Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "?as.POSIXct (PR#13587)"
2006 Feb 16
How to convert SPSS date data to dates?
Dear R Helpers,
I have imported an SPSS file that contains date data.
The data appear in R in a numeric format, as follows:
10485849600 10477641600 10561104000 10562745600 etc.
I'd be extremely grateful if someone could tell me
how to make these numbers into comprehensible dates!
Jonathan Williams
2009 Mar 11
Is this a documentation bug? Spss dates import
Hello R-user
bug seekers are needed!
In order to perform these simple tasks you have to use a copy of SPSS
and obviously R.
The problem is that date conversion of data coming from SPSS
gives wrong results, if we follow ?as.POSIXct
## SPSS dates (R-help 2006-02-17)
z <- c(10485849600, 10477641600, 10561104000, 10562745600)
as.Date(as.POSIXct(z, origin="1582-10-14",
2009 Jan 07
Function to recognise convert dates between gregorian and other calendars (e.g. Persian)?
Dear list,
I will shortly have some data that contains numeric dates in the Persian /
Jalali calendar format, which I would like to convert to gregorian. At the
moment there doesn't seem to be a function for this in R, but it would be
great if someone could come up with same - I would attempt it but the
algorithm is very complex and this is also way beyond my fairly rudimentary
knowledge of
2017 Nov 08
Help Converting Calendars
Trying to convert a Gregorian calendar dataset to a Persian calendar
dataset. But I end up with a list and not sure what to do. For example ...
dates <- c("2017-10-1","2017-10-2","2017-10-3")
myData <- data.frame(dates)
myData$dates <- as.Date(myData$dates, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
> myData
1 2017-10-01
2 2017-10-02
2006 Sep 18
ISO8601 week-of-year to date
are there any way to convert ISO8601 weeks to gregorian dates? Something
coverttodate(year=2006, week=38, day=1)
# Sept 18, 2006
Thanks in advance,
2011 Feb 04
Importing dates from SPSS file
Hello all, kind regards,
I have imported a data.frame from SPSS using "foreign":read.spss but
unfortunately it is reading dates in a way neither R nor myself can
> book$DATE
[1] 13502246400 13443321600 13477795200 13472956800 13501728000 13445395200
13501382400 13502851200 13444185600 13461465600 13457232000
[12] 13458096000 13432435200 13431484800 13495334400
2004 Mar 03
read.spss and time/date information
I don't use SPSS but following through on your detective work
can provide the likely answer.
First note that both date numbers are evenly divisible by the number
of seconds in a day, i.e. 24*60*60. This suggests that these numbers
are seconds since some origin.
Since we know "2003/02/11" corresponds to 13264300800 we deduce that
the origin must be
spss.orig <-
2017 Nov 08
Help Converting Calendars
How about
> p_dates <- paste0(p.dates[[3]], "-", p.dates[[2]], "-", p.dates[[1]])
> myData$p_dates <- p_dates
> print(myData, right=FALSE)
dates p_dates
1 2017-10-01 1396-7-9
2 2017-10-02 1396-7-10
3 2017-10-03 1396-7-11
> str(myData)
'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
$ dates : Date, format: "2017-10-01"
2006 Oct 19
Time conversion from Win32 64bit FILETIME?
Windows-32 has a time structure called FILETIME, a 64-bit value
representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1,
1601 (UTC). That is not a typo, the year is 1601.
Does anyone have a clue(or algorhithm)for how this is converted to
something a little more POSIX-like ?
Thank you,
Derek N. Eder
Gothenburg University
VINKLA - Vigilance and Neurocognition
2015 Jan 23
Programming Tools CTV
Hi all,
Sorry if this doesn't end up in the thread.
Tobias Verbeke forwarded that e-mail to me, because he thought I would be interested in maintaining the Programming Tools CTV.
I wasn't subscribed to R-devel yet, but I would indeed like to volunteer to maintain the Programming Tools CTV.
It will be my first time creating a CTV, so some guidance on getting it setup will be appreciated.
2007 Apr 17
Is this a bug?
I have found a strange "ifelse" behaviour (I think)
This works:
> ifelse(T,1+1,1+2)
[1] 2
> ifelse(F,1+1,1+2)
[1] 3
Maybe I missed something about R internals, but why
> ifelse(T,print("hello"),print("goodbye"))
[1] "hello"
[1] "hello"
> ifelse(F,print("hello"),print("goodbye"))
[1] "goodbye"
2015 Jan 23
Programming Tools CTV
Dear Willem,
Personally, I use the R-forge project for the distribution CTV : https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/ctv/
It?s an alternative option to github.
Regards, Christophe
Christophe Dutang
LMM, UdM, Le Mans, France
web: http://dutangc.free.fr
Le 23 janv. 2015 ? 12:49, Luca Braglia <lbraglia at gmail.com> a ?crit :
> Hi Willem
2010 Jan 27
href and Rd
Hello *
is possible to have something like the LaTeX \href in Rd ?
\url doesn't fit very well, and I didn't find much about.
I have a long (external to the help system, a www one) url but i
would like it to be "hidden" from a small word with the link.
Please CC me! ;)
thanks in advance
2007 Oct 23
typo in italian translation (PR#10367)
read.table in a table with numb of read elements not
multiple of columns
Avviso in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
na.strings, :
il numero di elemtni letti non ?? un multiplo del numero di
--> change "elemtni" to "elementi"
2015 Jan 22
Programming Tools CTV
I've had a lot of requests for additions to the reproducible research
task view that fall into a grey area (to me at least).
For example, roxygen2 is a tool that broadly enable reproducibility
but I see it more as a tool for better programming. I'm about to check
in a new version of the task view that includes packrat and
checkpoint, as they seem closer to reproducible research, but also
2015 Jan 22
Programming Tools CTV
On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Achim Zeileis
<Achim.Zeileis at uibk.ac.at> wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Jan 2015, Max Kuhn wrote:
>> I've had a lot of requests for additions to the reproducible research
>> task view that fall into a grey area (to me at least).
>> For example, roxygen2 is a tool that broadly enable reproducibility
>> but I see it more as
2012 Jun 21
where do I report this DateTime bug?
I have isolated what appears to be a bug in the Rails extensions to
DateTime, but I don''t know where to report it.
I have a standalone file to demonstrate the bug, but the punch line is
that this code:
TestRecord.create!(:f_datetime => (expected = DateTime.jd(2000000)))
found = TestRecord.first.f_datetime
puts("expected == found => #{expected == found}")
2009 Jan 09
A new package ConvCalendars is on CRAN, in response to requests earlier this week.
It performs conversions between the Gregorian calendar and other calendars including the Persian (Jalali) calendar used in Iran and Afghanistan and the Hebrew calendar used in Israel.
All the heavy lifting is done by C code from http://www.projectpluto.com.
Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor,
2009 Jan 09
A new package ConvCalendars is on CRAN, in response to requests earlier this week.
It performs conversions between the Gregorian calendar and other calendars including the Persian (Jalali) calendar used in Iran and Afghanistan and the Hebrew calendar used in Israel.
All the heavy lifting is done by C code from http://www.projectpluto.com.
Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor,
2006 Jun 07
Making an HTTP request to an external machine
During one of my controller actions I want to call an external machine
before I do anything. It''s not a real web service, more like a
REST-style thing where I''ll just be tweaking a servlet running on
another machine and sending it some data.
Does Rails give me anything to work with for doing that? I read the web
service stuff but it''s overkill for what I need. I