similar to: Constructor blah() vs. as.blah()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Constructor blah() vs. as.blah()"

2004 Oct 28
Internal function isUME() in findGeneric() is wrong (PR#7320)
Full_Name: Jeff Hallman Version: 2.0 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( The function findGeneric() in the utils namespace contains this internal function: isUME <- function(e) { if ( && ([[1]]) || is.character(e[[1]]))) { switch(as.character(e[[1]]), UseMethod = as.character(e[[2]]), "{" =
2009 May 13
Object and Classes ?
I found a tutorial for creating classes using generic functions ? S3 way ! It was short description so I couldn't grok in full its usage ... So far so good, what i currently do is something like this : Blah <- function(data,...) UseMethod('Blah') Blah.default <- function( ...... ) { self = .... class(self) <- 'Blah' self } Blah.some_method <-
2007 Feb 12
How to override functions in namespaces?
In package A I have askForString(), which asks the user for a string. Also in package A I have defined ssh(), which calls askForString(). Package B has package A as a prerequisite. In package B I redefine askForString() to take advantage of a nicer user interface made available by B, namely the Emacs mini-buffer prompt. Packages B and A are both on the search path, with B ahead of A. If I call
2005 Feb 25
return from nested function?
Is is possible from within a function to cause its caller to return()? I have a function that lets user make edits to certain objects, and then checks that the edited objects still make sense. If they don't, the function puts up a notifier that the edits are being discarded and then returns, something like: if(badEdits){ notifyDialog("bad edits will be ignored")
2006 Mar 13
"./blah/blah" vs. "/blah/blah"
Hello, Earlier in my rails application, I was using the convention of writing the following to refer to templates and/or views in the view folder. "./blah/blah" But in the Edge rail, it doesn''t work and the page doesn''t shows any output there is no error in the development log as well. But changing the above to "/blah/blah" seems to fix things. Was I
2006 Dec 08
dyn.load and function calls without 'PACKAGE' argument
I'm writing a package that interfaces to the FAME database, via a library of compiled C routines accessible through a Linux .so file. My .onLoad() function loads the .so like this: dyn.load("/opt/fame/timeiq/lib/linux_x86/", local = F) and after that I also load my own via library.dynam("fame", package = "fame") The code in uses
2008 Apr 22
mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /blah busy
How do I go about troubeshooting this? I'm using RHEL 4 update 6. mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /blah busy It's actually an iSCSI LUN (NetApp filer). I successfully configured (ext3) and mounted it, but when I rebooted, the /dev/sdb1 device/partition is seen by the kernel and it shows up with "fdisk -l". Nevertheless I get that error. I've tried
2009 Aug 17
Calling C functions with value parameters
One hassle I could do without is the necessity of writing C wrapper functions like this: void fameInit(int *status){ cfmini(status); return; } when I want to call a library function (cfmini, in this case) that takes an int argument. The .C interface only lets me pass a pointer to an int, rather than the int itself. Is there any chanch that .C could be enhanced to allow passing arguments by
2010 May 14
Subscripting a matrix-like object
I have an S3 class called "tis" (Time Indexed Series) which may or may not have multiple columns. I have a function "[<-.tis" that I've reproduced below. My question is this: inside of "[<-.tis", how can I distinguish between calls of the form x[i] <- someValue and x[i,] <- someValue ? In either case, nargs() is 3, and looking at the values
2010 May 14
Subscripting a matrix-like object
I have an S3 class called "tis" (Time Indexed Series) which may or may not have multiple columns. I have a function "[<-.tis" that I've reproduced below. My question is this: inside of "[<-.tis", how can I distinguish between calls of the form x[i] <- someValue and x[i,] <- someValue ? In either case, nargs() is 3, and looking at the values
2004 Oct 29
(PR#7320) Internal function isUME() in findGeneric() is
Jeffrey J. Hallman wrote: >OK, I looked at the documentation and you're right about that. However, >I'm curious about why the first argument to UseMethod is ever necessary. >Is there ever a good reason for it to be something other than the name >of the calling function? (Wouldn't that lead to confusing code?) If >not, why bother with it at all? > >I've
2001 Mar 30
User defined assignment function ignores argument names (PR#888)
Full_Name: Jeff Hallman Version: 1.2.2 OS: Solaris Submission from: (NULL) ( "boink<-" <- function(x, a = 1, b = 2, value){ print( x } > z <- 1 > boink(z, b = 4) <- 22 boink<-(x = *tmp*, a = 4, value = 22) > Shouldn't it have matched the 4 to b, not a?
2007 Jun 05
Can detect 64 bit R?
My fame package has to link to the that comes with FAME. However, FAME is now supplying both 32 and 64 bit versions of the library. The 32-bit version is $FAME/hli/ while the 64-bit version is $FAME/hli/64/ To set the right flags, it seems that I need to know, from within, whether the R installation is 32 bit or 64 bit. Is there a way to detect this?
2005 Sep 07
Using Tk table widget to display matrix
Has anyone written a matrix editor or data.entry() replacement using the Tk table widget? I've been playing around with the examples at and making some progress, but I'd rather not spend much time on this if someone else has already done it. Jeff
2005 Sep 16
Pasting into Tk table widget?
I'm working on a matrix editor using the Tk table widget, and it is almost done. It slices, dices, etc., and it can paste into Excel from an R session running on Linux. What I don't know how to do is paste from Excel into a Tk table, and Google is not helping me. Can anyone lend me a clue? Jeff
2006 Jun 20
Packaging platform-specific functions
I have a few functions, such as screenWidth() and screenHeight(), which I have been able to implement for a Unix/Linux environment, but not for Windows. (Does anyone know how to find the screen dimensions in Windows?) The Writing R Extensions manual tells me how to include platform-specific sections in documentation, and even how to have platform-specific help files. But it doesn't say
2006 Jun 13
format.POSIXlt drops characters following percent sign (PR#8975)
Full_Name: Jeff Hallman Version: 2.3.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( Internal(format.POSIXlt(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()), "%Y%m%d%q", F)) Linux R-2.2.1 returns "20060613%q". Windows R-2.3.1 returns "20060613" dropping the "%q". The documentation says "Any character in the format string other that the '%' escape
1999 Apr 14
R's UseMethod() does not dispatch on changed class() (PR#167)
(opening new bug report thread, on suggestion of BDR ..) I said on vaguely related topic: MM> There's another long-standing MM> UseMethod / NextMethod / Dispatch problem that I've never traced/solved.. MM> MM> Look at the $RHOME/tests/mode-methods.R file ! Peter Dalgaard already remarked : PD> ..i.e. this: PD> abc <- function(x, ...) { PD> if
2004 Mar 01
dev.print and X11(canvas = "black")
In Splus, I often use graphics windows with a black background and white foreground. The S print.graph() function sends the current plot to my printer but with a white background and black foreground. I'd like to be able to do something similar in R, but can't figure out how. I've tried various permutations of dev.copy() and dev.print(), but it seems that the foreground color is
2003 Oct 15
R-WinEdt, 1.8, deprecating warning
When I load R-WinEdt (>library(RWinEdt), I get the warning: Warning message: multi-argument returns are deprecated in: return(InstallRoot, RWinEdtInstalled) I have upgraded to R 1. 8 on Windows, by copying non-base libraries into the 1.8 library folder and updating the help. I also reinstalled R-WinEdt from the zip file as detailed in RWinEdt ReadMe file using the recommend (A)