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2006 Jul 05
Problem with coxme
------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2006 09:09:14 -0500 (CDT)
From: Terry Therneau <therneau at mayo.edu>
Subject: RE: Problem with coxme
To: jhz22 at medschl.cam.ac.uk
Cc: R-help at stat.mat.ethz.ch, liulei at virginia.edu, spencer.graves at pdf.com
Content-MD5: BXKVsHtW/1I9mIUqrXBU0g==
The original question involved a strange error message from coxme
2011 Dec 30
Joint modelling of survival data
Assume that we collect below data : -
subjects = 20 males + 20 females, every single individual is independence,
and difference
events = 1, 2, 3... n
covariates = 4 blood types A, B, AB, O
?m = hazards rates for male
?n = hazards rates for female
Wm = Wn x ?, frailty for males, where ? is the edge ratio of male compare to
Wn =
2010 Aug 04
Question regarding significance of a covariate in a coxme survival model
I am running a Cox Mixed Effects Hazard model using the library coxme. I
am trying to model time to onset (age_sym1) of thought problems (e.g.
hearing voices) (sym1). As I have siblings in my dataset, I have
decided to account for this by including a random effect for family
(famid). My covariate of interest is Mother's diagnosis where a 0 is
bipolar, 1 is control, and 2 is major
2007 Apr 20
Approaches of Frailty estimation: coxme vs coxph(...frailty(id, dist='gauss'))
Dear List,
In documents (Therneau, 2003 : On mixed-effect cox
models, ...), as far as I came to know, coxme penalize
the partial likelihood (Ripatti, Palmgren, 2000) where
as frailtyPenal (in frailtypack package) uses the
penalized the full likelihood approach (Rondeau et al,
How, then, coxme and coxph(...frailty(id,
dist='gauss')) differs? Just the coding algorithm, or
2008 Feb 14
Advice on analyzing a mixed effects survival model?
I have an experiment I'm trying to analyze that's turning out to be
more complicated than I anticipated, so I was hoping for some
suggestions about how to handle it.
The lab experiment is a comparison between two search interfaces.
After a little training, each subject performs 12 information search
tasks, 6 with one interface and 6 with the other, and we measure time
2012 Feb 03
coxme with frailty--variance of random effect?
Dear all,
This probably stems from my lack of understanding of the model, but I
do not understand the variance of the random effect reported in coxme.
Consider the following toy example:
#------------------------------- BEGINNING OF CODE
#--- Generate toy data:
d <- data.frame(id = c(1:100), #
2012 Apr 16
warning message: coxme with package multcomp
I'm encountering an error/warning when doing multiple comparisons with
the package multcomp on a coxme model.
My data:
I'm looking at the removal of brood from the nest according to three
treatments I applied on the brood.
The brood and the workers caring about the brood in the nest, belonged
to different colonies.
Factor: treatment (3 levels: tx,uv,meta)
Random effect 1: origin of
2011 Jul 08
coxme for random effects only model
Dear all,
I have encountered the following problem where coxme seems to allow
model with only random effect in R 2.11.1 but not in R 2.13.0. Following
is the error message using rat example data. Any comment on this is
In R2.13
> library(coxme)
> rat1 <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ rx + (1|litter), rats)
> rat0 <- coxme(Surv(time, status) ~ (1|litter), rats)
2020 Mar 05
rounding change
This is a small heads up for package maintainers.?? Under the more recent R-devel, R CMD
check turned up some changes in the *.out files.?? The simple demonstration is to type?
"round(51/80, 3)", which gives .638 under the old and .637 under the new.?? (One of my
coxph test cases has a concordance of exactly 51/80).
In this particular case 51/80 is exactly .63750000, but that value
2009 Aug 13
CMD check error (bug?)
R version 2.9.0 running on Centos (Red Hat linux).
I have a pair of packages coxme and bdsmatrix. The latter is installed
in my local library (I don't have permission for global install at
work.) That is, it is in the location pointed to in R_LIBS_USER. In R,
the command library(bdsmatrix) works fine.
