similar to: Overriding axis formatting with custom Axis method, Axis.numeric etc

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "Overriding axis formatting with custom Axis method, Axis.numeric etc"

2009 Jan 13
particulars of importing/loading libraries
Dear List: Sorry for posting maybe a trivial question, but I have a basic understanding problem. If I have say pack1 and pack2, two R packages, and pack2 depends on and imports pack1 fully (as in the code below), is there a way to make all the functionality of pack1 available for the global and other environments (not only for the functions called from withing pack2) by loading pack2 only? I
2008 Apr 22
graphics::Axis loosing S3/S4 class attributes of 'x' in 2.7.0 RC
Following my previous post on S3 method despatch, I put debug messages in the code of Axis, Axis.default and plot.default in graphics/R/axis.R and graphics/R/plot.R to print the class of x, at and y on plot. After recompiling R, what I see is that x *lost* its class attribute (at least for classes not known to 'graphics') in Axis, called directly from plot.default and this could be the
2009 Feb 11
setClassUnion with numeric; extending class union
Dear list: I am looking for a good way to create an S4 class that would extend numeric, but would allow NULL instead of data as well. As far as I can see there is no way at the moment to do that, but please correct me if I am wrong. The best solution I came up with so far was the following (it also indicates a problem of using setClassUnion with numeric as one of the classes): I define a class
2009 Nov 03
likely bug in 'serialize' or please explain the memory usage
Hi all, assume the following problem: a function call takes a function object and a data variable and calls this function with this data on a remote host. It uses serialization to pass both the function and the data via a socket connection to a remote host. The problem is that depending on the way we call the same construct, the function may be serialized to include the data, which was not
2008 Apr 10
ISOdate/ISOdatetime performance suggestions, other date/time questions
Dear list: working with date/times I have come across a problem that ISOdate and ISOdatetime are too slow on large vectors of data. I was surprised just until I looked at the implementation and the man page: "ISOdatetime and ISOdate are convenience wrappers for strptime". In other terms, they convert data to character representation first in order to create a POSIXlt object that is then
2009 Mar 13
Rd \usage clause for an S4 replace method
Given S4 methods [ and [<-, how do I write the Rd-file usage clause for the latter one? What I have now is: \S4method{[}{TimeSeries,TimeDate,missing}(x, i, j, ..., drop) \S4method{[<-}{TimeSeries,TimeDate,missing,ANY}(x, i, j, ..., value) which results in the following output: ## S4 method for signature 'TimeSeries, TimeDate, missing': x[i, j, ..., drop]
2010 May 07
Bug in R -e "command"
Hi all: since about a month we encountered a problem with R -e command: spaces in the "command" of R -e "command" are no more tolerated. This same issue affects 2.11 patched (05-05-2010), 2.10.1, and current devel (at least the one of two weeks ago). (I skip the mid of the printouts, replaced with ...) * R -e "message('aaa aaa')" ARGUMENT
2009 Feb 18
Google Summer of Code 2009
Hi, in approximately one months time mentoring institutions can propose projects for the Google Summer of Code 2009, see Last year the R Foundation succesfully participated with 4 projects, see for details. We want to participate again this year. Our project proposals will be managed by Manuel Eugster (email address in CC). Manuel
2008 Dec 22
... (dotMethods) and cbind/rbind: how to give the signature?
