similar to: cannot delete the last column of a dataframe using "[<-" (PR#9565)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "cannot delete the last column of a dataframe using "[<-" (PR#9565)"

2007 Apr 20
sorting data in R
hello, I'd like know how to sort a data frame in R for example how I should do to sort by Catholic with swiss data frame like below thanks Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2 Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2
2010 Jun 01
Can any one help it will be very kind, loop statements I have this table and some more records, I want to reshape it V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 TP53 Dis1 Dis2 Dis3 Dis4 Dis5 Dis6 DCI New1 New2 New3 New4 FDI Hi2 H3 H4 GHD I1 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I want my new table or matrix to be some thing like this V1 V2 V3 Tp53 Dis1 Dis2 Tp53 Dis1 Dis3 Tp53 Dis1 Dis4 Tp53 Dis1 Dis5 Tp53 Dis1 Dis6 Tp53 Dis2
2009 Jul 30
lmer() and "$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors"
Hi all, I am a bit mystified by this error message that I get when I try to apply lmer() to a simple dataset with one between factor (age) and one within factor (item): "$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors" I'll just provide the code, because I don't see where the problem is: library(lme4) options(contrasts=c("contr.helmert","contr.poly")) data =
2007 Mar 05
[PATCH 2/10] linux 2.6.18: COMPAT_VDSO
This adds support for CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO. As this will certainly raise questions, I left in the code needed for an alternative approach (which requires mode C code, but less build script changes). Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <> Index: head-2007-02-27/arch/i386/Kconfig =================================================================== ---
2007 Mar 05
[PATCH 2/10] linux 2.6.18: COMPAT_VDSO
This adds support for CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO. As this will certainly raise questions, I left in the code needed for an alternative approach (which requires mode C code, but less build script changes). Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <> Index: head-2007-02-27/arch/i386/Kconfig =================================================================== ---
2007 Mar 05
[PATCH 2/10] linux 2.6.18: COMPAT_VDSO
This adds support for CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO. As this will certainly raise questions, I left in the code needed for an alternative approach (which requires mode C code, but less build script changes). Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <> Index: head-2007-02-27/arch/i386/Kconfig =================================================================== ---
2013 Jul 13
Dovecot 2.2.4 metadata-plugin crached
Dovecot (deb stable-auto/dovecot-2.2 main) crached after create new metadata folder (But the folder with metadata is created). Metadata plugin v14. Coredump: in log: imap(admin at Fatal: master: service(imap): child 14339 killed with signal 11 (core dumped) [10-Jul-2013 11:46:00 +0400]: [A4A2] S: * OK [CAPABILITY
2013 Jul 13
Dovecot 2.2.4 metadata-plugin not support UTF7
In Dovecot 2.2.4 metadata-plugin crach on setmetadata but worked on ascii folders? but not worked on utf7 (non ascii) folders. [13-Jul-2013 19:15:36 +0400]: [F537] S: A0002 OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE SORT SORT=DISPLAY THREAD=REFERENCES THREAD=REFS THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT MULTIAPPEND URL-PARTIAL CATENATE UNSELECT CHILDREN NAMESPACE UIDPLUS
2007 Jul 12
[[.data frame and row names
Hi, I'm wondering why indexing a data frame by row name doesn't work with [[. It works with [: > sw <- swiss[1:5,1:2] > sw["Moutier", "Agriculture"] [1] 36.5 but not with [[: > sw[["Moutier", "Agriculture"]] Error in .subset2(.subset2(x, ..2), ..1) : subscript out of bounds The problem is really with the row name (and not
2005 Feb 04
(no subject)
Hi. I have a problem that I can't seem to find an optimal way of solving other than by doing things manually. I'm trying to subset a data frame by the number of observations that occurred at a given row but want to take into account the number of observations of preceding rows. Here's an example. I'm looking at intervals of data [10,20), [10, 30), ....., [10,120) which contain a