Coxme depends on bdsmatrix, in fact uses some cross-calls to it's C
routines, which
2013 Apr 16
Model ranking (AICc, BIC, QIC) with coxme regression
I'm actually trying to rank a set of candidate models with an information criterion (AICc, QIC, BIC). The problem I have is that I use mixed-effect cox regression only available with the package {coxme} (see the example below).
>spring.cox <- coxme (Surv(start, stop, Real_rand) ~ strata(Paired)+R4+R3+R2+(R3|Individual), spring)
I've already found some explications in
2010 Mar 05
Defining a method in two packages
The coxme package has a ranef() method, as does lme4. I'm having
trouble getting them to play together, as shown below. (The particular
model in the example isn't defensible, but uses a standard data set.)
The problem is that most of the time only one of lme4 or coxme will be
loaded, so each needs to define the basic ranef function as well as a
method for it. But when loaded together
2012 Jan 24
Sweave driver extension
Almost all of the coxme package and an increasing amount of the survival
package are now written in noweb, i.e., .Rnw files. It would be nice to
process these using the Sweave function + a special driver, which I can
do using a modified version of Sweave. The primary change is to allow
the following type of construction
coxme <- function(formula, data, subset, blah blah
2018 Mar 28
coxme in R underestimates variance of random effect, when random effect is on observation level
I have a question concerning fitting a cox model with a random intercept, also known as a frailty model. I am using both the coxme package, and the frailty statement in coxph. Often 'shared' frailty models are implemented in practice, to group people who are from a cluster to account for homogeneity in outcomes for people from the same cluster. I am more interested in the classic
2002 Nov 01
Help on rsync delete option
Any help on the following issue will be appreciated.
How do I delete files or directories in my first level of directory that is
specified as host. Here is an example :
rsync -avz --delete ${SOURCE_HOST}:/mlinkfam/extract/sccs/pa/*
Giving above command I find redundant files or directory not getting deleted
from the first level of target directory
2011 Jan 25
coxme and random factors
I would really appreciate some help with my code for coxme...
My data set
I'm interested in survival of animals after an experiment with 4
treatments, which was performed on males and females. I also have two
random factors:
Response variable: survival (death)
Factor 1: treatment (4 levels)
Factor 2: sex (male / female)
Random effects 1: person nested within day (2 people did
2008 Dec 28
Random coefficients model with a covariate: coxme function
Dear R users:
I'm new to R and am trying to fit a mixed model
Cox regression model with coxme function.
I have one two-level factor (treat) and one
covariate (covar) and 32 different groups
(centers). I'd like to fit a random coefficients model, with treat and covar
as fixed factors and a random intercept, random
treat effect and random covar slope per center.
I haver a couple of
2007 Mar 20
Any R function for self-controlled case series method /effect absorption?
Has anyone written R functions for applying self-controlled case series
methods (http://statistics.open.ac.uk/sccs/).
In fact only thing needed is to modify glm function to allow absorption
of effect. Eg. in Poisson model individual effect is used as factor, but
it is considered as nuisance term where parameter estimates are not needed.
Could anyone point how absorbing individual
2012 Feb 19
coxme: model simplification using LR-test?
I'm encountering some problems with coxme
My data:
I'm looking at the survival of animals in an experiment with 3 treatments,
which came from 4 different populations, two of which were infected with a
parasite and two of which were not. I'm interested if infected animals
differe from uninfected ones across treatments.
Factor 1: treatment (3 levels)
Factor 2: infection state
2015 Feb 16
Imports problem
> > I'm testing out a new version of coxme and R CMD check fails with "could not find function
> > ranef" (or random.effects or fixef, or anything from nlme). The NAMESPACE file has the
> > line below
> > importFrom(nlme, ranef, random.effects, fixef, fixed.effects, VarCorr)
> > and nlme is declared in the DESCRIPTION