similar to: can't use ATLAS or ACML | 2.9.0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "can't use ATLAS or ACML | 2.9.0"

2009 Jun 26
proper link to ACML blas | compiling 2.9.0
Normally, I do the following to configure R for compilation on my Opteron box with ACML installed: ./configure --with-tcltk --with-blas="-L/opt/acml4.3.0/gfortran64/lib -lacml" However, when I do so, and look at Makeconf, I see BLAS_LIBS = -lblas I thought I would see BLAS_LIBS = -L/opt/acml4.3.0/gfortran64/lib -lacml Why isn't Makeconf picking up the right BLAS_LIBS (or is
2010 May 28
Compiling R-2.11.0 with ATLAS-tuned BLAS and LAPACK
Hello. I am a Linux neophyte and know almost nothing ?about compiling, so I would appreciate any help and advice y'all would care to offer. I am trying to compile the 64 bit version of R using a tuned ATLAS and LAPACK (ATLAS 3.9.24). I am running Ubunto 10.04 LTS (through wubi, FWIW). The ATLAS and LAPACK files (,,, and are sitting in the folder
2009 Jun 26
problems compiling for RHEL 5.3 x86_64
Well, CentOS 5.3, which amounts to the same thing. I recently decided to upgrade my main research machine from Fedora Core 8 -> CentOS 5.3. Basically, I was looking to move to a distro with longer 'term-of-life' than the release schedule for Fedora currently allows. The machine is a multi-Opteron box, so both 32- and 64-bit apps natively supported. Since I do a lot of 'linear
2002 Feb 14
R-patched and R-devel
If I configure in R-patched and R-devel, with the same options to configure, then R-patched says checking for ATL_xerbla in -latlas... yes checking for cblas_dgemm in -lcblas... yes checking for dgemm_ in -lf77blas... yes which R-devel says checking for ATL_xerbla in -latlas... yes checking for cblas_dgemm in -lcblas... yes checking for dgemm in -lf77blas... no This is on the same computer and
2010 May 14
Compiling R with ATLAS
Hello. I know almost nothing about Linux, so I apologize if the answer to this is obvious. I am trying to compile R with ATLAS (successfully compiled 3.9.24 on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit). I configured with: ./configure --enable-R-shlib --enable-BLAS-shlib --with-blas="-L/usr/local/atlas/lib -lf77blas -latlas" --with-lapack="-L/usr/local/atlaslib -llapack -lcblas" --with-x and I
2010 May 14
Compiling R with ATLAS
Hello. I know almost nothing about Linux, so I apologize if the answer to this is obvious. I am trying to compile R with ATLAS (successfully compiled 3.9.24 on Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit). I configured with: ./configure --enable-R-shlib --enable-BLAS-shlib --with-blas="-L/usr/local/atlas/lib -lf77blas -latlas" --with-lapack="-L/usr/local/atlaslib -llapack -lcblas" --with-x and I
2010 Aug 24
Trouble configuring R to use ACML
I am trying to get R to use the ACML BLAS, specifically the 'mp' version for multithreading. I have installed acml-4-4-0-gfortran-64bit I added /opt/acml4.4.0/gfortran64_mp/lib to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I ran: sudo ./configure --with-blas="-L/opt/acml4.4.0/gfortran64_mp/lib -lacml_mp" At the end of the configuration, the only external library listed is readline, and at the end
2008 Jun 13
compiling 2.7.0 GNU/Linux | BLAS & Lapack query
Greetings - For a host of reasons I chose (was forced) to upgrade my multi-Opteron box from Fedora 7 -> Fedora 8. In the process, I also updated the ACML I had installed from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0. While I get no errors (that I can find) in the config -> make -> make install sequence, I'm pretty sure (based on some benchmarks) that I'm not getting BLAS and/or Lapack to compile in. So,
2006 Jul 24
R and ACML
While I recently received some very helpful files and email from Kevin Hendricks for compiling with ATLAS, thought I'd first have a stab at ACML. Having problems, which I suspect are trivial to solve: 1. machine is running RHEL 4, meaning, it uses gcc 3.4.5 out of the box, and g77. In my experience, over-riding RHEL's choice, and manually upgrading to gcc 4.x.x (and, as a consequence
2006 Oct 16
x86_64, acml-3.5.0-gfortran64 and lme4
I am encountering segfaults when checking the lme4 package on an Athlon64 system if I use the acml blas. R was built as a 64-bit application using the GCC 4.0.3 compiler suite including gfortran. The version of acml is 3.5.0 gfortran64. I do not encounter the segfaults when I compile R with R's built-in BLAS. The errors occur in the first example in lme4 in a call to lmer. It looks like
