similar to: C versions of serialize/unserialize in packages

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "C versions of serialize/unserialize in packages"

2011 Dec 06
unserialize and eager execution
Hi, While debugging a network server I'm developing I noticed something unusual - call to unserialize() resulted in an error about loading a namespace. I was a bit taken back by this - why should unserializing an object cause a namespace lookup? Are there any other side-effects of unserialize() that I should be cautious about? I've been digging through the R_Unserialize() call, I
2012 Mar 22
Serializing many small objects efficiently
Hi, sorry if this question is trivial or unclear, this is my first venture into mixed C/R programming (I am reasonably experienced in each separately). I am trying to write a serialization function for a format called typedbytes, which is used as an interchange format in Hadoop circles. Since I would need to serialize according to the internal R format many small R objects I looked at the c
2007 Aug 23
RData File Specification?
Hi, I am developing a tool for converting a large data frame stored in an uncompressed binary (XDR) RData file to a delimited text file. The data frame is too large to load() and extract rows from on a typical PC. I'm looking to parse through the file and extract individual entries without loading the whole thing into memory. In terms of some C source functions, instead of doing
2011 Sep 28
serialize/unserialize vector improvement
Hi folks, I've attached a patch to the svn trunk that improves the performance of the serialize/unserialize interface for vector types. The current implementation: a) invokes the R_XDREncode operation for each element of the vector type, and b) uses a switch statement to determine the stream type for each element of the vector type. I've added R_XDREncodeVector/R_XDRDecodeVector functions
2008 Nov 30
Rserve and creating a list of lists
Hello, I have some code which generates lattice objects. The function recieves serialized forms of the lattice objects which it then unserializes and then adds to an ArrayList<REXP>. REXPRaw rser = new REXPRaw( target ); //target contains the raw serialized forms of lattice objects rconn.assign("temp",rser); REXP ret =
2018 Jun 21
DOCUMENTATION(?): parallel::mcparallel() gives various types of "Error in unserialize(r) : ..." errors if value is of type raw
I stumbled upon the following: f <- parallel::mcparallel(raw(0L)) parallel::mccollect(f) # $`77083` # NULL but f <- parallel::mcparallel(raw(1L)) parallel::mccollect(f) # Error in unserialize(r) : read error traceback() # 2: unserialize(r) # 1: parallel::mccollect(f) (restarting because the above appears to corrupt the R session) f <- parallel::mcparallel(raw(2L))
2020 Oct 29
Something is wrong with the unserialize function
Hi all, I am not able to export an ALTREP object when `gctorture` is on in the worker. The package simplemmap can be used to reproduce the problem. See the example below ``` ## Create a temporary file filePath <- tempfile() con <- file(filePath, "wrb") writeBin(rep(0.0,10),con) close(con) library(simplemmap) library(parallel) cl <- makeCluster(1) x <- mmap(filePath,
2005 Dec 12
Can you unserialize an object from the db?
I don''t even know if this is possible. I want to use an object as an attribute for one of my classes. I can save it to the db fine, looks like...but I need to be able to use it after I pull the object from the db. Right now the attribute is just a String, but I need it to be a Runt::Intersect object. Does anyone know how I can unserialize the attribute so I can use it as an object?
