similar to: Wish list

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Wish list"

2006 May 21
A year ago I had posted this code and the associated discussion was that there would be a print.trellis argument that could be used to eliminate the need for with.vpPath or with.viewport there. I assume that that is what in print.trellis is for. When I try it I get an error. I did notice that ?print.trellis says
2005 Oct 03
Grid: constructing a gTree with grobs that use named viewports from a vpTree
I'm trying to create a layout with named viewports that I can use for other functions. I create the viewport tree that I want, and a list of grobs with the viewports describing where they should go. library(grid) vp <- vpTree( viewport(layout=grid.layout(2,2), name="layout"), children=vpList( viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row=1, name="tl"),
2008 May 02
Error in downViewport.vpPath(vpPathDirect(name)
Hi, I am having trouble plotting a series of dendrograms using lattice and grid code as found in Paul Murrells book R Graphics. This is the error message I recieve: Error in downViewport.vpPath(vpPathDirect(name), strict, recording = recording) : Viewport '' was not found I have attached the code and also my data file. Should anyone have any suggestions then
2008 Jan 15
navigating ggplot viewports
list(...) I can not get at the grid viewports in a ggplot2 plot. I know there is supposed to be a viewport called "panel_1_1" but downViewport() can't find it. Has the viewport been popped? I had a quick look at the functions involved (eg ggplot_plot) but there is no obvious problem there. > library(ggplot2) > qplot(1:10, 1:10) > current.viewport() viewport[ROOT] >
2005 Oct 11
aligning column of xyplots and removing space between them
The code below displays three graphs in three rows and one column but: 1. I want to remove the space between the graphs (I tried playing with position= arg to print.trellis but it seems quite difficult to get the right values and all my attempts had space between them or had overlapping graphs. Is there a better way to do this? 2. the widths of the plots are not the same even though I specified
2005 May 31
Problem going back to a viewport with gridBase
I am setting up base plots -- one in viewport A and and one in B. This part works fine. But if I go back to A after having done B and add horizontal lines it seems to not use the correct coordinates. How do I tell it to resume using A's coordinates? I am already using par(fig = gridFIG()) but it seems that that's not enough to reestablish them. What happens is that when I go back to
2005 May 31
Problem going back to a viewport with gridBase
I am setting up base plots -- one in viewport A and and one in B. This part works fine. But if I go back to A after having done B and add horizontal lines it seems to not use the correct coordinates. How do I tell it to resume using A's coordinates? I am already using par(fig = gridFIG()) but it seems that that's not enough to reestablish them. What happens is that when I go back to
2007 Dec 26
seekViewport error
Why does the seekViewport at the bottom give an error? > xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, iris, group = Species, col = 11:13, + auto.key = TRUE) > = TRUE) ROOT GRID.rect.89 plot1.toplevel.vp plot1.xlab.vp plot1.xlab 1 plot1.ylab.vp plot1.ylab 1 GRID.segments.90 1
2006 Jul 19
plain shading (not residuals) in mosaic plot
Hello. I've been using R for a couple of months and enjoying it a lot. This is my first post to R-help. I'm using the vcd package to make mosaic plots with labels on the tiles indicating the number of items in each cell. For example, I've made this plot: > allmorph<-structure(c(10, 26, 17, 100, 70, 97, 253, 430, 185, 177, > 25, 1), .Dim = as.integer(c(6, 2)), .Dimnames
2006 Jul 29
placing rectangle behind plot
I am trying to create a lattice plot and would like to later, i.e. after the plot is drawn, add a grey rectangle behind a portion of it. The following works except that the rectrangle is on top of and obscures a portion of the chart. I also tried adding col = "transparent" to the gpar list but that did not help -- I am on windows and perhaps the windows device does not support
2006 Oct 23
Color eps/ps output from specialized plots?
Hello, First a disclaimer :) I am very new to using R. I am generating some plots and eventhough I can get colored output in the encapsulated postscript files in the simplest of commands (e.g. plot(1:10,1:10, type="l", col="red") ), it does not work for the particular plots I want. It works on the screen. Here is an example taken out from "Mixed-Effects Models in S and
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
I've rolled up R-1.9.0.tgz a short while ago. This is a new version with a number of new features, most notably a substantial reorganization of the standard packages, a major update of the grid package, and the fact that underscore can now be used as a regular character in variable names. See below for further changes. Because of the disturbances at the machine that hosted the CVS archives,
2004 Apr 12
R 1.9.0 is release
I've rolled up R-1.9.0.tgz a short while ago. This is a new version with a number of new features, most notably a substantial reorganization of the standard packages, a major update of the grid package, and the fact that underscore can now be used as a regular character in variable names. See below for further changes. Because of the disturbances at the machine that hosted the CVS archives,
2004 Nov 29
Call to trellis.focus(); thenpanel.superpose()
The following works fine with the x11 device, though it may well be that an initial plot is overwritten. With a pdf or postscript device, I get two plots, the first of which still has the red border from having the focus, while the second is the plot that I want. library(lattice); library(grid) plt <- xyplot(uptake ~ conc, groups=Plant, data=CO2) print(plt)
2003 Nov 20
Problem with Trellis graphics in nlme
Hi, I would be grateful for help with a problem which is irritating me. I am quite sure that I am doing something stupid, but I can't see what it is. I am running R 1.7 on Windows 2000. The graphics device is the PC screen. The graphics from the nlme demonstration in Bates an Pinheiro's manual work just as advertised. The CO2 data and the Orthodont data dsiplay
2006 Jan 01
Wish list
This is my New Year wishlist for R features. One common thread is that I find I sometimes use languages other than R including javascript, Windows batch and gawk. Others have mentioned other languages too. It would be nice if, in those cases I could use R simplifying development into a single environment (viz. R). The following are not in any order. 1. Self Contained Executables Make it
2013 Apr 26
Remove reciprocal data from a grouped animal social contact dataset
Hi r-help forum, I have been collecting contact data (with proximity logger collars) between a few different species of animal. All animals wear the collars, and any contact between the animals should be detected and recorded by both collars. However, this isn't always the case and more contacts may be recorded on one collar of the two. This is fine, it depends on battery life and other
2006 Jul 18
Using corStruct in nlme
I am having trouble fitting correlation structures within nlme. I would like to fit corCAR1, corGaus and corExp correlation structures to my data. I either get the error "step halving reduced below minimum in pnls step" or alternatively R crashes. My dataset is similar to the CO2 example in the nlme package. The one major difference is that in my case the 'conc' steps are
2008 Aug 21
summary.lme and anova question
Dear all, When analyzing data from a climate change experiment using linear mixed-effects models, I recently came across a situation where: - the summary(model) showed a significant difference between the levels of a two-level factor, - while the anova(model) showed no significance for that factor (see below). My question now is: Is the anova.lme() approach correct for that model? And why does
2008 Dec 23
beginner data.frame question
I need some help understanding how on of the example data sets is formatted in the basic R installation. If I load the Mona Loa CO2 data, with the command: > data(co2) I can view the data with: > co2 And the data are in the form of 11 rows labeled as years (1994-2004) and 12 columns labeled (Jan - Dec). This structure appears to be a dataframe, however, if I type the command