2008 Apr 18
configure can't find dgemm in MKL10
Hi, I'm trying to follow the R-admin instructions for using MKL10 as the external BLAS compiling R-2.6.2 under Linux on a RH EL head node of a cluster. The configure process seems to have problems when it checks for dgemm in the BLAS. I'm using configure as: ./configure CC=icc F77=ifort --with-lapack="$MKL" --with-blas="$MKL" where $MKL is defined as in R-admin
2008 Dec 08
Ubuntu 8.10: Package installation fails (lf77blas problem)
I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 (i386) from 8.04. After the upgrade, I ran update.packages(.libPaths()[1]) in R to get the packages installed from source up to date too. Unfortunately, two packages could not be updated: mclust and mboost. In both cases, the error I got mentioned lf77blas. Here's the output for mboost: * Installing *source* package 'mboost' ... ** libs gcc -std=gnu99
2005 Sep 06
Build R with AMD pgi compiled ACML library
Hi, Has anyone had any luck in using portland group compiler to build R(-devel) with AMD's pgi compiled ACML library? I've downloaded the packages and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and run configuration script as follow: % ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/R.pgcc --with-blas='-lacml' However, it failed to pick up double complex BLAS, checking for sgemm_ in -lacml... yes checking
2005 Dec 14
Building R-devel with ACML
I'm trying to build R-devel with AMD's ACML. I downloaded version 3.0.0 64bit for gfortran (acml-3-0-0-gfortran-64bit.tgz) and copied the libraries to /usr/local/lib. When I configure R to build against the ACML library, how do I know if the library has been detected and will be used? I run 'configure' with the '--with-blas=-lacml' flag and am using gcc 4.0.2 (with
2007 Aug 24
config error during 2.5.1 compile
Have been running 2.5.1 on my multi-pro Opteron box running Fedora Core 5 with no problems. Had compiled previously with no problems. However, for a variety of reasons (mostly due to ACML upgrade), I tried a recompile using the following sequence of commands (note I'm compiling in ACML support for blas): LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/acml3.6.1/gfortran64/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./configure
2003 Nov 25
Something broken with update?
Updating my 1.8.0 R installation (>update.packages() ) I obtain the following (SORRY FOR THE LENGTH OF THE LOG BUT IT HELPS!!!): ................ downloaded 135Kb KernSmooth : Version 2.22-11 in /usr/lib/R/library Version 2.22-12 on CRAN Update (y/N)? y mgcv : Version 0.9-3.1 in /usr/lib/R/library Version 0.9-6 on CRAN Update (y/N)? y trying URL
2003 Sep 30
cluster & mgcv update
Hello, After reinstalling the whole OS and R as well, I tried to update.packages() and get the follwing error message: concerning the mgcv update: atlas2-base is installed and blas as well (on debian). I haven't found lf77blas, I assume it's a library or something similar associated with blas. any suggestion how to solve that, thanks Martin * Installing *source* package
2006 Jul 22
compile R with ACML support | RHEL 4
Greetings - I'm trying to compile R under GNU/Linux (RHEL 4) on a multi-Opteron box, with ACML support. First, I downloaded and installed ACML 3.5 - GNU version, although I'm not entirely sure what the differences are - from the AMD website. The ACML libraries were installed to /opt/acml3.5.0/ Second, I ran ./configure --with-blas='-lacml' The configure went fine,
2006 Sep 27
Building R-2.3.1 for Windows with ATLAS
Ok, moved to R-devel. I tried to build R-2.3.1. Since I intent to distribute this tuned R to all other who have a computer like mine here at work I thought it was best to stay with the latest stable release. About your suggestion, I could'n find xerblas.o file. And I don't know how to edit libf77blas.a. I tried to open it with VIM ( but there was a lot of strange
2011 Jan 28
R CMD INSTALL cannot find libf77blas
I feel like Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront" where he's told "It's not your night, kid", except for me it has been the last two months trying to debug memory problems. Now I can't even install an old version of this package on a netbook running the Ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix because it can't find the libraries libf77blas and libatlas. I have even gone to