similar to: (PR#13283) R crashes on sprintf with bad format specification

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2008 Nov 14
(PR#13283) R crashes on sprintf with bad format
But %S is not valid in C99 or POSIX, even if it is a variant in some systems. I am working on a more careful checker right now, but there will be limits to what we can catch: this was already a pretty rare example. Brian On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, William Dunlap wrote: >> From: r-devel-bounces at >> [mailto:r-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of Prof Brian Ripley
2008 Nov 13
R crashes on sprintf with bad format specification (PR#13283)
Full_Name: Oren Cheyette Version: 2.7.2 OS: Win XP Submission from: (NULL) ( Enter the following at the R command prompt: > sprintf("A %S %S %S XYZ", 1, 1, 1); Note the erroneous capitalized %S instead of %s and the numeric inputs instead of strings. With strings there's no crash - R reports bad format specifications.
2008 Nov 14
R crashes on sprintf with bad format specification (PR#13285)
* On 2008-11-13 at 18:51 -0500 Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 12/11/2008 8:30 PM, ocheyett at wrote: >> Full_Name: Oren Cheyette >> Version: 2.7.2 >> OS: Win XP >> Submission from: (NULL) ( >> >> >> Enter the following at the R command prompt: >>> sprintf("A %S %S %S XYZ", 1, 1, 1); >> >> Note the
2010 Aug 06
Latex errors when checking package
Dear listers, I just run R CMD check on an update of one of my packages. All seems fine but after having gone through all the Rd-file and example checking and so on, I get the following kind of errors: LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. This typically indicates Rd problems. LaTeX errors found: ! Font T1/ptm/m/n/10=ptmr8t at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found . <to be read
2017 May 29
Print 128 bit value at runtime using printf
Hi, I was trying to print out a 128 bit result at runtime using a call to printf in LLVM. I am able to print 32 uptil 64 bit integers using the format string "%d" in printf . Please see the code in red below , as I am having a bit difficulty in trying to print the 128 bit value computed at runtime. The code in red is never executed since the value may never be casted to a
2008 Feb 29
problem with winbind (netlogon proxy only mode)
Hello I have two similar servers, both are Debian Etch (fully updated). Both work as PDC with samba 3.0.24-6etch9. Both have squid proxy working and I am using winbind to authenticate my proxy users. Couple of days ago I've encountered a problem with authorization on one of my servers. I realized that winbind stopped working properly. wbinfo -t now gives: checking the trust secret via RPC
2006 Apr 27
Incomplete Trio in TDT analysis
I am involved in a study where, as in most of life, men demonstrate themselves to be recalcitrant. So while we have many probands and most of their mothers we only have about 50% of the trios being complete. I have been running tdt and trio.types. It appears as if it is ignoring the duos. Sometimes a duo can be informative. For instance Father ..missing Mother 1/2 Proband 1/1 This duo shows that
2011 Nov 03
Problem with R CMD check and the inconsolata font business.
I have just installed R version 2.14.0 and tried to re-build and re-check some of the packages that I maintain. I'm getting a warning (in the process of running R CMD check on my "deldir" package): > * checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING > LaTeX errors when creating PDF version. > This typically indicates Rd problems. > LaTeX errors found: > ! Font
2023 Nov 12
Segmentation fault early in compilation of revision 85514
When trying to compile R on Windows 10 64-bit using LTO as I always do, I encountered a segmentation fault early in the compilation. I am uncertain as to what it means (please see below for error extract). I am using the most recent version of Rtools43 (5863) and updated its libraries prior to starting the build. My EOPTS is " -march=native -pipe -mno-rtm" and my
2006 Apr 25
Hi, I usually compile R-devel tarball every few days (just to check if I can do it and check for any compile errors). As of two days ago, I am receiving the following error: ... gcc -O3 -I. -DWIN32 -D_X86_ -c xdr_mem.c -o xdr_mem.o ar crs libxdr.a xdr.o xdr_float.o xdr_stdio.o xdr_mem.o make: *** ../extra/trio: No such file or directory. Stop. make[3]: *** [rlibs] Error 1 make[2]: ***
2012 Jul 06
Problem with Apriori
Good morning When I try to run an Apriori, I keep often the following message: checking subsets of size 1Error in apriori(tr, parameter = list(supp = 3e-05, conf = 0.05, minlen = 2, : internal error in trio library Other time it works fine on the same data. What can be the reason for this? -- Jolinda Bartlett Eighty20 Consulting Tel: 021 460 0440 Fax: 087 625 0649 3.1 East Wing The Palms
2005 Dec 18
date_select and impossible dates....
