similar to: integer overflow

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "integer overflow"

2004 Nov 26
Namespaces, coercion and setAs
I'm trying to resolve a small problem that has arisen from introducing a NAMESPACE for the package SparseM. Prior to the namespace I had a class "matrix.diag.csr" that consisted of diagonal sparse matrices. It was defined to have the same attributes as the matrix.csr class and setAs was used to define how to coerce integers and vectors into this form:
2003 May 27
In the last few days I've received couple of messages pointing out that our SparseM package fails to install on the patched version of 1.7.0. Laurent Gaultier kindly suggested that replacing: setGeneric("as.matrix.csr") by setGeneric("as.matrix.csr", function(x, nrow, ncol, eps) standardGeneric("as.matrix.csr")) was sufficient to fix the problem.
2003 Sep 01
Quantile Regression Packages
I'd like to mention that there is a new quantile regression package "nprq" on CRAN for additive nonparametric quantile regression estimation. Models are structured similarly to the gss package of Gu and the mgcv package of Wood. Formulae like y ~ qss(z1) + qss(z2) + X are interpreted as a partially linear model in the covariates of X, with nonparametric components defined as
2003 Aug 24
setClass question
I would like to add a class to the SparseM package. I have a class "matrix.csr" that describes a matrix in compressed sparse row format, now I would like a class matrix.diag.csr that describes such objects when they happen to be diagonal. The idea is that matrix.diag.csr objects should behave (later in life) exactly like matrix.csr objects, the distinction is only needed in order to
2009 Jun 25
[e1071] Inconsistent results when using matrix.csr for svm() - possibly scaling problem
Dear all, I'm training an SVM with default settings on a matrix csr (SparseM package). I realized that if I train the SVM with the (hopefully) equivalent matrix (Matrix package) representation, the returned models and predictions sometimes differ. I expected both representations of the same data to lead to the same results though. It could be that it is a scaling problem, because unscaled
2007 Oct 12
no visible binding
Could someone advise me about how to react to the message: * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE slm: no visible binding for global variable 'response' from R CMD check SparseM with * using R version 2.6.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-09-03 r42749) The offending code looks like this: "slm" <- function (formula, data, weights, na.action, method =
2014 Jul 11
Namespaces and S4 Generics
I've installed R-devel R Under development (unstable) (2014-07-09 r66111) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit) and am trying to resolve some problems that I am seeing with my SparseM package. In prior versions I explicitly had: setGeneric("image", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("image")) and then used setMethod to define a method for the class matrix.csr but
2009 Nov 04
s4 generic issue
I'm hoping that someone with deeper insight into S4 than I, that is to say virtually everyone reading this list, could help resolve the following problem in SparseM. We have setGeneric("backsolve", function(r, x, k = NULL, upper.tri = NULL, transpose = NULL, twice = TRUE, ...) standardGeneric("backsolve"), useAsDefault= function(r, x,
2006 Mar 14
Fwd: makeconf issue on R-devel 2006-03-12 r37524
I sent the message below to r-sig-mac yesterday, but having no reply I decided to explore a bit myself and found that editing: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/share/make/ yzzy: diff 3c3 < include $(R_HOME)/etc/Makeconf --- > include $(R_HOME)/etc${R_ARCH}/Makeconf restored the functionality of R CMD INSTALL. Is this a known issue?
2008 Apr 18
Fw: efficiently replacing values in a matrix
----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Nnamdi <nnamdii at> To: roger koenker <rkoenker at> Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 1:08:58 PM Subject: Re: [R] efficiently replacing values in a matrix I tried the sparse matrix implementation, still there are issues: a <- matrix(nrow=10000,ncol=10000) > a.csr <- as.matrix.csr(a) Error in if (nnz == 0) { : missing value
2006 Oct 12
Problem loading SpareM package
Hi, I have just installed R 2.4.0 and when I try to load SpareseM, I get the following error message library(SparseM) Package SparseM (0.71) loaded. To cite, see citation("SparseM") Error in loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc, lib.loc), keep.source = keep.source) : in 'SparseM' methods specified for export, but none defined: as.matrix.csr,,
2007 Feb 22
tournaments to dendrograms
Does anyone have (good) experience converting tables of tournament results into dendrogram-like graphics? Tables, for example, like this: read.table(url("")) Any pointers appreciated. RK url: Roger Koenker email rkoenker at Department of Economics vox: 217-333-4558
2015 Mar 26
vignette checking woes
> On Mar 26, 2015, at 8:50 AM, Martyn Plummer <plummerM at> wrote: > > On Wed, 2015-03-25 at 15:12 -0500, Roger Koenker wrote: >> Thierry, >> >> I have this: >> >> if (require(MatrixModels) && require(Matrix)) { >> X <- model.Matrix(Terms, m, contrasts, sparse = TRUE) > > You have this in the current release, which
2003 Nov 20
Re: nlrq problem
Johannes, You can minimize an model expression by just putting the ~ on the left and everything else on the righthand side, but I don't think that this is really what you want. In the NLS expression this would ignore the jacobian of the transformation from errors to response, and in nlrq there is the same problem, however you can adjust for the jacobian by rescaling by the geometric mean of
2008 Jul 03
Reproducibility and GUIs
For a paper on "Reproducible Econometric Research," Achim Zeileis and I would be interested in hearing from anyone with (positive) experience and/or suggestions about GUI-based data analysis from a reproducibility perspective. We omitted coverage of this topic in an initial draft on the well-known principle: if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all,"
2003 Jul 15
friday lunch
Greetings, I'm organizing summer econometrics lunch meetings to discuss thesis work. The first meeting will be this friday July 18 12-1pm in the conference room on the third floor of Wohlers. The first talk will be by Lingjie Ma Control Variate Estimation of Structural Quantile Regression Models url: Roger Koenker email Department of
2007 Nov 15
An extremely modest proposal: It would be nice if packages could have a FAQ and if faq( would produce this faq. And if, by default faq() FAQ() would produce the admirable R faq... Apologies in advance if there is already a mechanism like this, but didn't reveal anything. url: Roger Koenker email rkoenker at
2006 Oct 27
scanning a pdf scan
I have a pdf scan of several pages of data from a quite famous old paper by C.S. Pierce (1873). I would like (what else?) to convert it into an R dataframe. Somewhat to my surprise the pdf seems to already be in a character recognized form, since I can search for numerical strings and they are nicely found. Of course, as is usual with such tables there are also headings and column
2008 Jun 05
negative indexing with null index sets
Negative indexing is often handy, but I'm in need of an appropriate idiom for handling cases in which the index set can be null: x <- rnorm(5) a <- 1:5 s <- rep(FALSE,5) y <- x[-a[s]] # I'd like y == x but instead one has x[-a[s]] == x[a[s]] == numeric(0), which is rather # unfortunate -- so far the best I have come up with is: as <- ifelse(length(a[s]),-a[s],TRUE)
2008 Oct 05
partial matching and dots?
I'm writing a new predict method and would like to be able to pass an argument called "se" via the "..." mechanism. However, predict has a "" argument that wants to interpret my specification of "se" as a partially matched version of Surely there a standard treatment for this ailment, but I can't seem to find it. url: