similar to: Problem loading package with version, S4 classes and NAMESPACE

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Problem loading package with version, S4 classes and NAMESPACE"

2016 Feb 26
Publication: Flowtables: Program Skeletal Inversion for Defeat of Interprocedural Analysis with Unique Metamorphism Luke Jones, Ryan Whelan, Jeremy Blackthorne, and Graham Baker. 2015. Flowtables: Program Skeletal Inversion for Defeat of Interprocedural Analysis with Unique Metamorphism. In Proceedings of the 5th Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop (PPREW-5). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 6 , 11 pages. DOI=
2006 Apr 04
Does anyone have a primitive rake "deploy to test" script?
Would anyone be willing to share a skeletal rake script to deploy an app. to a remote test server, set up the DB, etc. Something to just get started would be great. Old Ant person here, so fairly comfortable with the concept. Thanks, Wes -- Posted via
2008 Feb 15
Anybody using Xapian with Ruby on Rails? If so, I'd like: a) Any advice on the state of the Ruby bindings. b) Even a skeletal version of acts_as_xapian - I'd be happy to help flesh it out, and test it. Francis
2012 Mar 21
multivariate ordinal probit regression vglm()
Hello, all. I'm investigating the rate at which skeletal joint surfaces pass through a series of ordered stages (changes in morphology). Current statistical methods in this type of research use various logit or probit regression techniques (e.g., proportional odds logit/probit, forward/backward continuation ratio, or restricted/unrestricted cumulative probit). Data typically include the
2006 Apr 24
Handling large dataset & dataframe [Broadcast]
Here's a skeletal example. Embellish as needed: p <- 5 n <- 300 set.seed(1) dat <- cbind(rnorm(n), matrix(runif(n * p), n, p)) write.table(dat, file="c:/temp/big.txt", row=FALSE, col=FALSE) xtx <- matrix(0, p + 1, p + 1) xty <- numeric(p + 1) f <- file("c:/temp/big.txt", open="r") for (i in 1:3) { x <- matrix(scan(f, nlines=100), 100,
2019 Jun 11
Samba + sssd
On 6/9/19 7:00 AM, Rowland Penny wrote: > I said that Samba does not support it because we do not produce it and that it does very little that winbind doesn't. I'm not sure I understand how winbind and sssd are even comparable. sssd is sort of a unified replacement for pam_ldap and nscd and can, for example be configured to allow authentication from an AD and an unrelated LDAP
2010 Oct 24
Re: [Rails-core] Re: (Unable to start rails application) ruby scipt/server error
Rails application which i create manually like rails new blog and the content of the file "blog/config/boot.rb" are require ''rubygems'' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile. gemfile = File.expand_path(''../../Gemfile'', __FILE__) begin ENV[''BUNDLE_GEMFILE''] = gemfile require
2010 Nov 27
rails server command
Hi. When I try and start my server using ''rails server'' I get the following..... Usage: rails new APP_PATH [options] Options: -r, [--ruby=PATH] # Path to the Ruby binary of your choice # Default: C:/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/bin/r xe -d, [--database=DATABASE] # Preconfigure for selected database (options
2020 Nov 17
[DebugInfo] Enabling constructor homing by default
Hi debug-info folks, I've recently been experimenting with the -debug-info-kind=constructor model for debug-info creation, which is leading to some significant reductions in .debug_info on our large C++ benchmarks, which is great! I see in PR46537 that there's a plan to eventually enable this by default -- is this something we can target for LLVM12, or are there outstanding issues? While
2001 Jul 02
ReleaseLargeFreeVectors SIGSEGV (?) (PR#1008)
Full_Name: Roger Bivand Version: 1.3.0 OS: GNU/Linux RH6.2, 7.0, Debian 2.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm working on interfacing ANN: A Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching ( to R, following up a prototype package I tried in May 2000. ANN is written in C++; my C++ is very weak. Last year I didn't experience any problems with
2006 Apr 11
my email address???
oh boy, looks like I screwed things up some trying to add hosting for another domain besides my own I thought I went by the book here but something sure ain't right. my real email address is rado at then a few days ago, I tweaked I think it was to masquerade (the other domain) now I just noticed I am showing as rado at
2018 May 17
Backend Plugins?
Kenneth Adam Miller wrote: > By address, I mean the selected location in the binary. I need the > ground truth for other static analyses. That's not determined until instructions are encoded for the object file, which is pretty deep down in MC. I can imagine a couple of ways to get the info you want, but it's not pretty. You could emit a label for every instruction, and then work
2005 Dec 08
Add printer commad ...
Hi everybody ... I just read on the samba announce that's now possible to use the printer migrator tool prtmig.exe to backup existing queues and drivers on a Microsoft machine and restore them on Samba ... The problem is that the add printer command should be specified in the smb.conf file ... After googling a little i was not able to find any examples for this script ... Does anybody in
2008 Feb 15
Skeletal relations
On 16/02/2008, Ralph Giles <> wrote: > The general idea is to use the (http-style) Message Headers > in the Skeleton track to describe each logical bitstream, but no one > has ever written anything down. This is a proposal to get the ball > rolling. awesome, thanks :-) > Lang: <locale> generally I think we should go with existing HTTP and email
2008 Feb 19
Skeletal relations
Something which you might also want to consider, unless it is deemed to be outside the scope of skeleton, is a way to embed data that can be referred to by other logical streams, as a means to avoid duplication. A logical stream is self contained as far as the data it handles goes, but several multiplexed streams might need the same, or similar, data. For instance, something I wanted to do was
2008 Feb 20
Skeletal relations
> 1) Font data, as in the actual font itself, doesn't really belong in an ogg > stream. People wanting to have more control on the appearance of an overlay might want to control the font. Since font naming is largely non standard (eg, the foundry etc system (you know, *-*-*-* system) is X only I think, and I think Windows just has filenames), one can't specify a font to use in a
2008 Feb 21
Skeletal relations
> If you have an application-specific need for exact font data, then I think > the mechanism for retrieving this data should lie in your application, and > not in the media format that you're using for media data. I would have said > the same thing to Adobe if they'd asked me ;-) We may or may not be talking about the same specific thing. My point was not that there should be
2008 Feb 17
Skeletal relations
Ralph, Conrad, Now that we have ROE as a means to describe a multi-track ogg file - i.e. a means to author Skeleton - I assume this is supposed to describe how we map ROE information into Skeleton through the use of fisbone message header fields, right? In this case I wonder if you have gone over all the current ROE spec and made sure that all this information is either in ROE or easily
2013 Feb 15
Setting up bind - location for includes
I am setting up bind this time around (just rebuilt my test machine via Kickstart) without chroot. I have a fair number of includes for named.conf; I have two views and other odds and ends. My thoughts are to make a directory; /etc/named.d to put all these includes into instead of 'dirtying' up /etc. This way the only files I replace/add to /etc are named.conf and rndc.key (I would
2000 Oct 24
User Rights
Color me stupid! I have set up a small SAMBA network using a Caldera Systems eServer 2.3 implementation of Linux with a AMD K-6/2 and 128 meg RAM. It works great from one computer, and one user id, but I am unable to login as any other user. The one user is set up in such a way that it would create a serious security hole (member of group root). The server shows up in the network neighborhood,