similar to: gctorture and proc.time (PR#10600)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "gctorture and proc.time (PR#10600)"

2011 Oct 15
gctorture() and gzfile() doesn't get along.
Found the simpliest way of seeing I bug I encountered doing "R CMD check --use-gct": Just launch R (with --vanilla), and do this: > ?gctorture # this work > gctorture() > ?gctorture Error in gzfile(file, "rb") : can only weakly reference/finalize reference objects # this does not It seems that when gctorture() is on gzfile() doesn't work.
2006 Feb 15
S3 generics without NS and cleanEx()
Good morning, we recently observed a problem with importing S3 generics from a foreign package (without namespace), defining a S3 method in a package _with_ namespace and the `cleanEx()' function which is automatically generated and executed before examples are run by R CMD check. To be more precise. Package `strucchange' defines a S3 generic sctest <- function(x, ...)
2013 Jan 30
R CMD check: Error in get("ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv") ...
Hi, Does anyboody have insight into what this error terminating "R CMD check" on an in-house package may imply? > ### > cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n") Error in get("ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv") : unused argument(s) (pos = "CheckExEnv") Calls: cat -> cat.default
2014 Sep 03
timings for examples in R CMD check
I'm having a very hard time making R CMD check produce a clean check on examples because of the timings inserted into examples by R CMD check. I am getting a difference on every example output caused by timing information being inserted by 'R CMD check'. The current 'Writing R Extensions' manual[1] states on p. 14: If directory tests has a subdirectory Examples
2023 Jul 02
Strange error in R CMD check --timings
This SO post: describes a strange R CMD check error. Depending on the contents of a comment in one of the examples sections of a help page, an error like this could be triggered: > base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv") >
2011 Mar 26
core Matrix package segfaulted on R CMD check --use-gct
Current core/Recommended Matrix package (0.999375-48) has been segfaulting against R 2.13-alpha/2.14-trunk for the last week or so (since R-2.13 was branched, when I started trying) when "run with R CMD check --use-gct": -------------- > pkgname <- "Matrix" > source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R")) >
2023 Jul 02
Strange error in R CMD check --timings
Am 02.07.23 um 18:01 schrieb Duncan Murdoch: > This SO post: describes a strange R > CMD check error. Depending on the contents of a comment in one of the > examples sections of a help page, an error like this could be triggered: > > > base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = >
2010 Apr 21
problem of R CMD check
Hi all, Today, i just installed the newest R version 2.10.1 and other necessary tools for building R package under windows,e.g. Rtools, perl. All are the newest version. After the correct configuration under windows, i use it to re-check my old package. I found the following prolem when checking EXAMPLE, which did not exist before this re-installation. ######## * checking examples ... ERROR
2005 May 14
make check fails after building R 2.1.0 on Fedora Core 3
I have R v2.0.1 already running on the machine in question; a fairly generic Fedora Core 3 machine. I am trying to build the new version 2.1.0 and have not been able to troubleshoot the problem I encountered. I'm hoping someone else has seen it and can suggest a troubleshooting avenue to me. The build succeeds, both from the source RPM and from the tarball. I believed I had all the build
2004 Oct 28
Errors during make check
On a SUN 280R running Solaris 9... The configure and make steps completed without errors. But when I try to perform the make check step, I get the following: $ make check FORCE=FORCE `Makedeps' is up to date. running code in 'base-Ex.R' ...*** Error code 1 make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `base-Ex.Rout' Current working directory /usr/local/R-2.0.0/tests/Examples ***
2010 Sep 08
winbuilder warnings and errors
Hello, I have been developing a package for phylogenetic analysis which I plan to submit to CRAN soon. It passes R CMD check with no warnings on my linux and Mac OS X machines. I don't have much experience with Windows and have been using the win-builder service to see how the package compiles on Windows. (Thank you for this service, Uwe, it is a huge time saver for me!) I have tried
2009 Jul 16
Resizing a named vector crashes R with gctorture(TRUE) (PR#13837)
On 15/07/2009 8:08 PM, Herv? Pag?s wrote: > Hi, > > > x <- c(a=10, b=20) > > length(x) <- 1 > > x > a > 10 > > But with gctorture turned on, I get: > > > gctorture(TRUE) > > x <- c(a=10, b=20) > > length(x) <- 1 > > x > a > "a" <---- ??? > > > x <-
2008 May 05
troubles with R CMD check and examples under Ubuntu gutsy
Dear listers, I was used to package pgirmess under Windows with everything OK, but, for the first time, I had a trial this afternoon on Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy (I have a double boot computer and work more and more under unix) and R 2.7.0. Everything went OK except this: sudo R CMD check pgirmess ..... * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in 'pgirmess-Ex.R' failed. The error most
2012 Jan 11
Command completion of the R binary / Ubuntu
Dear Deepayan and dear list, I notice a small inconsistency with the command completion of the R CMD check. --no-latex is deprecated sincs R 2.12.0 and defunct since 2.13.0 but the command line completion still suggests it: cb at cbdesktop:~/r-devel$ bin/R CMD check --no-<here I hit tab> --no-clean --no-examples --no-latex --no-vignettes --no-codoc --no-install
2012 Jan 11
Command completion of the R binary / Ubuntu
Dear Deepayan and dear list, I notice a small inconsistency with the command completion of the R CMD check. --no-latex is deprecated sincs R 2.12.0 and defunct since 2.13.0 but the command line completion still suggests it: cb at cbdesktop:~/r-devel$ bin/R CMD check --no-<here I hit tab> --no-clean --no-examples --no-latex --no-vignettes --no-codoc --no-install
2006 May 18
R CMD check: "T used instead of TRUE"
Hello everybody, I am just trying to put together my first own CRAN-able package. I have completed the programming and my code works OK. But now when I perform R CMD check agsemisc_1.0-2.tar.gz and R gets to the step * checking examples ... I receive the following error message: > print(bwplot(Species~Sepal.Length, data=iris, panel=panel.bwstrip)) Error in rep(T, length(x)) : T used
2009 Sep 30
xyplot key
Hi, I'm having trouble matching the symbols/color of the key to match those specifiec in the plot. Here is the code I used: xyplot(GCR+GCT ~ FRAC, data=RWF, type=c("g","p"),cex=1.2,pch=c(22,21), xlab=expression(italic("f")),ylab=expression(italic("S")), key=list(points=list(pch=c(22,21),cex=1.2), text=list(c("Targeted Deletion","Random
2005 Dec 01
suppress checking chm files in R CMD check on Windows
Dear R-helpers, When installing a source package I can suppress the compilation of .chm files by using the --docs="normal" option. Is it also possible to suppress the creation and checking of .chm files when calling R CMD check ? best, ingmar
2003 Oct 09
R-1.8.0 on Sparc Solaris 8, gcc3.2.1, bus error and core dump (PR#4485)
Example run and stack trace: wazor /s/src/stat/R-1.8.0/tests/Examples $ ../../bin/R --no-save < base-Ex.R R : Copyright 2003, The R Development Core Team Version 1.8.0 (2003-10-08) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a
2005 Mar 11
delay() has been deprecated for 2.1.0
After a bunch of discussion in the core group, we have decided to deprecate the delay() function (which was introduced as "experimental" in R 0.50). This is the function that duplicates in R code the delayed evaluation mechanism (the promise) that's used in evaluating function arguments. The problem with delay() was that it was handled inconsistently (e.g. sometimes you would see