Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "bash-like history mechanism and prompt settings"
2006 Jan 12
hello World problem
I'm trying to build a simple R package 'helloWorld' with just one
function that prints 'hello World' on the C side.
I agree that it is completely useless, but I just start mixing R and C.
My C file is as follows :
#include <stdio.h>
void helloWorld() {
printf("hello world !\n") ;
When I call it from R, here is what happens :
2006 Apr 25
Dear R users and developpers,
My question is adressed to both of you, so I choose R-help to post it.
Are there any plans to jazz up the main R website : http://www.r-project.org
The look it have now is the same for a long time and kind of sad
compared to other statistical package's website. Of course, the
comparison is not fair, since companies are paying web designers to draw
2006 Apr 11
pattern in history
Sometimes I need to consult the history of commands that are matching a
regex, so I modified the utils::history function for that purpose. I
found it useful.
I append the code ( I only added the two lines with #**)
history2 <-
function (pattern="", max.show = 25, reverse = FALSE, unique =
pattern!="", ...)
file1 <- tempfile("Rrawhist")
2006 Feb 04
javascript device for R
Has anyone started a javascript device for R.
I don't see something like that googling or at on
For example, using that graphics library :
(I cc that message to the author.)
ps : this is not a feature request, i will do it. But if someone has
started that, let me know.
2006 Apr 26
Consider the code :
g <- function(){
.x <- 3
f <- function(){
environment(g) <- environment()
.x <- 2
> f()
[1] 2
[1] 2
I would like f() to return 3. How can I do that ? Am I completely out of
place ?
Doing that, I want to avoid to pass .x as a parameter in f, because in
real life .x is pretty big and g() is called over and over in a
2005 Dec 13
superimpose density line over hist
Hi all,
I'm trying to superimpose a rchisq density line over a histogram with
something like:
lines(density(rchisq(length(alnlength), 4)),col="red")
But the rchisq line won't appear anywhere,
Anyone knows what I am missing here?
Thanks in advance,
2006 Feb 06
lme4: Error in getResponseFormula(form) : "Form" must be a two sided formula
I'm sure I'm being stupid so flame away...
R2.2.1 on Windoze (boohoo) latest updates of packages.
I'm exploring a dataset (land) with three variables looking at an
narrowly unbalanced two group (GROUP) ANCOVA of a randomised
controlled trial analysing endpoint score (SFQ.LOCF.ENDPOINT) entering
the baseline score (SFQ.BASELINE) as covariate and the following work
> res.same
2005 Dec 16
dendrogram branches with different lty
Dear r-list,
I am trying to visually seperate the two main clusters of a dendrogram.
The idea is to use:
'edgePar=list(lty=3)' for 'dend1[[1]]' and
'edgePar=list(lty=1)' for 'dend1[[2]]'
I have not found a way to solve this. Any suggestions?
hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave")
(dend1 <- as.dendrogram(hc))
2006 Feb 13
Plotting contour & filled.contour in one graph
Dear All,
I have a question on overlaying a filled.contour (e.g. on soil properties data) and contour (by elevation) in one graph. Both have the same z matrix dimension. I'm able to overlay both graph, but the plots dimension did not overlap well on the same plots. How can I have both filled.contour and contour on the same graph? The commands that I have written are as follows:
2005 Dec 08
Commented version of the home page graphics code
I was drawn to R, like many others, partly for the opportunity
to draw nice, colorful graphs (occasionally ones with meaning, too :-)
). I am still quite a newbie to R.
As such, I have been trying to understand the code for the graphics on
the home page (the ones from the 2004 contest -- the dendrogram, the
cluster plot with different coloured circles, etc.) I was wondering
whether anyone
2006 Jan 19
R Commenting Style
I seem to remember reading somewhere about some style
guide regarding R the number of comment characters (#)
prior to the comment meaning something.
Anyone know to what I'm referring? Where?
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
2006 Feb 08
difference between rnorm(1000, 0, 1) and running rnorm(500, 0, 1) twice
Hi R users
This looks a simple question
Is there any difference between between rnorm(1000,0,1) and running
rnorm(500,0,1) twice in terms of outcome ?
2006 Apr 26
About regression and plot
Dear R-help,
This is my first R day. I want to ask some more beginner's questions.
Q1. How can I obtain the covariance matrix for parameter estimates of a multiple regression? I checked ?lm but didn't get the information.
Q2. How can I see the old graphs in the graph window?
Q3. Can R plot animated graph? For example, I want to see the dynamic change of a 2D graph during a time
2005 Dec 13
How to make a plot?
Does anyone have an idea of how to make a chart in R like the
ones here that use a graphic:
2006 Apr 28
Memoire defaillante
je travaille actuellement sur le logiciel R et mets en place des procédures d'analyse de données :
sur des procédures de classification employant la commande dist(), je rencontre des problèmes de memoire : avec des data.frame d'environ 100 000 lignes j'obtiens le message d'erreur suivant :
Error : cannot allocate vector of size 668 481 330
Ou une autre erreur souvent
2006 Apr 19
creating empty cells with table()
Suppose I simulate 20 observations from the Poisson distribution
with lambda = 4. I can summarize these values using table() and
then feed that to barplot() for a graph.
Problem: if there are empty categories (e.g. 0) or empty categories
within the range of the data (e.g. observations for 6, 7, 9), barplot()
does not include the empty cells in the x-axis of the plot. Is there
any way to
2006 Jan 29
help with read.table() function
hello, I have just started using R for doing a project
in time series...
unfortunately, I am having trouble using the
read.table function for use in reading my data set.
This is what I'm getting:
I inputted:
data <-
read.table("D:/Oliver/Professional/Studies/Time Series
Analysis/spdc2693.data", header = TRUE)
I got:
Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection
2006 Jan 29
help with read.table() function
hello, I have just started using R for doing a project
in time series...
unfortunately, I am having trouble using the
read.table function for use in reading my data set.
This is what I'm getting:
I inputted:
data <-
read.table("D:/Oliver/Professional/Studies/Time Series
Analysis/spdc2693.data", header = TRUE)
I got:
Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection
2005 Dec 13
Ploting graphics using X tints from a color
I'm trying to draw a 2D plot using multiple tints of red. The
(simplified) setup is the following: || year | x | y ||
My idea is that each year is plotted with a different tint of red.
Older year (lightest) -> Later year (darkest). I've managed to plot
this with different scales of grays simply by doing:
before the plot and for each
2006 May 19
iraq statistics - OT
I came across this one:
which says that the violent death rate in Iraq (which presumably
includes violent deaths from the war) is lower than the violent
death rate in major American cities.
Does anyone have any insights from statistics on how to
interpret this?