Dear List, I'm struggling with the signature writing cbind/rbind functions for a S4 class. First of all, I'm very happy that it is now possible to dispatch on ... I follow the example for "paste" in ?dotMethods, which works as far as this: ### start example setClass ("cbtest", representation = representation (data = "data.frame"),
2008 Sep 03
ugly plots with xlim/ylim exceeding data range (changed since R2.6.1)
The behaviour of the plot function when used with xlim/ylim and the matplot function as in the following simple example changed between R2.6.1 and 2.7.0+ producing ugly plots in the new versions. In case of plot it looks like the pretty function is called with wrong arguments (i.e. range of supplied data rather than values of xlim and ylim): m = matrix(c(-0.033, 0.009, 0.064, 0.050, 0.097,
2008 May 07
optional setValidity()
Hi Suppose I have an S4 class "foo" and a validity checking function ".checkfoo()": setClass("foo", representation=representation("numeric")) setValidity("foo" , .checkfoo) is fine; in my application, .checkfoo() verifies that a bunch of necessary conditions are met. But .checkfoo() is very time consuming and I want to give users the option
2010 Jul 21
Bug: broken exception handling in S4 methods
Hi all: we have noticed for quite a while that certain errors cannot be handled by R try, tryCatch etc blocks, but it was fairly difficult to understand what were the conditions for this incorrect behaviour. Finally I stabbed across a very understandable case, which is outlined in the (runnable) example below. The main message is: wrapping an S4 method call in a try block will not help if an
2008 Sep 19
Extract method for a new class
Dear list, I am trying to write a package for simulating meioses in R. We defined a class 'haplotype' which contains the basic units of our simulation: setClass("haplotype",representation(snp = "numeric",qtl = "list", hID = "numeric",phID0 = "numeric",phID1 = "numeric"),
2008 Apr 22
plot(x) in 2.7.0 (with y=NULL) proposed code correction
Hi all: following the previous discussion, it looks like plot(x) with y=NULL still does not work correctly. If one tries for example plot(1:5) it works, but already for plot(runif(100)) it does not. I posted the proposed correction for plot.POSIXct and plot.POSIXlt before. Please voice your opinions whether the following fix for plot.default could be reasonable? I include the full function and
2008 Apr 02
"[<-" plus drop-type extra argument
Hello I am writing a replacement method for an S4 class and want to pass an additional argument to "[<-"() along the lines of "["()'s "drop" argument. Specifically, I have an S4 class, call it "foo", with a slot 'x' that is a vector and a slot 'NC' that is a scalar. I want to be able to pass a Boolean argument to the
2010 Apr 14
Why no race condition when returning UNPROTECT-ed memory from C?
Consider the C (or C++) code called from the .Call interface: SEXP foo() { SEXP *p = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 10)); ... UNPROTECT(1); return p; } Why is there no danger that the allocated memory will be garbage collected after the UNPROTECT, but before the return of p? I have used code like this for some time and have never had a problem, but I'm not sure if/why it is guaranteed
2009 Mar 30
CTRL-C during .Call causes R to quit to command line
Hello, During a .Call e.g while(TRUE){ value <-rhsqnextKVR(rdr) ## has .Call in this function if(is.null(value)) break; } if I press CTRL-C, R exits straight to the command line. Q: How can I prevent this? I should point out that my library uses JNI, so I'm not sure if that is causing it. I'm using R-2.8 on Linux (RHEL 5) Thank you in advance Regards Saptarshi
2009 Jan 15
[Q] R CMD check signals error on code that works from UI
Add the following to example section of a dot-Rd manpage: ## :WHY: The following kills R CMD check but runs fine on console. foos <- c("aaa", "bbb", "ccc") cat(sapply(foos, function(foo) { sprintf("name: %-18s upper: %s\n", foo, toupper(foo)) }), sep="") R CMD
2008 Nov 24
handling a matrix and .C
Hello R-devel, I want to write extensions for R in C (maybe C++ and Fortran later) and it works fine, but there is one problem, which I cannot solve (in my view). I want to handle a matrix from R in C. For arrays there is "as.double(...)", but nothing for a matrix. I searched a while, but didn't find something. Last I looked at the source code of e1071 and of the core itself and
2008 Sep 09
'xtfrm' performance (influences 'order' performance) in R devel
Hello everybody, it looks like the presense of some (do know know which) S4 methods for a given S4 class degrades the performance of xtfrm (used in 'order' in new R-devel) by a factor of millions. This is for classes that ARE derived from numeric directly and thus should be quite trivial to convert to numeric. Consider the following example: setClass("TimeDateBase",