similar to: Problems with plot and Quartz device (PR#13744)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Problems with plot and Quartz device (PR#13744)"

2006 Mar 30
Predict function for 'newdata' of different dimension in svm
I am using the "predict" function on a support vector machine (svm) object, and I don't understand why I can't predict on a dataset with more observations than the training dataset. I think this problem is a generic "predict" problem, but I'm not sure. The original svm was fit on 50 observations.
2010 Nov 23
Lattice and Quartz
I ran this script in a source file on my Mac: library(lattice) year <- 1900:2000 dollars <- (year-1899)^2 plot(year,dollars) quartz("year") histogram(~dollars) The first plot appears in Quartz 2. The second quartz window, named year, opens but the histogram doesn't appear. However, when I copy and paste this script directly into the R console, both quartz windows (Quartz 2
2012 Oct 22
1 of the FAQ (Mac)
Hi, In the FAQ for Mac there is 7.2 Saving the image You can can (???) the content of the quartz device window into a PDF file. This is not explained! This is a very simple way to export high quality graphics from R into other applications on Mac OS X graphics is PDF based (so are almost all applications available). However, this process
2010 Jan 28
quartz() and dpi
Hello all, I am using quartz (on OS X obviously) to produce PDFs and PNGs from my plots, for later inclusion in LaTeX. I am typically using something like: plot(0) dev.print(quartz, file="foo.pdf", width=5, height=3) dev.print(quartz, file="foo.png", width=5, height=3, dpi=72) I want the sizes of the PDF and PNG to be *equal* in *inches*, which works with dpi=72. However,
2008 May 12
Fonts in Quartz Devices
Hi, I'm new to R. I'm using a Mac OS X 10.5 and R 2.7.0. I'm trying to change the font family for a plot in a quartz device. Simply passing the desired font by using the family argument works with other devices, but not with quartz. Am I missing anything? I've already checked the docs for quartz and quartzFonts, but didn't find a solution. Any help much appreciated.
2008 Mar 18
Saving Chinese text in Quartz
I encountered a problem that I don't know where to or how to solve this. I can put Chinese text to a Quartz window. There is no problem to show the correct Chinese text string. However, when this Quartz window is saved, and open by Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, the Chinese text will become ........ In order to show/preserve my Chinese text in Quartz window, do I have to set up some parameters?
2008 Jun 16
x labels out of Quartz canvas
Hi R world, I am such a newbie, with only 4-5 days of R experience. I did a search in forum history but couldn't find a solution to my problem... Sorry if it's obvious: I managed to draw a barplot (yey!) with xlabels of 'long' names (filenames, to be particular). To make them readable, I place them perpendicular to the axis (las=2). When I do that, however, these names don't
2004 Sep 12
can't get the quartz window to the background
Dear List, I have switched from Linux to OS X, and I find the R interface there really nice. I am using Emacs+ESS, and the quartz device. My only problem is that 1. I can't move the quartz window, whenever I go above it I see a spinning rainbow circle (AFAIK that means "I am busy" or "can't touch me" in OS X) 2. Once something gets in front of it, I cannot
2008 Oct 02
quartz device (PR#13115)
Dear, The quartz device doesn't work in R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25), on my MacBook Pro. For example, when I just type 'demo(graphics)', the quartz window stays empty and the clockwise time indicator keeps on running in the R window. What should I do to fix this bug? Thanks in advance, Vanessa
2007 May 21
quartz() on MAC OSX
I am (desperately) trying to get used to using a Mac here at my new location. (Why *anyone* would ever use anything other than Linux, except under duress as I am, totally escapes me, but that's another story.) Fortunately much of the Mac OSX is actually Unix, so a civilized person can manage to carry on ... But there are some things. (Like this <expletive deleted> mailer ... But
2013 Jan 25
Saving or copying graphics from Quartz returns empty file
Hi, I need some help figuring out how to save or copy graphs I've created in the Quartz screen. I'm using a Mac, Mountain Lion OS, and have version 2.15.2. When I save a graphic, the process either crashes R, or if it saves the file, when I open it, it is a blank file or I get an error message that says "The file Rplot.pdf could not be opened." When I try to copy the graphic
2007 Jun 17
Flint failed to deliver indexing performance to Quartz.
Flint failed to deliver indexing performance to Quartz. I am proposing to remove Flint as default database and place Quartz database back as default. The catch is not that Flint database is smaller and faster during searches then Quartz database as developers were concerning when were measuring and neglecting to measure performance when creating the large indexes. The truth is that Flint
2010 Jun 22
Warped Text in mtext in a Quartz-Window
Hello, With one procedure, I get a strangely warped text in the mtext-area of a quartz-window, while with an other the text comes out OK - see attached PDF. (Number of Trials is the x-Axis label, which always comes out OK) -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Warped Text.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 24420 bytes Desc: not available URL:
2002 Nov 08
Mac specific - quartz leads to crash (PR#2276)
Full_Name: Martin Renner Version: 1.6.0 OS: MacOS X 10.2.1 Submission from: (NULL) ( Opening a new graphics device with quartz () produces a quartz window but it cannot be resized, there's no red close-button and R usually crashes within the next 20 seconds (unexpectedly quit). Also, I can't copy this window (copy does not do anything, old clipboard is not replaced).
2008 Apr 06
[R-SIG-Mac] sizing of quartz
Those are good news. Prof Brian Ripley wrote: > You didn't tell us the version of R. quartz() is different in 2.7.0 > alpha, and there the function arguments do work (and the size is > really as advertised and not at a notional 72dpi). In fact, it is a > much more standard device and interface, so less to learn. > I assumed that > version provides most of the
2002 Nov 10
Hi. I'm trying to run ActiveWorlds Browser under Wine, I'm getting errors with Quartz.dll can anyone help me please. Bob Wilkinson.
2018 May 29
Quartz graphic device can be extremely slow in some cases
Hello, We?re receiving reports of extremely slow rendering by users who are using the new geom_sf() feature in ggplot2. Importantly, this seems to be a graphics device issue, because the exact same plot takes vastly different amounts of time to render under different devices. We?re talking about 2 seconds vs. 100 seconds here, so not a small effect. In particular, the quartz device on OS X seems
2007 Mar 19
Native Quartz Video Driver
Hi, i trying to run wine within OS X (10.4.8) with XDarwin. Bad i have the following problem. I've been able to run some games/apps but the display is very sluggish und far away from smooth. With Crossover the display is very smooth. I think the cause of this is the way over X11. So i wanted to know if there is an Quartz Driver for wine?
2009 Jan 14
quartz options not permanent
Hi all, I use a mac and was trying to reset my quartz options. However, every time I restart R, the options are gone and I have to type them again. Any idea as to what's going wrong? Thanks, Premal
2009 Jun 05
Antialiasing plots and text on different devices
I have a question about antialiasing when R generates bitmaps. (This follows a thread on the ggplot2 mailing list.) I mostly use R on Linux, although I sometimes use it in Mac and Windows as well. On Linux, I've found that plotting shapes 15-18 via cairo results in bad-looking output. The points are not antialiased, and they are jagged and misshapen. Plots generated in Windows also aren't