similar to: "error using packet 1"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: ""error using packet 1""

2008 Aug 28
error in packet 1
Hello, I'm Giovanni from ROMA.. I can't find a solution for the error: "error using packet 1 the y field is not specified and it has not a default value" (this is my traslation from italian language) The code is: pc<- qqmath(~valori, distribution=function(p) qweibull(p,beta,alpha), prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline, panel = function(x, y) {
2012 May 17
New Eyes Needed to See Syntax Error
One of many scripts to produce 4 lattice plots on one page keeps throwing an error. I've tried manipulating the file to eliminate the error, but have not been able to do so. The error is: > source('bicarb.R') Error in source("bicarb.R") : bicarb.R:15:1: unexpected symbol 14: 15: hco33 ^ The 'h' is in column 0 so the caret would be column -1, but it's
2003 Oct 04
How to use panel.qqmathline?
Dear R users: How can I use panel.qqmathline, in package lattice, to add straight lines onto the plots generated by qqmath? I read help pages of qqmath, panel.qqmathline, xyplot, ..., but just can't one example that shows how to make it work. For example, > data(sleep) > qqnorm(~ extra | group, data=sleep, aspect=1) how can I use panel.qqmathline? Thanks very much for your help,
2006 Oct 11
panel-dependent distribution in qqmath
In qqmath, how would one go about having 'distribution' change with panel.number? I've tried set.seed(1) mydata <- data.frame(ind = factor(rep(2:4, each = 100))) mydata$val <- rt(300, df=rep(2:4, each = 100)) plot<-qqmath(~ val | ind, layout=c(3,1), data = mydata, prepanel = function(x, distribution, ...) {
2006 May 25
qqmath - Lattice error
Hi, Don't have a clue what teh following error message generated by this function call: qqmath( ~val|ind,data = xx ,distribution = function(p){ qt(p,df=20)} ,ylab="Sample Quatinles" ,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles" ,panel=function(x,y) { panel.qqmathline(y , distribution=function(p) qt(p,df=20)
2007 Sep 27
crashing R through lattice
I have been crashing R while using lattice. My system consists of a Mac Intel, R 2.5.1, lattice 0.15-5, and I plot through the default quartz. R crashes after plotting several lattice functions. Has anyone else encountered this problem and does anyone know the cause, or a solution? Is this a lattice:mac, lattice:quartz, Lattice:me issue? example... This crashes my system after plotting.
2007 Feb 09
How to add the variable name to a qqplot or densityplot in the diagonal of an splom?
splom() doesn't complain here, but writes no names in the diagonal boxes. What am I missing? I believe that I need to add something like grid.text(x, ...) to the diagonal panel, but I don't know how to get it cycle through the column labels. And should varname.col = 'blue', varname.cex = 1 be inside the diag.panel() function? splom(szw[, n], pscales = 0, diag.panel
2013 Jun 22
Superpose two QQ-plots (gamma distribution) with, lattice function qqmath()
David, Duncan, > Hi > > Following on David's rate argument > > try (with modifications of pch and grid) > > rate <- 1/4 > shape = 8 > rate = c(rep(1/4,100),rep(1/3,100)) I don't think the problem is related to the rate argument, which can well be vectorized, as is the case for a number of arguments in distrib functions in R (note that you are redefining it
2005 Sep 28
Problem with memory footprint of qq plot generated with lattice
Dear R helpers, I generate a qq plot using the following function call. qqmath(~val|ind,data=xx ,distribution=function(p) qt(p,df=19) ,ylab="Sample Quatinles" ,xlab="Theoretical Quantiles" ,aspect=1 ,prepanel = prepanel.qqmathline ,panel=function(x,y) { panel.qqmathline(y, distribution=function(p) qt(p,df=19),col=2)
2012 May 15
Lattice: Add abline to Single Value qqmath() Plot
