostscript (exit status: 127)! /usr/bin/texi2dvi: thumbpdf exited with bad status, quitting. See for details: or
2008 Mar 16
optim: why is REPORT not used in SANN?
Hello, I wonder why the control parameter REPORT is not supported by method SANN. Looking into optim.c I found an internal constant: #define STEPS 100 ... and decreasing this to 10 helped me fine-tuning the annealing parameters in an actual problem. Is there any reason why not passing nREPORT to samin and setting something like: STEPS = nREPORT / tmax Thomas P. -- Thomas Petzoldt
2008 Dec 03
nlminb: names of parameter vector not passed to objective function
Dear R developers, I tried to use nlminb instead of optim for a current problem (fitting parameters of a differential equation model). The PORT algorithm converged much better than any of optim's methods and the identified parameters are plausible. However, it took me a while before spotting the reason of a technical problem that nlminb, in contrast to optim, does not pass names of the
2009 Mar 16
vignette index not linked into HTML help system for package
Dear R developers, I observed that the html help page index entry "Read overview or browse directory" for package vignettes is missing in recent R-devel. This happened on two independent computers (WinXP Prof. SP3, German) with R-devel compiled from sources svn rev. 48125 resp. 48128 It's the same for my own and also for more prominent packages as well (e.g. grid). The
2009 Oct 17
linking to package directories broken in R >= 2.10 beta
Dear R developers, some of our packages come with additional programming examples in a directory called "/examples" which is created from "/inst/examples". This directory is linked from the docs (e.g. in inst/doc/index.html): <dl> <dt><a href="../examples/">examples</a>: <dd>Source code of examples </dl> Given, that we have a
2007 Jun 11
package check note: no visible global function definition (in functions using Tcl/Tk)
Hello, when testing packages under R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable), in order to discover future compatibility issues, I recently get numerous "possible problem notes" for different (own and other contributed) packages containing Tcl/Tk code, e.g.: * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE sEdit : editVec : build: no visible global function definition
2009 Jun 12
External signal in ODE written in C (using deSolve and approx1?)
Dear list The deSolve package allows you to specify the model code in C or Fortran. Thanks to the excellent vignette this works fine. However I have not yet managed to use forcing functions in C code. In pure R code this works very well with approxfun() specified outside the model: ############################################### #Model lvml <- function(t, x, parms) {
2008 Oct 06
why is \alias{anRpackage} not mandatory?
Dear R developers, if one uses package.skeleton() to create a new package, then a file anRpackage.Rd with the following entries is prepared: \name{anRpackage-package} \alias{anRpackage-package} \alias{anRpackage} \docType{package} Packages created this way have a definite entry or overview page, so: ?anRpackage gives new users of a certain package a pointer where to start reading. This is
2007 Aug 27
silent option in nested calls to try()
Hello, is it *really intentional* that the "silent" option of try() does only apply to the outer call in nested try constructs? I would assume that a silent try() should suppress all error messages regardless where they occur, even if they are already handled with other try()'s. The error message itself should be (and is in both cases) reported by the return value of try().
2008 Jan 21
experiments with slot functions and possible problems NOTE
Hello, first of all, thanks to LT for \pkg{codeutils}. I agree that it is indeed very useful to identify errors and also to encourage re-thinking past solutions. My problem: I want to compare different sets of related sub-functions which should be used alternatively by the same top-level function. Sets of related functions should be bound together (as lists) and the workspace should be as clean
2006 Jul 05
package simecol uploaded to CRAN
Dear useRs, a new and completely re-worked version of the "simecol" package SIMulatiion of ECOLogical (and other) dynamic systems is now available on CRAN. Compared to the S3 based 0.2-x versions an improved object model using S4 classes was employed. Please ask me for assistance in case of incompatibility. Comments are welcome, Thomas Petzoldt
2006 Jul 05
package simecol uploaded to CRAN
Dear useRs, a new and completely re-worked version of the "simecol" package SIMulatiion of ECOLogical (and other) dynamic systems is now available on CRAN. Compared to the S3 based 0.2-x versions an improved object model using S4 classes was employed. Please ask me for assistance in case of incompatibility. Comments are welcome, Thomas Petzoldt
2008 Nov 21
lsoda warning "too much accuracy requested"
Dear list - Does anyone have any ideas / comments about why I am receiving the following warning when I run lsoda: 1: lsoda-- at t (=r1), too much accuracy requested in: lsoda(start, times, model, parms) 2: for precision of machine.. see tolsf (=r2) in: lsoda(start, times, model, parms) I have tried changing both rtol and atol but without success. I saw the thread in the
2008 Sep 16
odesolve dynload example
Hello R Developers, This is my first foray into using c-code with R, so please forgive my foolishness. I had a look at the archives and did not find anything on this, so hopefully I am not doubling up. I have tried to use R cmd to create an object file from the odesolve dynload example. I am using windows and have just installed rtools, and have the latest version of stable R (2..7.2). This is
2010 Nov 28
non-linear fourth-order differential equations
I need to solve a system of non-linear fourth-order differential equations. Is there a command which solves this system? Thanks in advance.
2013 Apr 18
Linux distribution with gcc 4.8 and AddressSanitizer ?
Dear R developers, I've got an information from Prof. Ripley regarding a bug found with AdressSanitizer in one of our packages. It is now fixed, thank you for this information. Now, I would like to run AddressSanitizer myself before submitting the patched package to CRAN. Is there a recommendation of a suitable Linux distribution with gcc 4.8, ideally an ISO image or (even better) a
2010 Apr 06
estimating the starting value within a ODE using nls and lsoda
All- I am interested in estimating a parameter that is the starting value for an ODE model. That is, in the typical combined fitting procedure using nls and lsoda (alternatively rk4), I first defined the ODE model: minmod <- function(t, y, parms) { G <- y[1] X <- y[2] with(as.list(parms),{ I_t <- approx(time, I.input, t)$y dG <- -1*(p1 + X)*G +p1*G_b dX <-
2001 Mar 15
supressing linefeed at end of file
Hello, I want to do simulations with an external simulation model. For this purpose I wrote a R-script which makes the pre- and post-processing of the data (generate scenarios, analyze results). The R-script writes the input file for the simulation with e.g. write(x, file="test.dat", ncolumns=10) The problem is, however, that this command (and even constructions with cat) will add a
2016 Sep 02
CRAN packages maintained by you
On 2 September 2016 at 14:54, Thomas Petzoldt wrote: | Hi, | | I have the same problem and, at a first look, the issues reported by the | CRAN checks seemed easy to fix. However, after checking it again locally | and on it appeared that GCC 4.9.3 | (Windows, Rtools 3.4), same also on win-builder reports even more | issues, especially legacy Fortran (mainly
1997 Nov 28
R-alpha: Problems with dimnames and names
This message is in MIME format --_=XFMail.1.1.p0.Linux:971128122615:3052=_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii I have rounded up three buglets in R-0.50-a4. Two of them I can fix and a patch is supplied below. I hope this is useful for the current source (if these haven't been fixed already :) 1) cov cov() fails when it's argument is a matrix with one column and with column names