similar to: package has a loading problem

Displaying 12 results from an estimated 12 matches similar to: "package has a loading problem"

2010 Nov 18
custom package not installed for 'arch=i386'
Dear all, Since version R-2.12.0, I've got problems building an add-on package for R ("imglib" here) for 32-bit Windows. The following command is called: C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.0\bin\i386\Rcmd build --binary imglib And here is an error I am getting in the end of processing: ** testing if installed package can be loaded Error : package 'imglib' is not installed for
2005 Nov 08
The problem with rcom pakage
I have the problem with rcom 1.2.2 package. It does't work with R 2.2.0. Is there any opportunities to correct the work of this package? Thanks for your help. Yulia
2013 Jun 26
match rows of R
Hi all, What would be an efficient way to match rows of a matrix to a vector? ex: m<-matrix(1:9, nrow=3) m [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 4 7 [2,] 2 5 8 [3,] 3 6 9 ################################# which(m==c(2,5,8)) # I want this to return 2 ###################### Thanks, Sachin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 11
Recompile a package
Hello, dear R community. The thing is that I am not in the least a developer, neither do I want to create a package of my own. But recently I have found a package LogicForest, which is in the base written in Fortran I think. And well, in its manual it is written that there are several parameters there that had had to be "hard coded", but which in essence actually have no restrictions.
2007 Oct 06
Instant Rails mySQL Error
I have tried everything in my power to get this program up and running and it is not working for me. I have installed RoR on my Windows XP machine. I have Instant Rails and Ruby on Rails and I am using Instant Rails to connect the mySQL database to Ruby on Rails. It is not working. Everything works fine except when I create a scaffold it gives me an error in mySQL. The error reads, ">
2007 Oct 02
rake db:migrate fail! bad descriptor
Dear All, I am just getting into Ruby on Rails, after successfully failing at getting any other programming language to work locally. RoR appears to be a repeat! One problem I keep running into is getting a database up and running. I''m working out of Windows XP. I installed MySQL, it works, runs, will create tables etc. BUT, when I do rake fails and tells me I have a
2012 Nov 07
A warning message in glht
Dear all, I was wondering if you could give me any suggestions/help on the following issue. So I carried out the analysis of my data using generalized linear model (glm). After that, to check for multiple comparisons, I applied the glht function from the multcomp package in R. The output, however, gave me a warning (please see below). So my question is whether this warning is smth that I should
2009 Feb 24
Add .html extension by default
Hi all, i would like to add the .html extension by default to all my resources. What is the best way to do that? The reason for this is that i need to download the generated sites via wget and i need the .html extension for the downloaded files. Also it would be nice if the link_to would automatically generate the links with .html... Thanks, Gerold
2008 Apr 14
scientific notation problem
We''re developing a system that''s used for tracking company IPO data and we''re running into a few number storage issues. For large numbers, i.e. numbers greater than 100 million, MySQL insists on storing these as scientific notation. I don''t really have a problem with that but when we want to edit these fields using something like: <% form_for(@company) do
2006 Aug 07
select da tabella in _form.rhtml
Ben trovati. Ho questa _form : <%= error_messages_for ''requirement'' %> <!--[form:requirement]--> <p><label for="requirement[structure_id]">Struttura</label><br/> <%= @structures = Structure.find(:all, :order => "nome").map {|f| [f.nome,] } select(:structure, :id, @structures) %> <p><label
2012 Nov 01
oblique.tree : the predict function asserts the dependent variable to be included in "newdata"
Dear R community, I have recently discovered the package oblique.tree and I must admit that it was a nice surprise for me, since I have actually made my own version of a kind of a classifier which uses the idea of oblique splits (splits by means of hyperplanes). So I am now interested in comparing these two classifiers. But what I do not seem to understand is why the function
2008 Dec 13
Using R graphics from external C functions
Dear all, I haven't been working with R before, but has been asked by my colleagues to investigate the possibility of using R plotting capabilities from external (C) code. They have several plotting functions, implemented in R, that are needed to be included in a front-end Windows-based application. As far as I understood, R.dll is a dll that serves external R calls. 1) My first question is