Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "segfault isoreg with NAs"
2007 Oct 18
documentation bug for isoreg example (PR#10352)
Full_Name: Benjamin Tyner
Version: 2.6.0 (43063)
Submission from: (NULL) (
At the end of the examples for isoreg, there is
cat("R^2 =", formatC(sum(residuals(ir4)^2) / (9*var(y4)), digits=2),"\n")
I think this should be
cat("R^2 =", formatC(1 - sum(residuals(ir4)^2) / (9*var(y4)), digits=2),"\n"
2004 Jan 28
unstability when using isoreg() function (PR#6494)
Full_Name: Petr Klasterecky
Version: 1.8.1
OS: Windows XP, Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
The isoreg() function causes R to crash when called repeatedly. Consider the
following simple script:
N <- 10
x <- rnorm(N)
print("Original x values:")
for(n in (1:N)){print(y <- isoreg(x[1:n])$yf)}
I am able to run (call) it several
2011 Jan 17
isoreg memory leak?
I believe there is a memory leak in isoreg in the current version of R,
as I believe the following shows
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
Ncells 120405 3.3 350000 9.4 350000 9.4
Vcells 78639 0.6 786432 6.0 392463 3.0
> for(k in 1:100) {
+ y <- runif(10000)
+ isoreg(x,y)
+ }
> rm(x)
> rm(y)
> gc()
used (Mb) gc
2010 Jun 15
How to see how a function is written
If I want to see how, say, apply function is written, how would I be
able to do that?
Just typing "apply" at the prompt does not work.
Thank you for help!
2001 Jan 10
optmizing with monotone stepfunctions?
Before re-inventing the wheel I would like to ask: does anyone know about
an optimizer in R which can reliably identify which value of X (Xopt) leads
to Y (Yopt) closest to Ytarget in
Y <- MonotoneStepFun(X)
optionally with the restriction that Yopt <= Ytarget
(at least if any Y <= Ytarget, otherwise any Yopt > Ytarget would be the
preferred answer)
If none is known, I will write
2008 Jul 15
methods/namespaces/possible bug
> methods("plot")
[1] plot.Date* plot.HoltWinters* plot.POSIXct*
[4] plot.POSIXlt* plot.TukeyHSD plot.acf*
[7] plot.data.frame* plot.decomposed.ts* plot.default
[10] plot.dendrogram* plot.density plot.ecdf
[13] plot.factor* plot.formula* plot.hclust*
[16] plot.histogram* plot.isoreg* plot.lm
[19] plot.medpolish*
2003 Mar 10
Problem with example(medpolish) in R-devel
Today's R-devel has a problem in `example(medpolish)'. It appears that
the `plot.medpolish' method is not available. Here is the output and
traceback() after starting `R --vanilla':
> library(eda)
> example(medpolish)
mdplsh> deaths <- rbind(c(14, 15, 14), c(7, 4, 7), c(8, 2,
10), c(15, 9, 10), c(0, 2, 0))
mdplsh> dimnames(deaths) <-
2004 Jun 17
using "= matrix (...)" in .C calls
Dear R-devel,
I am trying to alter rpart so that it makes additional calculations when
growing the tree.
In the "rpart.s" there is a call to the C routine:
rp <- .C("s_to_rp2",
2017 Jul 16
Arranging column data to create plots
Dear All,
I need some help arranging data that was imported.
The imported data frame looks something like this (the actual file is huge, so this is example data)
IDKey X1 Y1 X2 Y2 X3 Y3 X4 Y4
Name1 21 15 25 10
Name2 15 18 35 24 27 45
Name3 17 21 30 22 15 40 32 55
I would like to create a new data frame with the following
Name1 21 15
2008 May 28
calling C function from R
I am reading the source code of rpart. I have problems understand the following code and would appreciate for any helps. In rpart.s, there is a line:
rpfit <- .C(C_s_to_rp,
n = as.integer(nobs),
2017 Jul 16
Arranging column data to create plots
On Sat, 15 Jul 2017, Michael Reed via R-help wrote:
> Dear All,
> I need some help arranging data that was imported.
