similar to: windows dse bundle install problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "windows dse bundle install problem"

2004 Feb 26
unable to install dse in mac OS X 10.3
I would like to request help with the installation of dse in raqua in mac os x 10.3. I get the following error message after the messages indicating that parts were successfully installed. I would be most grateful for a solution. ----------------------------------------- * Installing *source* package 'setRNG' ... ** R ** inst ** help >>> Building/Updating help pages for
2005 Dec 23
dse package problems
I am having problems with the package dse. I just installed R 2.2.1 and reinstalled all packages. I am running Windows XP Pro with all updates. Below there are two examples of error messages generated when trying to execute some simple programs. The code was taken directly from the package documentation. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas Fernando
1999 Dec 21
DSE revised for R 0.90.1
A slightly revised version of my DSE package for multi-variate time series analysis is now available at <>. This version works with R 0.90.1 (and not with R 90.0 or earlier versions). It can also be installed with install.packages(c("syskern", "tframe", "dse"),
1999 Dec 21
DSE revised for R 0.90.1
A slightly revised version of my DSE package for multi-variate time series analysis is now available at <>. This version works with R 0.90.1 (and not with R 90.0 or earlier versions). It can also be installed with install.packages(c("syskern", "tframe", "dse"),
2009 Jun 15
Help with syntax error
Hi, I have written boxplot commands of this form before, but I don''t quite understand why the function call is reporting a syntax error in this instance. All parameters passed to the function are strings. Thanks in advance. Payam > simplevar <- function(wframe,column1,column2) { + tframe <- get(wframe) + x1 <- which(names(wframe)==column1) + x2 <-
2005 Jul 11
Misbehaviour of DSE
Folks, I am finding problems with using "dse": > library(dse1) Loading required package: tframe Error: c("package '%s' required by '%s' could not be found", "setRNG", "dse1") > library(dse2) Loading required package: setRNG Error: package 'setRNG' could not be loaded In addition: Warning message: there is no package called
2004 Nov 30
Build package for R 2.0.1 under Windows
This summer I and a colleague built a package for R v 1.9.1 containing C-code under Windows. That only worked for us when R was installed in c:\program files\R. Now I have R v 2.0.1 and the same package won't build. I get the following C:\Program Files\R\rw2001\bin>rcmd check "c:\program files\r\rw2001\src\library\ sag" * checking for working latex ...latex: not found NO * using
1998 May 15
couldn't find function "print.tframe"
I have an object with an attribute "tframe" for which there is a generic method print.tframe and also a method print.tframe.default defined in a library. However, when I use attributes(object) I get the message $tframe Error: couldn't find function "print.tframe" It's as if <primitive: attributes> is not looking through the search list? Any suggestions?
2003 Apr 23
Bug in versioned install (was: (fwd) R-1.7.0 : Problem with Downloading "dse") (PR#2827)
The reason dse won't install is because of the new versioned install code. It assumes that it's dealing with a plain package, and doesn't handle bundles properly. Robert, could you look at that? A workaround is as follows. After the install.packages call fails with this message >Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection >In addition: Warning message:
1997 Dec 11
R-alpha: inheritance ([.ts)
While commenting out the previously mentioned warning seems to work, I have been reflecting on this problem and there seems to be an issue wrt inheritance that I do not understand properly. Perhaps some gurus could comment. As mentioned previously, I have a class "tframe" with more specific classes indicating how time is being represented, such as > class(tframe(data)) [1]
1998 Nov 18
more on "[<-"
"[<-" in R 0.63 does not appear to strip attributes, whereas Splus and previous versions of R did. Paul _____ R 0.63: > data <- matrix(rnorm(300),100,3) > attr(data, "tframe") <- c(1981.50, 2006.25 , 4.00) > attributes(data) $dim [1] 100 3 $tframe [1] 1981.50 2006.25 4.00 > z <- data[10:90,] > attributes(z) $dim [1] 81 3 $tframe [1]
2005 Feb 17
package bulding in windows.
Hello everyone. I am using R 2.0.1 in windows XP sp2 and I want to create a package. I get the following errors when I run these commands at the dos prompt. Please help. Thanks. NIshan F:\Program Files\R\rw2001\bin>Rcmd build f:\testingskeke * checking for file 'f:\testingskeke/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'f:\testingskeke': * cleaning src *
2005 Mar 11
Package Installation in RGui (PR#7262)
In reference to the thread I have the same problem updating packages with newly-installed version of released version of R 2.0.1. Previous posts refer to a bug in windows. I wonder if there is a work-around? This probably should go to R-help but it follows on from the post in R-devel. Apologies in advance. OS: Windows XP Professional,
2001 Sep 28
problems with new checks in R-devel
Below are a few problems I have encountered with the new checks being done in R-devel. 1/ I have two generics, test.equal and test.equal.tframe. The first checks that two objects are equal while the second checks if two objects have equal tframes (time frames). There is no reason these should have similar arguments but the check seems to think that test.equal.tframe is a method for test.equal so
1997 Dec 10
R-alpha: "[.ts" in 0.60.1
I have a class "tframe" with more specific classes indicating how time is being represented, such as > class(tframe(data)) [1] "ts" "tframe" but now "[.ts" produces warning messages > tframe(data)[2] Warning: Not returning a time series object [1] 2006.25 Even my simplest tests produce hundreds of lines of warnings, so I've commented out
2004 Dec 22
Creating packages in windoze: *** [indices] Error 1
Dear R community, I am running R 2.0.1 on a Windoze XP OS. I recently upgraded from R 1.9x to 2.0.1 and I am currently upgrading a my personal function packages. My other packages compiled without a hitch but I am having a difficult time with my largest package. Can someone please help me with the following error message "Error in parse(file, n, text, prompt) : syntax error on line
2001 May 24
tframe question - latest.start
I'm having some trouble figuring out latest.start in the tframe package. The results seem a bit cloudy. Sample session: > library(ts) > library(tframe) Loading required package: syskern > t1<-ts(c(1,2,3,4,5),start=1) > t2<-ts(c(1,2,3,4,5),start=2) > earliest.start(tbind(t1,t2)) [1] 1 1 > earliest.start(tbind(t2,t1)) [1] 1 1 > latest.start(tbind(t2,t1)) [1] 1 1
2004 Dec 22
help with creating package
Hello, I'm trying to create a source package (on Win2k system). I followed the instructions from R-extns.pdf, installed ActivePerl and RTools with setting the DOS path to it. Then I did "Rcmd check" and had an error: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C:\R\rw2001\bin>Rcmd check D:/prime7/SpnInstall/spectrino * checking for working latex ...latex: not found NO * using log directory
2005 Mar 01
Two problems building a package
Hello all: I have written a few R scripts and am trying to turn them into a package for submission to CRAN. All of these scripts are R code only, no C or C++ or anything else. I'm working with R 2.0.1 running on a Windows XP machine. So far running ">rcmd install --build --docs=normal mypkge" seems to work (i.e., the library "mypkge" is installed in R\rw2001\library and
2004 Nov 07
creating a package without lazy loading
When I do a R CMD build --binary then I get the messages at the end of this post unless I specify LazyLoad: no in the DESCRIPRION file. If I do that then everything proceeds smoothly. R CMD check proceeds smoothly in either case. Is there something I should be aware of that is causing this message when I do not turn off lazy loading? I am using Windows XP and R 2.0.1 beta