similar to: win variable in tcltk

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "win variable in tcltk"

2007 May 13
Dropdown boxes in tcltk and R
Hello, I'm very much a newbie in R and more so in tcltk so apologies if this question is stupid. Basically I am trying to use the combobox example found here: . What I want to do is in that example get fruitChoice as a variable in R in general. When I run that code, however, and the ask for fruitChoice it says
2005 Sep 05
tcltk, X11 protocol error: Bug?
Hi, I am having trouble debugging this one. The code is attached below, but it seems to be a problem at the C-tk interface. If I run this 1 time there are no problems if I run it more than once I start to get warnings that increase in multiples of 11 everytime I run it. Here is a sample session > source("clrramp2.r") Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done
2004 Apr 23
Tcl Tk table
Hi I've a problem with the following example: library(tcltk) .Tcl("array unset tclArray") myRarray <- matrix(1:1000, ncol=20) for (i in (0:49)) for (j in (0:19)) .Tcl(paste("set tclArray(",i,",",j,") ",myRarray[i+1,j+1],sep="")) tt<-tktoplevel() table1 <- tkwidget(tt,"table",variable="tclArray",
2002 Sep 26
tcltk - command=function()
hi, just having the idea create a simple tcl/tk gui-dialog for different data-file formats i get starting problems and it would be nice get some tips/tricks from experienced tcl/tk user in R ! tt <- tktoplevel() label.widget <- tklabel(tt,text="Decision Tree GUI") button.widget <- tkbutton(tt,text="Select SPSSFile", command=function()
2001 Sep 19
tcltk: Difficulties creating menus
I am struggling with adding menus to a tcltk application. The following example (from the O'Reilly book on Perl/Tk) works fine: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $menub = $mw->Menubutton(-text => "Color")->pack(); foreach (qw/red yellow green blue grey/) { $menub->radiobutton(-label => $_, -command => \&set_bg,
2009 Oct 19
Problem with geometry manager in TclTK
Hello, everyone. I have the following problem with TclTk: I create some windows and want to change their position with geometry manage (sometimes they will be centered, sometimes not). If the toplevel is created and its dimensions are gathered via 'tkwinfo', I get (usually) correct values. However, if this window is created by a function (in the following example, by 'ask.format')
2008 Dec 22
newbie question on tcltk
Hi List, Can anyone tell me how could i put the "BACK" button in the following code, just under the "AAA" menu? I want this button to go back to the previous page, and since it has nothing to do with the "1" and "2" buttons, i want it somehow separated from these two buttons, but i don't know how. I searched the web for some examples but my results
2006 May 22
rerender tcltk toplevel
Hi everybody, I am trying to write a simple progress display based on a tcltk toplevel. My first approach was to use the progressBar widget from the BWidget library but since this is not available on every system (missing on at least almost all windows systems, I guess...) I wanted to have a backup there. So my second strategy was to use a simple toplevel with a label and update the tclvariable
2020 Jun 07
use of the tcltk package crashes R 4.0.1 for Windows
Hi, The following code, from the examples in ?TkWidgets , immediately crashes R 4.0.1 for Windows: --------------------- snip -------------------- library("tcltk") tt <- tktoplevel() label.widget <- tklabel(tt, text = "Hello, World!") button.widget <- tkbutton(tt, text = "Push", command = function()cat("OW!\n")) tkpack(label.widget,
2020 Jun 07
use of the tcltk package crashes R 4.0.1 for Windows
So this wasn't tested for a month? Anyways, Free() is just free() with a check that we're not freeing a null pointer, followed by setting the pointer to NULL. At that point of tcltk.c, we have for (objc = i = 0; i < length(avec); i++){ const char *s; char *tmp; if (!isNull(nm) && strlen(s = translateChar(STRING_ELT(nm, i)))){ // tmp =
2002 Mar 14
gif, jpeg and png image files reader AND tcltk image
Hi all, Roger Peng and Jason Turner's suggestion with ImageMagick seem to be the simplest "dirty" way to get the problem solved. But I ran into yet another interesting but quite round-about way to solve the problem (partially). Through tcltk package, one can read in the gif image with > x <- tkcmd("image", "create", "photo", file=mypic.gif)
2007 Sep 19
Running tcltk From a batch file
Hi, I am trying to run some simple tktcl code.... ## in a file called test.R require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() OK.but <- tkbutton(tt,text="OK",command=function()tkdestroy(tt)) tkgrid(OK.but) tkfocus(tt) Using a batch file with the command Rterm < test.R > testOutput.Rout --slave The GUI pops up but then disappears. The results in the test.Output.Routfile are > # Load
2009 Apr 14
disappearing dialog boxes when using tcltk
Dear all, I'm trying to use tcltk to build a small user-interface and couter the problem: It seems that sometimes the dialog box will be minimized automatically though I want it to be on top of the screen all the time. For example, when runing the following code, if you type in "a1", "a2", "a3", etc when being asked for an integer, the program is supposed to
2003 Jul 29
Tktable active cell
Thomas Sudler <TSudler at> wrote: > I want to start an action when i click into a cell. Example: When I click > into a cell, a message box should open with the information of the > location of the cell where I clicked in. <SNIP> So I only > need to know how to get the possition of the active cell. Thomas, Getting the active cell is easy, just use :
2002 Feb 11
read.table in TCL/TK interface
hello, i would like program userfriendly tcl/tk widgets like the t-test example in a more complex way ! (1) Is it not possible to combine tk_getOpenFile with the R function read.table to select in userfriendly way data sets ? (I'm newbie and take code-parts from t-test example and scripting example.) (2) Is it possible to use a variableSelection widget to select a special variable which i
2003 Jun 06
stuck tcltk scrollbars under Windows XP
Dear R-devel list members, I've encountered a problem with my Rcmdr package under Windows XP and could use some advice: The Rcmdr package uses the tcltk package to create menus and dialog boxes. My standard procedure when a dialog is created is to grab the focus -- e.g., by tkfocus(top) tkgrab(top) (Here, top is a top-level window -- say, containing one or more scrollbars.)
2005 Jun 04
locator() via tcltk
Hello, I'm trying to write a function using tcltk to interactively modify a plot and gather locator() data. I've read Peter's articles in Rnews, the help pages in tcltk,, plus a post in R-help sometime ago, but haven't found a solution. The idea goes something like this: require(tcltk) testplot <- function() { getcoords
2011 Oct 06
initial value in ComboBox tkwidget
Hello, I took me very long to find out how to set the initial value in the combobox widget in tk (see the example below). My question is now : Why does "textvariable" has to be a tclVar while "values" can be a normal vector? My next question is: How could I have known this much earlier? Is there a documentation for the tcl/tk usage in R? I know a lot of website with example.
2000 Sep 29
Two tcltk questions and Re: tcltk package functionality
Sorry, for my mail from last night contains no subject. Therefore, I send it again and two tcltk questions are appended. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prasad wrote: > I wrote a function in R which uses tcltk package .... essentially I wanted > to give within that function, a widget with 2 radiobuttons to choose > between plotting Precip
2008 Mar 19
Radio Buttons or similars
Hello companions!!! I have a function that creates a Radio Buttons, and I need that this function return the selected value in the Radio Buttons. I would like that, if somebody know as I could return the value, you say me as do it. Next, I show the function function1<-function(){ require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() rb1 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rb2 <- tkradiobutton(tt) rbValue <-