similar to: X11 image problem in R-2.8.0 Under development / R-2.7

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "X11 image problem in R-2.8.0 Under development / R-2.7"

2012 Jun 04
X11 font error on headless server running Xvfb
I am trying to run an R script to create a .png file containing a tree map on a headless Linux server using Xvfb. When I try to run tmPlot, I get the following errors and warnings: Error in grid.Call(L_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y, : X11 font -adobe-helvetica-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*, face 1 at size 9 could not be loaded Calls: tmPlot ... <Anonymous> ->
2010 May 09
Non-zero exit status for survival package
I'm running R 2.11 on Karmic. I'm having difficulty installing quite a few packages with the returned error message of "installation of package "[whatever the packages happens to be]" had non-zero exit status. I know this message sometimes is caused by incorrect or missing java packages and the like. I generally don't have issues with the installation of R or R packages
2009 Oct 01
X11 Problems
Hi all, I'm having trouble getting x11 to work with R. (This is on Debian testing.) I installed r-base and r-base-dev, and then r-cran-cairodevice. I also tried installing the Cairo package within R, which appears to work fine. This what I'm seeing: > capabilities() jpeg png tiff tcltk X11 aqua http/ftp sockets TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
2013 Oct 21
png(type='cairo'): point symbols without boarders are not anti-aliased?
Hi, It seems that anti-aliasing in png(type = 'cairo') is not well supported for the point symbols without boarders, e.g. pch = 16. The Cairo package works well, though. You can compare png() with CairoPNG(): png(): CairoPNG(): f = function(dev, ..., main = '') { dev(...) plot(c(1, 2, 1, 2), c(1, 1, 2, 2),
2009 Sep 14
setting plotting device
Hi All, I have recently *re*-installed R-2.9.1 in my Linux machine. Since then, I am unable to plot using the usual interactive device. > plot(1:10) This plots in a pdf file "Rplots.pdf" in my working directory. > sessionInfo() R version 2.9.1 (2009-06-26) i686-pc-linux-gnu locale:
2009 Mar 21
unlink fails to remove symbolic links
unlink fails to remove symbolic links. This is more prominent now -- when a package creates symbolic links during installation, 00LOCK is not removed. Martin > setwd(tempdir()) > fl <- tempfile(); file.create(fl) [1] TRUE > lnFile <- tempfile(); system(paste("ln -s", fl, lnFile)) > list.files() [1] "file19495cff" "file74b0dc51" > unlink(fl);
2010 Jul 28
Using jpeg() without X
When I tried this, I'm having this error. Can somebody help me on this. Are there any alternatives or workaround for this? I'm having hard time to convince our admin to install X11 library and headers since they are not included on the default OS installation. Thanks in advance :) > jpeg("test.jpg") Error in jpeg("test.jpg") : X11 is not available >
2008 Nov 19
more efficient small subsets from moderate vectors?
This creates a named vector of length nx, then repeatedly draws a single sample from it. lkup <- function(nx, m=10000L) { tbl <- seq_len(nx) names(tbl) <- as.character(tbl) v <- sample(names(tbl), m, replace=TRUE) system.time(for(k in v) tbl[k], gcFirst=TRUE) } There is an abrupt performance degredation at nx=1000 > lkup(1000) user system elapsed 0.180
2020 Feb 29
tcl problem with R-3.6.3?
I knew I could work around. But this shouldn't happen. And yes. Same problem with your example. blurfle$ R --vanilla R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock" Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain
2006 Oct 28
Package development on Windows - latest guidance?