2020 Oct 29
[External] Something is wrong with the unserialize function
This Index: src/main/altrep.c =================================================================== --- src/main/altrep.c (revision 79385) +++ src/main/altrep.c (working copy) @@ -275,10 +275,11 @@ SEXP psym = ALTREP_SERIALIZED_CLASS_PKGSYM(info); SEXP class = LookupClass(csym, psym); if (class == NULL) { - SEXP pname = ScalarString(PRINTNAME(psym)); + SEXP pname =
2013 Jul 15
suppress startup messages from default packages
Hi all, several packages print messages during loading. How do I avoid to see them when the packages are in the defaultPackages? Here is an example. With this in ~/.Rprofile ,----[ ~/.Rprofile ] | old <- getOption("defaultPackages") | options(defaultPackages = c(old, "filehash")) | rm(old) `---- I get as last line when starting R: ,---- | filehash: Simple key-value
2020 Oct 29
[External] Something is wrong with the unserialize function
Thanks for the report. Will look into it when I get a chance unless someone else gets there first. A simpler reprex: ## create and serialize a memmory-mapped file object filePath <- "x.dat" con <- file(filePath, "wrb") writeBin(rep(0.0,10),con) close(con) library(simplemmap) x <- mmap(filePath, "double") saveRDS(x, file = "x.Rds") ## in a
2020 Oct 29
[External] Something is wrong with the unserialize function
I found that also; fixed in r79386 in the trunk. Will port to R-patched shortly. Best, luke On Thu, 29 Oct 2020, Martin Morgan wrote: > This > > Index: src/main/altrep.c > =================================================================== > --- src/main/altrep.c (revision 79385) > +++ src/main/altrep.c (working copy) > @@ -275,10 +275,11 @@ > SEXP psym =
2018 Nov 07
error unserializing ascii format (v2 or v3)
I ran into an interesting error unserializing a file created with ascii=TRUE: R 3.5.1 (Windows or Linux): > unserialize(serialize(list(raw=as.raw(c(39,41))), NULL, version=2, ascii=TRUE)) Error in unserialize(serialize(list(raw = as.raw(c(39, 41))), NULL, version = 2, : ReadItem: unknown type 29, perhaps written by later version of R The same error happens when the
2009 Mar 15
What is the best package for large data cleaning (not statistical analysis)?
Dear R helpers: I am a newbie to R and have a question related to cleaning large data frames in R. So far, I have been using SAS for data cleaning because my data sets are relatively large (handling multiple files, each could be as large as 5-10 G). I am not a fan of SAS at all and am eager to move data cleaning tasks into R completely. Seems to me, there are 3 options. Using SQL, ff or
2012 Apr 27
Dear R'ers, I have trouble installing tikzDevice in Ubuntu.  When I use install.packages("tikzDevice"), it gives error message: ERROR: dependency ‘filehash’ is not available for package ‘tikzDevice’ * removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/tikzDevice’ Then I tried filehash installation, I get the message: "package ‘filehash’ is not available (for R version 2.13.1)"
2011 Jan 02
filehash for big data
Hi all, I am trying to use the filehash library to analyze a 5M by 20 matrix with both double and string data types. After consulting a few tutorials online, it seems as though one needs to first read the data into R; then create an R object; and then assign that object a location in my computer via filehash. It seems like the benefit of this is minimizing memory allocation when running
2008 Mar 15
Hello, I'm using filehash on the windows XP and it has been working fine with the newest R version 2.6.2. However, on the windows vista, when I ran the same code, I got the following error: > dbCreate("simdb") #create simdb database [1] TRUE > db<-dbInit("simdb") #initiate an object of database Error in sprintf(gettext(fmt, domain = domain), ...) : object
2008 Mar 08
Error message while trying to update packages: Error in gzfile(file, mode) : unable to open connection
Hello, I have just installed v 2.6.2 on a new computer running Windows XP and tried to perform 'update packages' via the menu option on the R console. Any advice on the following problem is much appreciated. Bob Below are the warning and error messages received. A search of the hard drive does not reveal any file including "RtmpgMMu03/libloc" . >
2011 Sep 23
tikzDevice install problem
Hi everybody! I'm trying to install the tikzDevice package, and I keep on getting the > ERROR: dependency ‘filehash’ is not available for package ‘tikzDevice’ I tried install.packages('filehash') and I get > package ‘filehash’ is not available Does anybody have the same problem or any hint? thank youhelena [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jul 15
Serialize data.frame to database
Dear R-Users, I need a very fast and reliable database solution so I try to serialize a data.frame (to binary data) and to store this data to an SQLite database. This is what I tried to do: library(RSQLite) con <- dbDriver("SQLite") db <- dbConnect(con, "test") dbSendQuery(db, 'CREATE TABLE frames("simID" INT, "data" BLOB)') data.bin <-