similar to: YA S4 method dispatch question

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2006 Apr 12
S4 method dispatch matrixOrArray
I have some code where the primary dispatching is on other parameters so I'd like not to have to create a set of functions for "matrix" and another duplicate set for "array". But the class union technique isn't working as implemented below and I don't have my Green book with me. How do I fix my infinite recursion problem?
2006 Apr 13
[R] S4 method dispatch matrixOrArray (fwd)
What a delicious example! (I'm taking the liberty of sharing it with r-devel, since it raises some good issues.) You have two questions, presumably: 1 - how could the order of the setMethod calls make a difference in the results? 2 - what's causing the infinite loop & how could it be avoided, reliably? Second question first. The danger sign is the "vector" method:
2005 Jul 19
S4 Dispatching
Is it possible for S4 to (continue) dispatch to a class created during dispatching? The code below doesn't work; is this not possible or have I ommitted something? Concept was to create a SEXP with R_AllocatePtr, give it a class attribute, and continue dispatch. Example code below omits multiple parameters that can be different types. Essentially, any parameter would be converted to an
2004 Jun 26
S4 group "Math", "getGroupMembers", "genericForPrimitive"
Hi, I found the following on Windows 2000/NT R Version 1.9.1 (2004-06-21) (also Version 1.9.0): The S4 group "Math" doesn't work as documented; i.e., "log", "log10", "gamma" and "lgamma" are included in the documentation but don't work. See example code below. Moreover, what about 'genericForPrimitive' which is used in
2010 Aug 26
Passing arguments between S4 methods fails within a function:bug? example with raster package.
Dear all, This problem came up initially while debugging a function, but it seems to be a more general problem of R. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't find another explanation. Let me illustrate with the raster package. For an object "RasterLayer" (which inherits from Raster), there is a method xyValues defined with the signature
2005 Dec 29
trouble with S4 methods for group "Summary"
Hello. This question concerns the Methods package. I have created a new class and am trying to set a method for it for S4 group generic "Summary". I have run into some signature problems. An example: > setClass("track", representation(x="numeric", y="character")) [1] "track" > setGeneric("max", group="Summary")
2004 Sep 28
S4 method selection based on second argument
I'm translating some Matlab code and need some help figuring out how to change this call into an S4 generic method. In matlab, there's a function called 'repmat' with three calling sequences (all I have to deal with anyway): 1) B = repmat(A, m, n) 2) B = repmat(A, [m n]) 3) B = repmat(A, n) In all cases, A is the fill value, m is number of rows, and n is number of
2005 Jan 19
signif() generic
Dear list, I'm trying to write a class for Gaussian error propagation of measured values and their (estimated) errors, > setClass("sec", representation(val="numeric", err="numeric")) I've already successfully implemented basic arithmetics using mostly the "Arith" group generics. But I'm running into trouble when trying to get signif() to
2005 Feb 11
Canonical S4 Method signature
I have trouble finding applicable examples of S4 methods. Could someone tell me the canonical method for a function that takes either one or two arguments corresponding to dimensions? So if vector output desired, only one argument 'n' would be provided. For matrix, two would be provided corresponding to 'm' and 'n' in that order. And therein lies the rub as I don't
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
Interrogating some (of my own) code in another package. >norm.meth <- getMethod("normalize", "MatrixLike") >message("str(norm.meth)") >str(norm.meth) >message("show(norm.meth at .Data)") >show(norm.meth at .Data) Last show() displays this: function (object, ...) { .local <- function (object, method = c("median",
2015 Jan 28
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
I'm attempting to reflect the information for use with corresponding fields in GUI (in a different package), to provide default values, argname as key for UI label lookups, etc. So I want something much more like the formals of the implementation: { "object", "method": c("median", "vs", "tukey"),
2005 Jun 20
How to define S4 methods for '['
Folks: This is a question about the S4 formal class system. Suppose I have a class, 'foo', defined by: setClass('foo',representation(dat='matrix', id='character') ) I wish to define a '[' method for foo that will extract from the 'dat' slot. I would have thought that the following would work, but it doesn't:
2010 Sep 07
Dispatch method on S3 or S4 class
Hello, I've been attempting to make a generic method that dispatches on the first argument, which can be either an S3 or an S4 class. This is as far as I've gotten. Any suggestions about what to try next ? library(aroma.affymetrix) library(GenomicRanges) setGeneric("analyse", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("analyse")) setMethodS3("analyse",
2012 Apr 12
R-2.15.0 and Exporting Methods Converted To S4 Generic
Late to the show on this release, unfortunately. One of our production packages no longer builds under R-2.15.0 with the following message. ** testing if installed package can be loaded Error: Function found when exporting methods from the namespace 'SuperCurve' which is not S4 generic: 'image' Possibly relevant clues follow: ## From R/AllGenerics.R if
2004 Jun 07
Lazy Evaluation?
Hello, I've stumbled upon following problem, when trying to overload the methods for group Math for an S4-class which contains functions as slots. setClass("NumFunction", representation = list(fun = "function")) NumFunction <- function(f) new("NumFunction", fun = f) square <- function(x) x^2 NF <- NumFunction(square)
2004 Apr 19
How to write an S4 method for sum or a Summary generic
If I have a class Foo, then i can write an S3 method for sum for it: >setClass("Foo",representation(a="integer"));aFoo=new("Foo",a=c(1:3,NA)) >sum.Foo <- function(x,na.rm){print(x);print(na.rm);sum(x at a,na.rm=na.rm)} >sum(aFoo) But how do I write an S4 method for this? All my attempts to do so have foundered. For example
2014 Jan 07
Why do methods of "initialize" have no "srcref" attribute as other S4 mehtods?
For documentation we use a system that generates Rd files from special comments in the code. (inlinedocs). It is crucial to be able to get the defining source code for objects like methods to extract the comments from it. Here is an R session that shows how this works for several kinds of methods and (at the end of the session) how if fails for methods of "initialize" >
2009 Aug 05
S4 method dispatch: coercion of arguments with setAs defined
Hi list, I've got a class B that contains a slot obj of class A. I'd like to be able to call all the methods of class A directly on objects of class B as if I had called the method on slot obj. This without overloading all methods of class A to work on class B. I don't define B as an extension of A, because I want class B to also work with objects of classes that inherit from
2006 Aug 30
setMethod() and log()
Hi I am having difficulty with setMethod(). I have a "brob" class of objects whose representation has two slots: "x" and "positive". Slot "x" (double) holds the log of a number and slot "positive" (logical) its sign. The idea is that large numbers can be handled. I'm trying to implement a log() method using an analogue of the
2015 Jan 29
[Q] Get formal arguments of my implemented S4 method
On Jan 28, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Michael Lawrence <lawrence.michael at> wrote: > At this point I would just due: > > formals(body(method)[[2L]]) > > At some point we need to figure out what to do with this .local() confusion. Agreed, definitely. The current hack is to avoid re-matching arguments on method dispatch, so a fix would need to be fairly deep in the