Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rw2010alpha"
2004 Nov 28
Version names
I have Windows XP build scripts that look for R in a variety
of folders and if multiple ones are found, takes the last
one. For example, I currently have the following
in \Program Files\R :
Note that it currently correctly gets rw2001beta but if I
add rw2001 then it will not pick it up since
2005 Jul 07
Making Package, Chm error, Html Help Workshop
When building my package (R CMD check) following error message occurs:
varinf.plot text html latex example
x text html latex example
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `disclosure.chm`. Stop.
cp: cannot stat 'D:/Programme/R/rw2010dev/disclosure/chm/disclosure.chm`: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [chm-disclosure] Error 1
make: ***
2005 Mar 02
Error on Windows installing package to non-default library
Hi all,
I'm seeing an error on Windows when I try to install a package to a
package library path that starts with a digit. I can reproduce the
error as follows using R-devel from Feb 24 on Windows advanced server:
badLib = "c:\\badExample\\2\\foo"
dir.create(badLib, recursive=TRUE)
z = .libPaths()
z = .libPaths(c(badLib, z))
[1] "c:\\badExample\\2\\foo"
2004 Mar 18
substitute question
Consider the following example:
# substitute a with b in the indicated function. Seems to work.
> z <- substitute( function()a+1, list(a=quote(b)) )
> z
function() b + 1
# z is an object of class call so use eval
# to turn it into an object of class expression; however,
# when z is evaluated, the variable a returns.
> eval(z)
Why did a suddenly reappear again
2003 Nov 05
I tried it using file and it seems to work for saving:
> data(iris)
> con <- file("clipboard","w")
> save(iris,ascii=T,file=con)
> close(con)
> readLines("clipboard")
... lengthy output follows which seems correct ...
but not for loading:
> con <- file("clipboard","r")
> load(con)
Error in load(con) : loading from
2013 Feb 27
Keeping up to date with R-devel
is checking out R SVN trunk the recommended way to keep up to date with
R-devel and check packages with the latest version?
My objective is to be able to have both R and R-devel versions
installed/working and up to date.
R-devel binaries would be available as symlinks in my home directory so
that I can do:
Rdevel CMD check mypkg
Rdscript -e "some R code"
anywhere on my system.
2004 Dec 24
Sorting problem
I'm using R 2.0 in SuSE 9.2.
When I plot data as a boxplot, the boxes appear on the plot in
alphabetical order (of group) rather than the order in which they appear
in the data. So far, the only thing I can do to fix this is to prefix
the group labels with a,b,c...etc to trick R into plotting them in the
right order.
Can sorting be turned off?
How should I address this sensibly?
2005 Mar 18
Is a .R script file name available inside the script?
if we have a file called Rscript.R that contains the following, for example:
x <- 1:100
outfile = "Rscript.Rout"
and then we run
>> source("Rscript.R")
we get an output file called Rscript.Rout - great!
Is there an internal variable, something like .Platform, that holds
the script name when it is being executed? I would like to use
2004 Aug 18
labeled break statements in R?
Are there labeled break statements in R? i.e., something along the
lines of
TOPLOOP: for(i in 1:m) {
for(j in 1:n) {
if(condition) {
2004 Aug 28
model.matrix.default chokes on backquote (PR#7202)
Full_Name: Gabor Grothendieck
Version: R version 1.9.1, 2004-08-03
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
The following gives an error:
> `a(b)` <- 1:4
> `c(d)` <- (1:4)^2
> lm(`a(b)` ~ `c(d)`)
Error in model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) :
model frame and formula mismatch in model.matrix()
To fix it replace this line in model.matrix.default:
2003 Dec 19
for loop over dataframe without indices
One can perform a for loop without indices over the columns
of a dataframe like this:
for( v in df ) ... some statements involving v ...
Is there some way to do this for rows other than using indices:
for( i in 1:nrow(df) ) ... some statements involving df[i,] ...
If the dataframe had only numeric entries I could transpose it
and then do it over columns but what about the general case?
2005 Mar 29
strange error with rw2010dev
With rw2010dev I get a strange protect(): protection stack overflow
error with a small data frame which otherwise is usable:
If anybody wants to have a look I can provide an RData file
with the problematic data frame.
Doesn't seem to be necessary, the following simulated example
generates the error:
> testmat <- matrix(1:80, 20,4)
> dim(testmat)
[1] 20 4
> str(testmat)
2003 Oct 22
Excel to R
I have Excel files containing data that I would like to move to R.
They are in the standard form of a one row header followed by
rows of data, one record per row EXCEPT that there are a few
rows of comments before the header. The number of rows of comments
varies. For Excel files of this form without comments I have had
success with:
z <-
2003 Dec 17
Factor names & levels
When I alter the levels of a factor, why does it alter the names too?
f <- factor(c(A="one",B="two",C="one",D="one",E="three"),
-- gives [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E"
levels(f) <-
2004 Jun 14
terminology for frames and environments
In ?exists it says:
inherits: should the enclosing frames of the environment be searched?
I believe what it is saying is that if inherits is TRUE and it fails
to find the variable it will look in the parent environment and
the parent of the parent, etc. (as opposed to looking in the calling
frame next and the caller of the caller, etc.)
Now I thought that standard terminology in R was:
2003 Dec 02
Vector Assignments
I have simple R question.
I have a vector x that contains real numbers. I would like to create
another vector col that is the same length of x such that:
if x[i] < 250 then col[i] = "red"
else if x[i] < 500 then col[i] = "blue"
else if x[i] < 750 then col[i] = "green"
else col[i] = "black" for all i
I am convinced that there is probably a
2005 Mar 26
na.omit error message
If I create a bivariate ts series with 3 time points and run
na.omit on it expecting it to reduce it to a one point ts series
instead I get the following error messasge:
R> hh <- ts(matrix(c(NA,1:4,NA),3), start = c(1951,8), freq=12)
R> hh
Series 1 Series 2
Aug 1951 NA 3
Sep 1951 1 4
Oct 1951 2 NA
R> na.omit(hh)
Error in
2004 Nov 18
Building Packages on Windows using .Rbuildignore (PR#7379)
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 00:38:47 +0000 (UTC), Gabor Grothendieck
<ggrothendieck@myway.com> wrote :
>The reason that the processing is different according to whether one
>uses .Rbuildignore or not is that
> R CMD build
>takes the .Rbuildignore file into account but
> R CMD install
> R CMD check
> R CMD build
2004 Feb 17
pass by reference -- how to do it
Pass by reference appears to be a topic which comes up
from time to time, but I wasn't able to find something in
the R-help archives which tells how to accomplish it.
I have a problem that you may have seen before -- R runs
out of memory when processing large matrices. Part of the
problem for me is that I am using some large matrices as
function arguments, and these are modified,
2004 Aug 09
How to import specific column(s) using "read.table"?
Dear R people,
I have a very big tab-delim txt file with header and I only want to import
several columns into R. I checked the options for "read.table" and only
found "nrows" which lets you specify the maximum number of rows to read in.
Although I can use some text editors (e.g., wordpad) to edit the txt file first
before running R, I feel it?s not very convenient. The