Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Rscript not returning zero"
2013 Apr 26
Help with merge function
Dear all,
I'm trying to merge 2 dataframes, but I'm not being entirely successful and
I can't understand why.
Dataframe x1
State_prov Shape_name bob2009 bob 2010 bob2011
Nova Scotia Annapolis 0 0 1
Nova Scotia Antigonish 0 0 0
Nova Scotia Gly NA NA
2011 Dec 16
xyplots with differentiated first data points
I'm trying to plot a series of lines without data point markers, except
for the first data point in each line, which I want to also mark with an
open circle.
The following code accomplishes this for a single line:
xyplot(yy ~ xx,
panel=function(x, y){
panel.xyplot(x, y, col="black",type="l")
panel.xyplot(x[1], y[1],
2012 Jun 28
Sobre survival analysis
Estoy tratando de correr un survival analysis usando un Cox regression model.
Tengo una duda respecto a la organizacion del script. Tengo una variable que es -tamano del individuo- y quiero ver si hay diferencia en sobrevivencia respecto a tamano. Como diseno de campo los tamanos fueron ubicados de forma aleatoria en bloques al azar.
Cuado planteo el script tengo algo como:
2018 Jun 05
Help attack DDOS
I ask because I only receive attacks when I activate icecast. I can not do
anything at the application level ?. i used ubuntu server 16.04. thanks.
2018-06-05 14:52 GMT-05:00 Alejandro Flores <alex at mordormx.net>:
> I think you should contact to your connectivity provider, hopefully they
> can provide you the Anti DDOS protection.
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 2:16 PM,
2012 May 18
colocar subscripts y cursiva
He estado tratando varias formas de colocar el subíndice para los grados de libertad del F test y la expresión adj; y sencillamente no funciona.
legend("topright",legend=c(expression('r[adj]=0.40'),expression('F[3,23]=15.43'),expression('P < 0.001')),col=black, bty='n',cex=0.9)
Luego al tratar de colocar las cusriva utilizando par(font=3)
2011 May 18
Help, please
I am using R 2.10.1 and I have a doubt. Do you know how many cases can R
I want to use the library npmc but if I have more than 4,500 cases I get an
error message. If I use less than 4500 cases I don´t have problems with this
Is there any way to increase the number of cases in order to use this
Thanks in advance
Julio Flores
[[alternative HTML version
2013 Jan 27
?Please <I would like to get informatin regarding the stream line for an interenet radio,
Thank You
Sandy Flores
?(714)963-7462 Bus
(714)438-0156 Fax
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2009 Aug 21
sessionInfo() fails to correctly detect locale settings
Dear R devels
Yesterday I was slightly surprised to notice that R incorrectly
detected some of the locale settings. I am not sure whether this is
important, but I preferred to drop a message. In the R output below,
some entries that should have been "en_GB.UTF-8" are presented as "C".
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26)
2016 May 18
[patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)
I get an error when running "make check" after building R-devel r70629
on Ubuntu 14.04. Here are the relevant lines in the file
> ## m1z uses match(x, *) with length(x) == 1 and failed in R 3.3.0
> ## PR#16909 - a consequence of the match() bug; check here too:
> dv <- data.frame(var?1 = 1:3, var?2 = 3); dv[,"var?2"]
2016 Apr 19
Problem with X11
Dear All,
I have never had this problem before. I run debian testing on my box
and I have recently update my R environment.
Now, see what happens when I try the most trivial of all plots
> plot(seq(22))
Error in (function (display = "", width, height, pointsize, gamma, bg,
X11 module cannot be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
In (function (display = "", width,
2010 Jun 11
R in Linux: problem with special characters
I’m working with the 64 bit version of R 2.11.0 for Linux. My session info is:
R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22)
[1] C
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
When I try to print words with special characters the result is that the expression printed has some kind of code substituting the special
2010 Oct 08
font question on pdf device
I wonder if this is something on my machine locally or R in general.
When I do the following:
> plot(c(0,1),c(0,1),main=expression(paste(symbol("D"),"D",sep="")))
I get a plot with a title having uppercase delta followed by "D". But in
the following
> pdf(file="deltaTest.pdf")
2010 May 28
difference in sort order linux/Windows (R.2.11.0)
Dear R users,
I'm a bit perplexed with the effect sort has here, as it is different on
Windows vs. linux.
It makes my factor levels and subsequent plots different on the two systems.
types <- c("PC-D-Euro-0", "PC-D-Euro-1", "PC-D-Euro-2", "PC-D-Euro-3",
"PC-D-Euro-4", "PC-D-Euro-5", "PC-D-Euro-6",
2018 Nov 15
'date' format differences between CentOS 6 and 7 using the en_GB locale ?
Just noticed that the output of 'date' is different between CentOS 6 and
7 when using the 'en_GB' locale - e.g.:
CentOS 6:
% LANG=en_GB date
Thu Nov 15 11:42:46 GMT 2018
% LANG=en_US date
Thu Nov 15 11:42:56 GMT 2018
CentOS 7:
% LANG=en_GB date
Thu 15 Nov 11:43:07 GMT 2018
% LANG=en_US date
Thu Nov 15 11:43:11 GMT 2018
i.e. with LANG=en_GB on CentOS 7, the day
2010 Mar 26
NA values in indexing
If you index a vector with a vector that has NA in it, you get NA back:
> x=101:107
> x[c(NA,4,NA)]
[1] NA 104 NA
> x[c(4,NA)]
[1] 104 NA
All well and good. ?"[" says, under NAs in indexing:
When extracting, a numerical, logical or character ?NA? index
picks an unknown element and so returns ?NA? in the corresponding
element of a logical, integer,
2011 May 20
views w locale default template
I hesitate on how handling the locale view templates to default to
one language only ..
sending admin emails will go only to one locale ''en_GB''
should I set it up into the template name and set I18n.locale to
whatever locale is used , if I have :
it will be the default ?
2002 Feb 26
Locale problems on Solaris
Hi there.
With OpenSSH 3.0.2p1 on Solaris, the locale does not appear to get set
correctly at login, as it does with, say telnet:
When logging in via SSH:
scot /home/scot > locale
2013 Sep 03
tm::stemDocument function not work
stemDocument function doesn't seem to be working. Tried to look up and
a few people have reported the problem, but no solution that I could
would appreciate any help
2016 May 18
[patch] Error in reg-tests-1c.R (R-devel)
On 18/05/16 13:50, Martin Maechler wrote:
>>>>>> Mikko Korpela <mikko.korpela at helsinki.fi>
>>>>>> on Wed, 18 May 2016 13:05:24 +0300 writes:
> > I get an error when running "make check" after building
> > R-devel r70629 on Ubuntu 14.04.
> > Here are the relevant
> > lines in the file
2010 Sep 14
Multiple CPU HowTo in Linux?
Hello all,
I upgraded my R workstation, and to my dismay, only one core appears to
be used during intensive computation of a bioconductor function.
What I have now is two dual-core Xeon 5160 CPUs and 10 GB RAM. When I
fully load it, top reports about 25% user, 75% idle and 0.98 short-term
The archives gave nothing helpful besides mention of snow. I thought of
posting to HPC, but this system