Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "NEWS, WISHLIST, THANKS"

2008 Mar 13
plotting zoo object
JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1968 NA 10.7 10.0 9.3 7.4 8.1 9.3 9.5 8.5 10.0 10.0 13.0 1969 13.0 9.9 7.0 5.9 NA 6.5 7.3 6.6 NA NA NA NA 1970 10.7 8.9 8.1 NA NA 7.1 7.7 NA 6.5 NA 8.3 NA 1971 NA 11.6 NA NA 7.8 NA NA 6.2 NA NA 8.4 NA x<-read.zoo("textconnection", sep=",", format= "%Y", header=TRUE) plot(x) #this plots all of the years by each
2006 Apr 07
rownames for as.matrix.zoo
On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 16:09:53 +0200 Brandt, T. (Tobias) wrote: > Hi > > Is there a reason why as.matrix.zoo doesn't set the rownames to the > index like does? Yes, oversight, I think ;-) Added to the devel-version of zoo. I'll try to get it out to CRAN in the next days. Z > Thanks > > Tobias > > > > library(zoo) > > x.Date
2008 Oct 22
R 2.8.0 qqnorm produces error with object of class zoo?
Dear list-reader, by running the following script: library(zoo) sessionInfo() search() packageDescription("zoo") data(EuStockMarkets) dax <- as.zoo(EuStockMarkets[1:10, "DAX"]) daxr <- diff(log(dax)) identical(as.vector(qnorm(daxr)), qnorm(coredata(daxr))) qqnorm(coredata(daxr)) qqnorm(daxr) qqnorm() produces an error: > qqnorm(daxr) Fehler in if (xi == xj) 0L
2010 Apr 30
Possible bug in POSIX classes for R 2.11.0?
To the R development team; I found an unusual behavior in zoo when I upgraded to R 2.11.0 - it abruptly terminated when I performed certain operations on large zoo objects. I sent an e-mail to Achim Zeileis and he said this was a potential bug that I should report to the R development team. The details are given below in the thread below. Basically, I can crash R with this code: library(zoo)
2007 Jul 11
RWeka control parameters classifiers interface
Hello, I have some trouble in achieving the desired parametrisation for the weka classifier functions, using the package RWeka. The problem is, that the functions result=classifier(formula, data, subset, na.action, control = Weka_control(mycontrol)) do not seem to be manipulated by the mycontrol- arguments Perhaps this should be resepected via the handlers- argument , but the
2004 Nov 06
wishlist: better error message in R CMD check
I was running R CMD check on Windows XP 2.0.1beta and got this: Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on 602 After a lot of aggravation I finally discovered that if I did this: copy *.R allofthem.R and checked line 602 in allofthem.R that I could find the error. I noticed that there are repeated references in the help archives to this sort of error and how hard it is to locate
2009 Jul 23
how to predict dynamic model in R
I have a dynamic time series model like this: dyn$lm( y ~ lag(y,-1) + x + lag(x,-1)+lag(x,-2) ) I need to do an out of sample forecast with this model. Is there any way I can do this with R? It would be greatly appreciated if some one can give me an example. Thanks. Harry [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jan 17
How to still processing despite bug errors?