It would be helpful if you were to use dput to give us the sample data
since you say you have already imported it.
> The imported data frame looks something like this (the actual file is
> huge, so this is example data)
> DF:
> IDKey X1 Y1 X2 Y2
2003 Aug 13
putting NAs at the end
I have a matrix for which each row has 12 elements that represent the xyz coordinates of 4 points.
So each row of M is (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4). Some points have NA as z values.
I want another matrix to be the same as M but with the coordinates of those points with z=NA placed last.
For ezample if z1=NA then the new matrix row should be (x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3,x4,y4,z4,x1,y1,z1)
2010 Sep 08
[LLVMdev] Complex regalloc contraints
Hi Carlos, Jakob,
The PBQP allocator was designed to support a very wide range of constraints,
and can handle something like this easily.
Say you have 4 of these orX/irX registers, then for any pair of virtual
registers used in such an add instruction you would add the following
constraint matrix to the PBQP instance:
[ 0 inf inf inf ]
[ inf 0 inf inf ]
[ inf inf 0 inf ]
[ inf inf inf 0
2012 Aug 01
Neuralnet Error
I require some help in debugging this codeĀ
ir1 <- data.frame(ir[1:100,2:6])
ir2 <- data.frame(ifelse(ir1$Species=="setosa",1,ifelse(ir1$Species=="versicolor",0,"")))
ir3 <- data.frame(rbind(ir1[1:4],ir2))
2011 Aug 25
{R} How to extract correctly from vector?
Dear list,
I have problem that I cannot solve and would like to ask your opinion. I
tried to ask a few days ago already but got no answer and all my attempts to
solve it by myself since then failed. Sorry for repeated posting! Here the
problem broken down a bit.
My problem basically is, that I want to use the elements of a character
vector as names for objects and by recalling only the
2006 Jul 19
error when compiling "stats" library in R-2.3.1 on Solaris x86
I tried to compile v2.3.1 on Solaris x86 with SUN Pro compilers.
I had an error while stats libarary was being compiled and I notice that "-xtarget=generic64" was not passed to f95 while cc used it.
Could you tell me how to fix this problem?
f95 -PIC -O -I/mounts/devel/SUNWspro/prod/include -c sgram.f -o sgram.o
f95 -PIC -O -I/mounts/devel/SUNWspro/prod/include -c
2007 Mar 07
compiling latest version of R
Dear R-help community,
I have had trouble in the past installing the latest version of R: we got the
errors shown below (the computer specifications and version of R are below
that). Does anybody have tips for compiling the latest version of R so that I
can avoid these errors?
gcc -G -L/usr/local/lib -o stats.so init.o kmeans.o
2004 May 06
plot(hist.default(1:10,plot=F)) error.
How to find out which plot function is used when i call
plot(hist.default(1:10,plot=F)) and all works fine ?
The reason why I would like to know it is that after loading some self written R functions
> plot(hist.default(1:10,plot=F))
Error in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log) :
x and y lengths differ
> traceback()
5: stop("x and y lengths differ")
4: xy.coords(x, y,
2010 Feb 28
Reducing a matrix
I wish to rearrange the matrix, df, such that all there are not repeated x values. Particularly, for each value of x that is reated, the corresponded y value should fall under the appropriate column. For example, the x value 3 appears 4 times under the different columns of y, i.e. y1,y2,y3,y4. The output should be such that for the lone value of 3 selected for x, the corresponding row entries
2004 Feb 26
Structural Equation Model
Hello all!
I want to estimate parameters in a MIMIC model. I have one latent
variable (ksi), four reflexive indicators (y1, y2, y3 and y4) and four
formative indicators (x1, x2, x3, x4). Is there a way to do it in R? I
know there is the SEM library, but it seems not to be possible to
specify formative indicators, that is, observed exogenous variables
which causes the latent variable.