similar to: An R SPAM Filter

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "An R SPAM Filter"

2004 Apr 06
missing values for mda package
Dear helpers, I am trying to use the mda package downloaded from the R website, but the data set has missing values so I got an error message. Should I manually handle these missing values? I was trying to read the documents to specify any option related to missing values, but I did not find it. Please forgive me if I ignore something obvious. Thanks, Zhu Wang Statistical Science Department
2009 Oct 14
Understanding hclust and dendrogram
?hclust listed several references. I'm wondering what is the best resource that explained clustering algorithms, dendrogram and various clustering algorithms that are implemented in R. Thank you!
2005 Jan 31
R people, I need to know if is possible to make data mining with R. If so, is there any manual or somewhere/one to consult about that. Thank you very much Adri?n
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: CRAN source/contrib
I've put all ``current'' add-on packages into CRAN's source/contrib tree and created an INDEX file (attached below). As you can see, currently we have acepack bootstrap ctest date e1071 fracdiff gee jpn snns splines survival4 (Yes, e1071 and jpn are new ... more on the latter in a later mail.) In the near future, I am hoping for the following: oz (Bill
2010 Mar 09
Scripts from The Elements of Statistical Learning book
Anyone know if it is possible to get the R scripts used in the "The Elements of Statistical Learning" book? It is a great book but sometimes some help would be useful to replicate the results presented in the book and so, understood things better. Thanks Manuel -- View this message in context:
2011 Feb 08
FP growth in R?
Does anyone know of an R interface to Christian Borgelt's implementation of the FP growth algorithm? thanks a lot Rob Tibshirani -- I get so much email that I might not reply to an incoming email, just because it got lost. So don't hesitate to email me again. The probability of a reply should increase. Prof. Robert Tibshirani ?Depts of Health Research and Policy, and Statistics
2012 Nov 01
SEM validation: Cross-Validation vs. Bootstrapping
Hello All, Recently, I was asked to help out with an SEM cross-validation analysis. Initially, the project was based on "sample-splitting" where half of cases were randomly assigned to a training sample and half to a testing sample. Attempts to replicate a model developed in the training sample using the testing sample were not entirely successful. A number of parameter estimates were
2005 Dec 16
Bug in acepack (PR#2352)
This ancient bug was tracked to the acepack library, line 556 in line src/avas.f The troublesome line is: if (x(n).gt.x(1)) go to 30 Since the input arguments are empty, referencing x(1) and x(n) cause a Segmentation fault, and cause R to crash. Acepack author and maintainer Rob Tibshirani <tibs at> has been contacted with this information. This is not a
2010 Apr 26
boosting with decision tree
Hi, Dear R community, Does anyone know how to constructdecision tree with boosting? Is any tutorial I can read? -- Sincerely, Changbin -- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 17
Help with Error
Hi, I am having trouble with an error I keep getting. I am just trying to create a simple pic chart from a small table. Hope someone can help. I am new to R. Table: Name Votes John 300 Sean 222 Andy 467 Sinead 740 David 124 James 641 William 380 Commands: d <- read.table("C:\\rep.csv", head=TRUE, sep=",") > pie(d$Votes, +
2011 Aug 10
Hi All,  I have been trying to use glmnet package to do LASSO linear regression. my x data is a matrix n_row by n_col and y is a vector of size n_row corresponding to the vector data. The number of n_col is much more larger than the number of n_row. I do the following: fits = glmnet(x, y, family="multinomial")I have been following this
2011 Aug 24
silently testing for data from another package for .Rd examples
In an .Rd example for a package, I want to use data from another package, but avoid loading the entire package and avoid errors/warnings if that other package is not available. If I don't care about loading the other package, I can just do: if (require("ElemStatLearn", quietly=TRUE)) { data(prostate) # rest of example } I'd rather just be able to do something like:
2014 Jan 10
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 59, Envío 5
Hola a todos, Gracias por avisar Carlos. Intentaré formar un grupo en Logroño. Belén Cillero Jiménez Técnico de Estadística Instituto de Estadística de La Rioja bcillero en o?s?? ol ??d???s s???? ou ,so?u??s?p sop??lns?? s??snq ?S ________________________________________ De: r-help-es-bounces en [r-help-es-bounces en] en nombre de r-help-es-request
2008 Apr 17
Having a probelm woth creating a a simple chart.
Hello, I am having trouble with creating a simple bar chart using R. My file just consists of 1 column called reason. Within this column, there are 2 responses(Room for Improvement and Info entered is all relevant). My code for creating the charts is as follows: d <-read.table("C://project/graphs/reason.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) pie(d$reason, labels=d$reason,
2014 Jan 10
Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Hola, ¿qué tal? Sabréis que en unos días comienza un MOOC de Hastie y Tibshirani, basado en el libro "An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R". Se me ocurre lo siguiente: 1) Montar un grupo de estudio en Madrid de manera que podamos reunirnos periodicamente (¿semanalmente?
2003 Mar 25
R software for Hastie book
Does anyone know whether there is an R version of the S-Plus software that can be downloaded from the website of the book Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman? Rob Potharst -- ********************************************************** Dr. Rob Potharst Lecturer in Computer Science Erasmus University email: potharst at P.O. Box 1738
2012 Mar 29
How to improve, at all, a simple GLM code
Hi There, I am trying to fit a logit model to some data in a CSV file in R. Here is my code: Prepared_Data = read.csv("Prepared_Data.csv", header=TRUE) Prepared_Data attach(Prepared_Data) lrfit<-glm(C3~A1*B2*D4*E5,family = binomial) anova(lrfit, test="Chisq") write.csv(anova(lrfit, test="Chisq"), file="CWModelA.csv") shell.exec("CWModelA.csv")
2014 Jan 13
Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Hola a todos: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info breve: <- Foro del curso en la web de la comunidad ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respecto de inundar la lista de preguntas asociadas a un curso... quizás
2008 Jan 16
Can anyone help??
Hi, Im getting the following error when I attempt to read a csv file into R. I have the file saved on my C drive. Id really appreciate it if anyone can help.... My Command: > survey <- read.csv (file = "C:\onlinesurvey.csv",head= TRUE, sep =",") Error: Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection In addition: Warning messages: 1: '\o' is an
2008 May 02
Cant resolve Error Message
Hi, Im having trouble creating the following graph. Here is my code: library(plotrix) library(prettyR) female_improvement <-read.table("C://project/graphs/gender/breakdown/gender-improvement/female-improvement.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) barp(rbind(rep(length(female_improvement$gender),2),freq(female_improvement$reason)[[1]]), ylab="22 Males participated in the