The data are not normally distributed when untransformed and I'm trying various transformations to see if any would be appropriate to use. The lattice book (fig. 3.10) shows a 2-sample Q-Q plot with an abline but the code for the figure does not include the line. I'd appreciate a pointer to a reference on how to add an abline to a one-sample qqmath() plot in lattice. Rich
2011 Feb 04
switching y-axis to x-axis for qqmath
This is the qqmath example from the lattice package. I added the scales to the example. I would like to switch the axis and not sure how? Meaning I would like the "height" on the x-axis and the probability on the y-axis. Will you show me the correct syntax for this switch thanks. qqmath(~ height | voice.part, aspect = "xy", data = singer, prepanel =
2006 Mar 01
a strange problem with integrate()
Dear all, I am stuck on the following problem with integrate(). I have been out of luck using RSiteSearch().. My function is g2<-function(b,theta,xi,yi,sigma2){ xi<-cbind(1,xi) eta<-drop(xi%*%theta) num<-exp((eta + rep(b,length(eta)))*yi) den<- 1 + exp(eta + rep(b,length(eta))) result=(num/den)*exp((-b^2)/sigma2)/sqrt(2*pi*sigma2)
2003 Aug 06
probability plot correlation coefficient
As a newbie to R, I'm still rather at a loss for finding information (the commands names can be rather arcane)so I'm just posting my question: I would like to estimate the shape coefficient of diverse distributions (Weibull, gamma and Tukey-Lambda specifically, but other could be of interest) - Does R have a PPCC utility to estimate such parameter?(maximum value of correlation coef)
2008 Sep 03
(no subject)
please delete me from this mailing list.... i is not an R user and I overload my mail... thanks
2009 Jan 05
error message of RODBC...
channel <- odbcConnectExcel("nuova tabella terapia occupazionale mod.xls") > ## list the spreadsheets > sqlTables(channel) TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME 1 c:\\TABELLE DEFINITIVE\\nuova tabella terapia occupazionale mod <NA> 'emi tot 2006 OAI_60g TO FU1$' 2 c:\\TABELLE DEFINITIVE\\nuova
2008 Aug 21
pnmath compilation failure; dylib issue?
(1) ...need to speed up a monte-carlo sampling...any suggestions about how I can get R to use all 8 cores of a mac pro would be most useful and very appreciated... (2) spent the last few hours trying to get pnmath to compile under os- x 10.5.4... using gcc version 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5553) as downloaded from CRAN, xcode 3.0... ...xcode 3.1 installed over top of above after
1997 Jul 09
R-beta: Problem with `rpois'
There is a problem with `rpois'. It does seem to take care about the order of the arguments. This is an example: > rpois(n=1,lambda=2) [1] 3 > rpois(lambda=2,n=1) [1] 2 0 It obviously uses the first argument as the number of samples to be drawn, which is wrong. I used Version 0.49 Beta (April 23, 1997). Fredrik
1997 Jul 09
R-beta: Problem with `rpois'
There is a problem with `rpois'. It does seem to take care about the order of the arguments. This is an example: > rpois(n=1,lambda=2) [1] 3 > rpois(lambda=2,n=1) [1] 2 0 It obviously uses the first argument as the number of samples to be drawn, which is wrong. I used Version 0.49 Beta (April 23, 1997). Fredrik
2010 Aug 09
R Base Code
Hello all, I need to imitate the 'q' function (qnorm, qweibull, etc) for Clark's 2Dt distribution model. I'm not skilled enough in R to code it myself, so I thought I could find the base code for one of the existing 'q' functions and just modify it. However, I'm having trouble navigating through the R Source Code on the CRAN website. I've searched some forum and
2012 Sep 29
Generating by inverting function
Hello, I am trying to generate random survival times by inverting the function,  S(t)= exp(b*F(t)), where b is constant and F(t) is some cumulative distribution function, let say that F(t) is cdf of normal distribution or any others distributions.   as we know that S(t) has uniform distribution on  (0,1) so we can write that U= exp(b*F(t)), where U is uniform (0,1). Now to generat the time t, we