I would like to start building R packages under Windows XP. I have programming experience and a minimal but working knowlege of many Unix (-like) programming tools. The package functions (for now) will be from R source, not C or Fortran. I've installed Rtools, Perl, the MS hhc, and so on. I am setting up a command shell with the correct PATH for building packages. (The master Windows PATH
2008 Sep 16
ubuntu hardy packages 32bit no tcltk support
Dear all, I noticed that the r-base package for Ubuntu 8.04.1 do not have the tcltk support compiled in. Would it be possible to correct this? > echo "capabilities()" | R --no-save | tail -6 [Previously saved workspace restored] > capabilities() jpeg png tcltk X11 aqua http/ftp sockets libxml TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE
2002 May 15
anova on aov with Error() [long question]
This is a fairly long problem, but one I run into often. This may be a problem in statistics, not R, in which case I shouldn't expect an answer. The punch line is at the end (III). The rest is motivational background. Forgive any idiocy. ------- In an experiment, suppose, each of 100 subjects reads 20 cases and rates their familiarity and emotion (how emotion-arousing they are). I want
2009 Dec 02
scatter3d with groups
Dear R users, I'm currently visualizing my data using scatter3d from the "Rcmdr" package. I have data points which can be separated in two classes. Data points from class 'A' should be colourised red and data points in class 'B' should be colourised 'blue'. No matter what I try, the data points are always blue. I attached a (very) minimal example to
2014 Oct 09
cambiar un valor por NA en data frame
ESTIMADA COMUNIDAD R, Tengo un data frame de datos de salud sobre Enfermedades de Notificacion Obligatoria. Algunas variables tienen una codificacion 99, 999, y 9999 para asiganr los valores perdidos. LAs variables que tienen esta codificacion son la EDAD, COMUNA_RESIDENCIA y la REGION_RESIDENCIA, respectivamente. Me gustaria poder editar esos valores a NA, sin tener que hacerlo uno por uno con
2008 Feb 17
NAMESPACEs and S4 classes
I'd like to have two packages with S4 classes with the same name but different implementation. To that end I create a package tmpA with setClass("A", representation=representation( x="numeric"), sealed=TRUE) setClass("B", representation=representation( x="numeric")) B <- function(...)
2008 Dec 03
nlminb: names of parameter vector not passed to objective function
Dear R developers, I tried to use nlminb instead of optim for a current problem (fitting parameters of a differential equation model). The PORT algorithm converged much better than any of optim's methods and the identified parameters are plausible. However, it took me a while before spotting the reason of a technical problem that nlminb, in contrast to optim, does not pass names of the
2005 Dec 14
X11 png jpeg cledit false when running from script
Hello, When launching R from a script, when queried it reports the following capabilities as false: jpeg, png, x11 and cledit. When R is run from a terminal session, all of these capabilities are reported true. R is running on FC4. As the purpose of this script is to output the png file to a browser, it is unable to complete because of this. Any ideas are appreciated. We have an identical
2010 Nov 08
incorrect DLL path for Rbitmap.dll on Windows
Hello, I think there is a problem in recent devel builds of R on Windows with various devices from the grDevices package. For example: > capabilities() jpeg png tiff tcltk X11 aqua http/ftp sockets TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE libxml fifo cledit iconv NLS profmem cairo TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE
2008 Dec 09
repeat bug report: as.factor argument to row / col fails if NULL dimnames
This bug was reported to r-devel by Martin Morgan on 13th May 2008 (original email pasted below). However I couldn't locate it in the bug tracker (with searches for row, col, as\.factor) It is still present in today's svn version (rev 47115). I hope I'm doing something useful by bringing it up again. I have not sent this to r-bugs, as I'm concerned that not locating it in the bug
2013 Jul 15
Problem with plot in several cases, font issue?
Dear all, I am having problem on plots in R for some cases. For example: > plot( 1:10 ) > text( 1:10, letters[1:10], cex = 1) works well but : > plot(1:10) > text(1:10, letters[1:10], cex = 0.9) returns : Erreur dans text.default(1:10, letters[1:10], cex = 0.9) : impossible de charger la police X11 -adobe-helvetica-%s-%s-*-*-%d-*-*-*-*-*-*-*, de face 1 et de taille 11 (sorry