Hi, everybody. I am working processing EEG data from 1000 pacients. I have a specific syntax to perform the Spectral Analysis and a loop to analyse all subjects. each subject data are in separate folders (P1, P2 P3...) My question is: in some cases, some errors can appear in one subject. I want to know if is possible to jump to the next subject and perform the same syntax , exibiting an error
2006 May 15
Dyn or Dynlm and out of sample forecasts
All: How do I obtain one step ahead out-of-sample forecasts from a model using "dyn" or "dynlm" ? Thanks! Best, John [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 23
[wishlist, patch] Removing .bzr/ directory when calling R CMD build (PR#10625)
Full_Name: Ben Goodrich Version: 2.6.1 OS: Debian Submission from: (NULL) ( bzr is another version control system and adds a .bzr folder to the top-level directory of a package, similar to .svn and .git for subversion and git respectively. However, while R CMD build removes directories called .svn, .git, and some others, it does not remove .bzr . As a result, the .bzr folder is
2005 Jan 13
how to use solve.QP
At the risk of ridicule for my deficient linear algebra skills, I ask for help using the solve.QP function to do portfolio optimization. I am trying to following a textbook example and need help converting the problem into the format required by solve.QP. Below is my sample code if anyone is willing to go through it. This problem will not solve because it is not set up properly. I hope I
2009 May 17
Chow test(1960)/Structural change test
Hi,   A question on something which normally should be easy !   I perform a linear regression using lm function:   > reg1 <- lm (a b+c+d, data = database1)   Then I try to perform the Chow (1960) test (structural change test) on my regression. I know the breakpoint date. I try the following code like it is described in the “Examples” section of the “strucchange” package :   > sctest(reg1,
2004 Dec 02
Wishlist: simple legend options (PR#7400)
Full_Name: Elizabeth Purdom Version: 1.9.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( It would be nice if legend had the option of some default locations you could choose instead of entering specific coordinates, like "topleft", "topright","topcenter", etc. based on par("usr") coordinates. I know I've wanted it so often I've made my
2005 Jan 21
Fw: R Citation
Dear Achim, Thanks for the comment. Here is the publisher's style guideline (AGU) "Because the Internet is dynamic environment and sites may change or move, treat World Wide Web, ftp files, and electronically archived data stored at data centers other than World or National Data Centers as unpublished, i.e., in text only." So by this
2005 Feb 09
[Fwd: Re: Fw: Contour plot]
Petr, It works perfectly! But I still have a question; I have fit the following data; x,y,z 1,10,11 2,11,15 3,12,21 4,13,29 5,14,39 6,15,51 7,16,65 8,17,81 9,18,99 10,19,119 >dat.lm <- lm(z~I(x^2)+y, data=dat) >dat.lm Call: lm(formula = z ~ I(x^2) + y, data = dat) Coefficients: (Intercept) I(x^2) y 1.841e-14 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 How do I create the
2008 Nov 02
Wishlist: pass args from demo() to source()
Currently demo calls source with a hard coded max.deparse.length = 250 so you can't really see the demo properly in some cases. Note the [TRUNCATED] below. (1) It would be nice if demo passed max.deparse.length (and other args to source). (2) Also a larger max.deparse.length default would be nice to make it less likely one would have to set it in the first place. > R.version.string #
2005 Aug 04
An small suggestion for the R team
Hi all, I would like to suggest that all R functions/etc like: codes-deprecated grid-internal ns-alt ns-dblcolon ns-hooks ns-internals ns-lowlev ns-reflect.Rd tools-internal ts-defunct utils-deprecated utils-internal ... and another i.e, function/word separate for '-' were all substituted by codes_deprecated grid_internal ns_alt
2005 Sep 02
The Perils of PowerPoint
Hi all, Below is a URL for an editorial published today in our local newspaper, the Minneapolis StarTribune. It was originally published in the Washington Post a couple of days ago: but that site requires registration. The 'Strib" site seems to be open for the moment:
2005 Jul 12
what is the .Machine$double.xmin for a 64 bit machine?
I use a 32 bit machine. For those using 64 bit machines, what is the .Machine$double.xmin for for machines? regards. Stephen. ----- Original Message ----- From: Achim Zeileis <Achim.Zeileis at> Date: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 10:51 am Subject: Re: [R] exact values for p-values - more information. > On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, S.O. Nyangoma wrote: > > > > If they
2008 Jan 31
Feature request: about lag(), which.min() and cat().
Hello I'm only user of R and have many little knowledge in programming but I permit to send you some whishes/suggestions for R. which.min like which(), which.min() should also include an argument arr.ind. Note that one can have it with which(a==min(a), arr.ind=TRUE) but if there is a reason to build a special function which.min, why not add also this nice argument? lag() If one wants to