similar to: shared hosting for an ISP

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "shared hosting for an ISP"

2007 Sep 24
rcov including ruby lib
When I run spec:rcov on my continuous integration server, the rcov report is including many other libraries in the report, including some from standard lib and gems. Has anyone else had this problem or have any ideas for how to limit it just to coverage of code in app/ and lib/? Thanks, Brandon -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: PGP.sig
2007 May 21
Spec''ing redirect with arbitrary parameters
I''ve got the following expectation: response.should redirect_to(:action => "new", :video_id => "1", :process_id => "2", :origin_id => "3") that fails with this error message: expected redirect to {:video_id=>"1", :process_id=>"2", :origin_id=>"3", :action=>"new"}, got redirect to
2006 Nov 21
Spec Naming (was: Rspec Brown Bag)
Thanks for posting your specdoc, Brandon -- they''re a great example. On 11/21/06, Brandon Keepers <bkeepers at> wrote: > > A user purchasing items > - should create an order > - should add to the user''s orders > - should create line items > - should set line item amount to the item''s price > - should set line item amount to 0 if
2007 Oct 10
Rspec Textmate bundle errors
Hello all, Having a problem with the Rspec textmate bundle and having quizzed the guys in #textmate to no success about the errors, I''ve been suggested to try you guys! When I run the "Run Behaviour Description" command, I get the following errors: /Users/alastair/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/ RSpec.tmbundle/Support/lib/spec/../spec/mate/runner.rb:34:in
2007 Oct 18
Mocking models provided in Rails plugins
Hey folks, How do I mock a model that is given to me by a Rails plugin? I''m trying to mock Session from the restful_authentication plugin but I get a number of errors telling me RSpec doesn''t recognize Session. NameError in ''SessionsController handling GET /sessions/new should be successful'' uninitialized constant Session An example of my usage:
2007 Jun 08
Still recommend the plugins over the gems?
> We strongly recommend you install RSpec and Spec::Rails as plugins > (as opposed to relying on an RSpec gem). See special instructions > below if you want to install the HEAD of the trunk, or an older > version. (from Is this still the case? Why? Is the rspec_on_rails available in gem form? Does rspec_generator
2006 Nov 10
Specifying views
I''m trying to spec my views with 0.7.1 on edge rails per the instructions on the rspec site [1] and David''s blog [2], but I''m not having much luck. Here''s my spec in specs/views/accounts/ new_view_spec.rb: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../../spec_helper'' context "The new account form" do specify "should have an
2007 Apr 26
looking for a worker that''s gone
In my app, I store the job key when a worker is fired off and then check back in periodically to see how its doing. The workers delete themselves when they''re done. I would expect when I try to get a worker that has been deleted, I would get nil or a proper exception, but instead I get: >> MiddleMan.worker(''foobar'') NoMethodError: undefined method
2008 Jul 24
Delivery notifications
I'm working on an application that is backed by Postfix 2.3.8 and Dovecot 1.0.13, configured with virtual domains, for handling messaging. I need to be able to send the notification (such as "You've received a new message on SomeAwesomeService. Click here to check it out", It's evil, I know) to a different email address, such as a mobile device. Eventually, we want
2006 Nov 21
Specification Reuse to avoid Combinatorial Explosions
Hello, While reading Dan North''s BDD tutorial <>, I tried to implement his ATM example as spec stubs. When I first implemented it creating a context for each of his scenarios, I noticed that there is duplication and a combinatorial explosion of the specs. I attached the full files to this email. For brevity, I will use scenario 1 in the body of
2006 Jan 19
lighttpd config on os x
I finally got around to installing lighttpd on my mac for dev work, followed the instructions at When I go into my rails app and type "./script/server" I get the following errors: baggio:~/work/teore pergesu$ ./script/server => Booting lighttpd (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick)
2007 Oct 24
Hello is there any fastcgi rpm available. I downloaded fastcgi rpm from, but it does not contain what about srpm ? thanks for help
2006 May 30
Strange error
I have been getting the following error everyonce in a while. Can someone please suggest what could be going wrong with my system? It happens about once every 3 weeks. I resolve this by rebooting my server, although I never tried to figure out what is the real problem. Sharkie 2006-05-30 16:53:49: (mod_fastcgi.c.1561) connect failed: 386 Connection refused 111 0 /tmp/site.fcgi.socket-2
2006 Apr 24
Error starting lighttpd
Hi, I''m getting the following error message when I try to start lighttpd: BEGIN ERROR: $ script/server => Booting lighttpd (use ''script/server webrick'' to force WEBrick) => Rails application started on => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server (see config/lighttpd.conf for options) 2006-04-24 03:29:39: (mod_fastcgi.c.1022)
2005 Dec 19
Locomotive 500 - Internal Server Error
I''m getting this in my Lighttp.error.log file when trying to run typo in Locomotive. What does this mean? 2005-12-19 16:56:57: (mod_fastcgi.c.1532) connect failed: 9 Connection refused 61 0 /tmp/ruby-fastcgi.A5364CB4-70E2-11DA- AC3C-000A95BA28D0-5471-00000DCDBD6C54E6.socket-1 2005-12-19 16:57:01: (mod_fastcgi.c.2196) unexpected end-of-file (perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid:
2006 Mar 25
Can''t quite get Rails working on Mac, help please :).
I''ve followed the install the install guide on and it seemed to work. And I''ve been following the Instant Gratifiction guide in Chapter four in Agile Web Development with Rails book. I''m in terminal and I type - cd work (everything works fine) then rails demo (everything seems to work) then cd
2007 Jun 28
DRYing link_to with a symbol
Hi, I just put in a patch that allows you to DRY up this: <%= link_to, @company %> to this: <%= link_to :name, @company %> The symbol indicates the method to be called on the object passed in the link_to options. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the
2005 Dec 19
Lighty External Fast CGI Process Load Balacing Note
I''ve just spent a while chasing a false bug in lighttpd and load balancing among external fast cgi processes due to what I think is a documentation bug. Following the info on the wiki page <>, one would think that something like this works: fastcgi.debug = 1 fastcgi.server = ( ".fcgi" => (
2006 Jan 10
FastCGI cannot start; Rails doesn''t work
I have a problem deploying FastCGI for use with RoR. OS: FreeBSD 5.4 Apache: 2.0.55 FastCGI: 2.4.2 ###### I compiled a new and copied it to /usr/lib/apache/ ###### My httpd.conf looks like this: LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/lib/apache/ <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi </IfModule> ###### The testscript
2006 Feb 01
Apache 2.2 don''t work with fastcgi
I''m trying to install mod_fastcgi for my rails app. I use Apache 2.2 and FastCGI 2.4.2 in windows xp. I have modified the httpd.conf adding LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.dll (with mod_fastcgi.dll and in the modules directory). Whe i try to start Apache i have this error ---------------------------- apache: Syntax error on line 122 of