similar to: make check-all fails on F8

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2014 Apr 29
SUGGESTION: Option to have menu() and select.list() to use stderr (or even "prompt" output)
SEND TO STDERR: Currently utils::menu() and utils::select.list() with graphics=FALSE queries the user via the standard output (stdout). I'd like to suggest to do this via standard error (stderr) instead, or at least have an option to choose which output stream. If they would send to stderr, they could also be used in various report generators that capture stdout and redirect to the generated
2007 Jul 17
Problem building R with Sun Studio Compiler on SLES 9 SP3
In a previous thread I had problems on openSuse 10.2 building R with optimisation and discovered that if I wanted optimisation I need to turn on -fstore -fsimple1 (the first is to force storage on some Fortran routines , the second is to ensure IEEE arithmetic, with some optimisation). That worked for my desktop. The real problem is to work on our servers (Opterons running SLES9SP3) Make works
2012 Dec 09
Making fifo work (Linux)
Friends I need to get R reading from a fifo. I want it to block till there is some data in the fifo, consume what input it gets there, do some thing with it then loop back and block again. Very simple. Yes? No. The example in the documentation works OK.. zz <- fifo("foo-fifo", "w+") writeLines("abc", zz) print(readLines(zz))
2015 May 18
install.packages() / update.packages() sometimes outputs to stdout and sometimes to stderr [and menu() & readline()]
I've noticed that install.packages() [] and update.packages() [] sometimes output to stdout and sometimes to stderr. It looks like stderr is used (e.g. via cat()) when the message is part of querying the user, e.g. update.packages <- function(lib.loc = NULL,
2002 Feb 25
Example function for reading Octave data files made by "save -ascii"
Hi, I thought I'd post this simple function I wrote, just in case other users also have Octave data files that they'd like to read into R. (Octave is a matlab-like language, see for details.) Any comments/suggestions appreciated. Stephen read.oct.file <- function(filename) { ## Read in an Octave ASCII data file (as created by "save -ascii" in ## Octave
2014 Oct 19
Writing UTF8 on Windows
Recent functionality in jsonlite allows for streaming json to a user supplied connection object, such as a file, pipe or socket. RFC7159 prescribes json must be encoded as unicode; ISO-8859 (including latin1) is invalid. Hence I would like R to write strings as utf8, irrespective of the type of connection, platform or locale. Implementing this turns out to be unsurprisingly difficult on windows.
2010 Jun 06
R CMD in 2.11.1 error
Hi, I have a set of user defined package which I have installed in 2.8.1 for quite some time. I installed 2.11.0 and 2.11.1 a couple of days ago while still having 2.8.1 version in my system. For the package, package.skeleton works fine in R 2.11. However, it comes problem when I run Rcmd check/intall. The intall.out shows below. I further tested that I reran R-2.8.1/bin/R CMD check in
2008 Sep 05
reading and parsing gzipped files
Hi all,I have large compressed text tab delimited files, I am trying to write efficient function to read them, I am using gzfile() and readLines() zz <- gzfile("exampl.txt.gz", "r") # compressed file system.time(temp1<-readLines(zz )) close(zz) which work fast, and create vector of strings. The problem is to parse the result, if I use strsplit it takes longer
2003 Mar 01
RE: [R] File opening error after 1020 files opened
Maybe open.connection() should also check if the connection is already open and given an error or at least a warning if it is. Suggested code update: open.connection <- function(con, open="r", blocking=TRUE, ...) { if (!inherits(con, "connection")) stop("argument is not a connection") if (isOpen(con)) # NEW
2009 Mar 18
Reading a file line by line - separating lines VS separating columns
Hello all. I wish to read a large data set into R. My current issue is in getting the data so that R would be able to access it. Using read.table won't work since the data is over 1GB in size (and I am using windows XP), so my plan was to read the file chunk by chunk and each time move it into bigmemory (I'll play with that when the time will come, maybe ff is better ?!). I encountered
2005 Mar 29
slide show with R
Trying to use R to build an interactive "slide show", to be displayed on a projector. The purpose of the presentation is to show how one could construct a simple graph using R. It is meant as a general overview rather than as detailed instruction. For example, something like the following sequence of commands. At lecture time, I want the interpreter to read these commands one at a
2008 Apr 22
R 2.7.0 is released
I've rolled up R-2.7.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development release which contains a number of new features. Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list of changes below. You can get it (later today) from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. In case of impatience, try
2008 Apr 22
R 2.7.0 is released
I've rolled up R-2.7.0.tar.gz a short while ago. This is a development release which contains a number of new features. Also, a number of mostly minor bugs have been fixed. See the full list of changes below. You can get it (later today) from or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. In case of impatience, try
2009 May 21
file descriptor leak in getSrcLines in R 2.10.0 svn 48590
I noticed the following file descriptor leak when I couldn't remove a package unless I shut down the R session that had loaded and used it. The function that triggered the problem printed the output of a call to parse(). Each time one prints a srcref a connection is opened and not closed. It looks like it happens in as.character.srcref's call to getSrcLines, which has some logic I
2009 Jul 28
Looking for example of usage of function unz
I would greatly appreciate some example of correct usage of function unz. I have to download and uncompress the following web compressef file: I tried the following command that does not work: Targets.rec <- readLines(zz <- unz(""))
2003 Sep 16
Question in Using sink function
Could anyone please explain to me why the following writes nothing into "all.Rout" file? If the "for" loop is removed, t.test output can be written into "all.out". Thanks in advance. Minghua Yao ...... zz <- file("all.Rout", open="wt") sink(zz) for(i in 1:n) { Cy3<-X[,2*i-1]; Cy5<-X[,2*i]; t.test(Cy3, Cy5)
2001 Nov 26
Named pipe connections and stdout
All, I am trying to use a named pipe to steer R from an external application. Following the examples in RNEWS 1:1, I have created a simple listener: zz <- fifo("TESTFIFO", "r") repeat { a <- readLines(zz) if(length(a) != 0) { e <- try(eval(parse(text = a))) if (inherits(e,
2010 Jan 21
Problems completely reading in a "large" sized data set
I have been through the help file archives a number of times, and still cannot figure out what is wrong. I have a tab-delimited text file. 76Mb, so while it's large.. it's not -that- large. I'm running Win7 x64 w/4G RAM and R 2.10.1 When I open this data in Excel, i have 27 rows and 450932 rows, excluding the first row containing variable names. I am trying to get this into R as a
2016 Feb 25
iconv to UTF-16 encoding produces error due to embedded nulls (write.table with fileEncoding param)
On 25.02.2016 11:31, Mikko Korpela wrote: > On 23.02.2016 14:06, Mikko Korpela wrote: >> On 23.02.2016 11:37, Martin Maechler wrote: >>>>>>>> nospam at altfeld-im de <nospam at> >>>>>>>> on Mon, 22 Feb 2016 18:45:59 +0100 writes: >>> >>> > Dear R developers >>> > I think I have
2012 Oct 13
installation of R (2.14.1 and 2.15.1) fails due to [reg-packages.Rout] Error
Hello, I'm trying to install R from sources on two Linux machines (both with Suse 12.2): 1. > uname -a Linux cs-wsok 3.4.6-2.10-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 26 09:36:26 UTC 2012 (641c197) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 2. > uname -a Linux 3.4.6-2.10-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Jul 26 09:36:26 UTC 2012 (641c197) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am trying version