similar to: typo in ?pie

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "typo in ?pie"

2008 Nov 26
Smoothed 3D plots
DeaR list, I'm trying to represent some information via 3D plots. My data and session info are at the end of this message. So far, I have tried scatterplot3d (scatterplot3d), persp3d (rgl), persp (graphics) and scatter3d (Rmcdr) but any of them gave me what I'd like to have as final result (please see [1] for a similar 3D plot changing PF by ypred, pdn by h4 and pup by h11). In general
2012 Sep 03
Typo (?) in 'aggregate.formula'
In the code for 'aggregate.formula', there is if (as.character(formula[[2L]] == ".")) I believe that it is meant to be if (as.character(formula[[2L]]) == ".") However, if (as.character(formula[[2L]] == ".")) gives the expected result. Tracing: - formula[[2L]] == "." is equivalent to as.character(formula[[2L]]) == "." From the help page for
2012 Sep 10
problem building vignette
Hi, I'm trying to get a package to pass through "R CMD check --as-cran" and have run into a problem that gives me no idea where to look to fix it. I'm running R version 15.1 on a Windows 7 64-bit machine, with the current set of Rtools. An attempt to check the package dies at the following step: * checking running R code from vignettes ... 'SIBER.Rnw'
2011 Mar 30
problem with png() and large dimensions on some 32-bit Windows machines
Hello, I encountered this: > png(file=tempfile(), width=1165, height=12983) Error in png(file = tempfile(), width = 1165, height = 12983) : unable to start png() device In addition: Warning messages: 1: In png(file = tempfile(), width = 1165, height = 12983) : Unable to allocate bitmap 2: In png(file = tempfile(), width = 1165, height = 12983) : opening device failed > On the
2013 Feb 04
rJava works with 32-bit but not 64
Hello: rJava works for me under 32-bit but under not 64-bit R; see below. Suggestions? Thanks, Spencer > library(rJava) Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details: call: stop("No CurrentVersion entry in '", key, "'! Try re-installing Java and make sure R and Java have matching architectures.")
2011 Aug 09
embedFonts() does not embed fonts?
Dear helpers, I'm trying out the embedFonts() to embed fonts into my pdf files. However, when I inspect the new pdf with a program designed to look for embedded fonts, I see that the fonts have in fact not been embedded. Below are my calls. R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: i386-pc-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
2008 Feb 25
RWinEdt Install issue
Dear RUsers, I just upgraded from 2.6.0 to 2.6.2 and tried to reinstall the RWinEdt patch to work with WinEdt so that I can continue function as I always have but I have run into problems that I don't understand how to fix. Any help would be great. Essentially, I downloaded the latest RWinEdt zip folder from the CRAN website and tried calling the library. I tried re-installing it a bunch of
2011 Nov 24
capture.output(eval(..., envir)) not evaluate in the expected(?) environment
I've noticed the following oddity where capture.output() prevents eval() from evaluating an expression in the specified environment. I'm not sure if it is an undocumented feature or a bug. It caused me many hours of troubleshooting. By posting it here, it might save someone else from doing the same exercise. Start by defining foo() which evaluates an expression locally in a given
2007 Jan 23
can't plot a line
Consider the following: plot(0, 0, xlim=c(-10, 10), ylim=c(-50, 50)) lines(c(0,0), (2*c(-pi, pi))^2) I see no line in this plot. R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1]
2008 Sep 10
trouble printing from graphics device in R 2.7.2
Hi, I've been using R for many years and have always tried to keep my R version up to date, and when I switched from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 I'm suddenly having trouble printing from the graphics device. I have Windows XP, and installed both versions of R from the binaries. If I start 2.7.2 and simply do: > plot(1:10) the default R Graphics Device window opens as usual. However, when I
2010 Jun 09
bug? in stats::cor for use=complete.obs with NAs
Arrrrr, I think I've found a bug in the behavior of the stats::cor function when NAs are present, but in case I'm missing something, could you look over this example and let me know what you think: > a = c(1,3,NA,1,2) > b = c(1,2,1,1,4) > cor(a,b,method="spearman", use="complete.obs") [1] 0.8164966 > cor(a,b,method="spearman",
2010 Jul 08
strsplit("dia ma", "\\b") splits characterwise
\b is word boundary. But, unexpectedly, strsplit("dia ma", "\\b") splits character by character. > strsplit("dia ma", "\\b") [[1]] [1] "d" "i" "a" " " "m" "a" > strsplit("dia ma", "\\b", perl=TRUE) [[1]] [1] "d" "i" "a" " "
2007 Jun 26
possible bug in 'scan'
R-devel, When I run the following code on the attached file, tmp <- scan("C:/temp.csv", what=list("character","numeric"), sep=",") Then tmp[[2]] is a character vector. My impression from the help file is that it should be a numeric as specified by 'what' > sessionInfo() R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23) i386-pc-mingw32
2008 Mar 23
problem with 'install.packages'
Hi, All: Is there a way to identify whether any users are using a particular package in a shared network R installation? I ask, because we have such a multiple-user installation and when I tried to install a package using Rgui that was in use by Rterm on a single-user installation, 'install.packages' deleted the existing package but failed to install the new version;
2009 Sep 07
using an array of strings with strsplit, issue when including a space in split criteria
Dear all, I'm having a problem understanding why a split does not occur with in the 2nd use of the function strsplit below: # text strings > txt <- c("sales to 23 August 2008 published 29 August", + "sales to 6 September 2008 published?11 September") # first use > strsplit(txt, 'published', fixed=TRUE) [[1]] [1] "sales to 23 August 2008 "
2010 Mar 18
How to read.table with “Hebrew” column names (in R)?
(I am reposting this question after a few months without a solution...) Hi all, I am trying to read a .txt file, with Hebrew column names, but without success. I uploaded an example file to: And tried the command: read.table("", header = T, sep = "\t") This returns me with: X.....ª X...ª......
2017 Jun 23
LC_TIME not set correctly by Sys.setlocale() ?
Related to the following question on Stackoverflow: It appears as if Sys.setlocale() does not update LC_TIME correctly for use in date formatting. Although R reports that LC_TIME is changed to the new setting after use of Sys.setlocale(), as.Date() still uses the old settings. The only way to update this is
2015 Aug 07
download.file() on ftp URL fails in windows with default download method
Hi, > url <- "" > download.file(url, tempfile()) trying URL '' Error in download.file(url, tempfile()) : cannot open URL
2009 Jun 22
question about using _apply and/or aggregate functions
Hi R-list, I'll apologize in advance for (1) the wordiness of my note (not sure how to avoid it) and (2) any deficiencies on my part that lead to my difficulties. I have an application with several stages that is meant to simulate and explore different scenarios with respect to product sales (in units sold per month). My session info is at the bottom of this note. The steps include (1) an
2011 Jun 30
error building package: packaging into .tar.gz failed
I am trying to build a package using windows xp. Here is the error I am getting: R CMD build myfunctions * checking for file 'myfunctions/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'myfunctions': * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * checking for LF line-endings in source and make files * checking for empty or unneeded directories * building 'myfunctions_1.0.tar.gz'