2012 May 12
problem with get() inside of lme()
Hi, In the following lines of code are inside of a function, where "TRAIT1" is a function variable calling a column-name inside of the data.frame "new3". This works just fine: m2 <- lmer(get(TRAIT1) ~ perm.score + (1|site), data=new3) but this will not work, m3 <- lme(get(TRAIT1) ~ perm.score , random= ~1|site, data=new3) I get the following error: Error in
2013 Mar 16
Errors or warnings for non-existent data
Good Evening Is there a setting that I can change in R so that I get either a warning or an error message if I reference non-existent data in a data frame? For example I get no warning or error message with the following: > set.seed(2013) > df0=data.frame(cbind(x=rnorm(1000),y=rnorm(1000))) > df0$z=df0$w > head(df0) x y 1 -0.09202453 1.51179695 2 0.78901912
2010 Oct 20
Hello, I am trying to achieve something which I *think* is possible using rowsum, but a little help should be useful: Consider the following dataframe DF0: A B C 89 1 140 89 06 20 89 29 137 89 52 13 89 57 10 89 97 23 89 1 37 89 1 12 89 1 3 52 1 11 52 1 31 52 1 16 52 1 6 52 1 10 52 1 13 52 1 10 52 1 25 52 1 2 52 59 38 52 97 75 57 1 14 57 1 13 57 1 14 57 114 12 57 1 23 57 06 26 I need create a
2011 Oct 11
Creating the mean using algebra matrix
Dear all, I wanted to create the mean using a algebra matrix. so I tried this one: > meanAnimals <- new3%*%factorial (Calculates the matrix multiplication of the new3 * factorial). But I get the following error message: Error in new3 %*% factorial : non-conformable arguments These are my matrices: > new3 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1.350 8.1 [2,] 465.000 423.0
2016 Oct 11
Colapsar una matriz con NA en una única fila
Hola Consulto por un problema que no consigo resolver. Tengo un dataframe con muchas columnas todas de texto. Cada columna tiene solamente un valor válido y el resto son NAs. También cada fila tiene un único valor válido. Quiero colapsar ese data frame en uno que tenga solamente una fila y todas las columnas. Intenté con loops, while, apply y otros parecidos pero no lo logro El ejemplo del
2001 Apr 21
Re: PR#886: Error (?) in documentation of 'swiss'
>From Wed Mar 28 16:46:49 2001 Hardly crucial, but I've come upon a potential error in the documentation of the 'swiss' datafram in the R base package. The description accurately matches what is said in the Mosteller and Tukey source quoted, but according to the data archived at Princeton (links from, the
2016 Oct 11
Colapsar una matriz con NA en una única fila
Javier Muchas gracias por su respuesta Aunque no está funcionando, pues si ejecuto: EncDTE1<- t.EncDTE1[ !$Var1),] obtengo Var1, Var2, Var3,...Varn con datos "texto", NA, NA....NA Pero al ejecutar EncDTE1<- t.EncDTE1[ !$Var2),] obtengo Var1, Var2, Var3,...Varn con datos NA,"texto", NA....NA Estoy tratando de dar la vuelta con el loop
2001 Apr 21
Re: PR#886: Error (?) in documentation of 'swiss'
No, you're quite right, I was wrong. I must have been very confused when I put up the first 'bug' report, #886. I noticed my error a couple of days after and put up a comment to that effect on R-bugs, but it seems to have vanished (or alternatively I did that wrong as well). I agree with you on the criterion for the choice of districts as well. There remains a minuscule discrepancy
2010 Mar 03
End of line marker?
Dear R users, I am trying to read a huge file in R. For some reason, only a part of the file is read. When I further investigated, I found that in one of my non-numeric columns, there is one odd character responsible for this, which I reproduce bellow: In case you cannot see it, it looks like a right arrow, but it is not the one you get from microsoft word in menu "insert symbol". I
2015 Aug 02
ayuda con análisis de supervivencia
Hola a todos, -Estoy estudiando el efecto de dos genotipos (~tratamientos) en la aparición de síndrome metabólico (MetS) con datos longitudinales recogidos a tiempo 0,7,10,15,20 y 25 años. -He hecho un dataframe con las siguientes variables MetS: Síndrome Metabólico (Si=1,No=0) bmi: Indice de masa corporal (IMC) cuando se produce la conversión a MetS+ . Para los que permancen MetS-, esta variable