hi, using date_select right from a generated scaffold code leads to an error if an impossible date is selected (like the 31 of february) can''t get a way to correct this via a validation.... in fact that make sens because in the model i have the ''dateofbirth'' object which is a date object.... so providing an impossible day-month-year trio leads to an impossible
2011 Oct 14
and life goes on
they say that deaths come in threes... for me, it was these: 1. scott wannberg, los angeles poet, one of my favorite performers 2. michael hart, founder of project gutenberg, icon and iconoclast 3. steve jobs, seemingly the only guy who made stuff work correctly i'm sure that for others, dennis ritchie is on their list, for his own trio: 1. c 2. k&r 3. unix godspeed to all
2009 Dec 17
[OT] Urgent request
Help, Our server at work is down. The video memory is out. Its an old IBM PC300PL, 6892-12U, running SCO. If anyone happens to a stick of this type memory and would be willing to sell it, please let me know. Below are the requirements for the video memory: The video memory interface is controlled by an S3 TRIO 3D graphics controller. The amount of SGRAM shipped with the video subsystem is 4MB
2004 Nov 20
Change Group/Permission problem
Hello, I'm using samba as a Domain Controller, and i have the following question: It is possible to change an object's (file/dir) GROUP from Windows Explorer on a Samba server? I tried editing/changing via Security tab the unix-mapped Special Permission trio ($user, $group, Everybody) but it fails when I tried to save with the "Unable to save permission changes on <object>.
2013 Mar 09
grouping followed by finding frequent patterns in R
I have a data in the following form : CIN TRN_TYP 9079954 1 9079954 2 9079954 3 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 4 9079954 5 9079954 6 9079954 7 9079954 8 9079954 9 9079954 9 . . . . . . there are 100 types of CIN (9079954,12441087,15246633,...) and respective TRN_TYP first of all, I want this data to be
2012 Jan 04
render :update problem with IE 9
Hi, I have a legacy web site based on ruby on rails 3.0.9 which works just fine with Firefox, chrome and IE 8, but I receive an HTTP 406 error every time when I check the web site with Internet Explorer 9. I narrowed down the problem to the respond_to + format.js + render :update trio, but I did not manage to solve the problem until now. I created a small example for reproduction: The action
2018 Feb 13
R Compilation gets stuck on Windows 64
On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 12:22 PM, Indrajit Sen Gupta <indrajitsg at> wrote: > Hi Avraham, > > I tried with the patched version. The same error message. > > gcc -std=gnu99 -m64 -shared -s -mwindows -o R.dll R.def console.o dynload.o > editor.o embeddedR.o extra.o malloc.o opt.o pager.o preferences.o psignal.o > rhome.o rt_complete.o rui.o run.o shext.o
2007 Jul 27
Looping through all possible combinations of cases
Hello! I have a regular data frame (DATA) with 10 people and 1 column ('variable'). Its cases are people with names ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', etc.). I would like to write a function that would sum up the values on 'variable' of all possible combinations of people, i.e. 1. I would like to write a loop - in such a way that it
2009 Dec 20
storage servers crashing, hair being pulled out!
I have a trio of servers that like to reboot during high disk / network IO operations. They don't appear to panic, as I have kernel.panic = 0 in sysctl.conf. The syslog just shows normal messages, like samba complaining about browse master and then just syslogd starting up. The machines seem to crash when I'm not near the console, usually when I'm trying to pull data off them to