similar to: Global assignment with S4 objects in R 1.9.0 beta

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2018 May 21
S4 class slot type S4 class
All, I am considering creating an S4 class whose slots (2) are both S4 classes. ?Since an S4 slot can be an S3 class I figure this can be done. ?However, the correct syntax of which I am unsure. ?Reviewing the docs I have come to the following conclusion: SetClass('myfoo', ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? slots = (foo1, foo2)) Without a type I believe each slot is .Data. ?A get method on the above
2005 Jan 30
trellis graphics in loops
I have this awkward problem with trellis (lattice). I am trying to generate some plots through loops but the .eps file is empty. When I generate them in a list and print them outside the loop all is fine. this is an example below:( nothing shows up in foo.eps, but all show up in foo1.eps) R vesion 2.0.1, lattice version 0.10-16, on a debian 2.6.8-1 kernel. X <- data.frame(x=rnorm(10000),
2010 Mar 15
Strange behavior of assign in a S4 method.
Hi the list, I define a method that want to change an object without assignation (foo(x) and not x<-foo(x)) using deparse and assign. But when the argument of the method does not match *exactly* with the definition of the generic function, assign does not work... Anything wrong? Christophe #------ Does not work ------#
2010 Mar 23
S4: Multiple inheritance
Hi all, Working with S4 object, I definine two class foo1 and foo2. I define '[' (resp. '[<-') for the two classes. Then I define a third class foo3 that inherit from both foo1 and foo2. Is there a way to make '[' (resp. '[<-') for foo3 inherit from '[' (resp. '[<-') for foo1 and foo2? Thanks Christophe
2010 Nov 15
How to move an internal function to external keeping same environment?
Hi I have within a quite big function foo1, an internal function foo2. Now, in order to have a cleaner code, I wish to have the internal foo2 as "external". This foo2 was using arguments within the foo1 environment that were not declared as inputs of foo2, which works as long as foo2 is within foo1, but not anymore if foo2 is external, as is the case now. Now, I could add all those
2018 Apr 05
potential file.copy() or documentation bug when = TRUE
This is a recent R-devel. file.copy() is not vectorized if multiple destinations succeed: cat("foo1\n", file = "foo1") cat("foo2\n", file = "foo2") unlink(c("copy1", "copy2"), recursive = TRUE) file.copy(c("foo1", "foo2"), c("copy1", "copy2"), = TRUE) #> Error in
2006 Jul 02
Test for argument in ...
Hello! Say I have a function foo1, which has argument ... to pass various arguments to foo2 i.e. foo1 <- function(x, ...) { foo2(x, ...) } Say that foo2 accepts argument arg1 and I would like to do the following: - if foo1 is called as foo1(x) then I would like to assign some value to arg1 inside foo1 before calling foo2 arg1 <- "some value" foo2(x, arg1=arg1) - if foo1 is
2006 Apr 11
About list to list - thanks
Thank you very much for your useful suggestions. These are exactly what I was looking for. foo <- list(foo1, foo2, foo3) lapply(foo, function(x) matrix(unlist(x), nrow = length(x), byrow = TRUE)) or lapply(foo, function(x)'rbind', x)) Best, Muhammad Subianto On 4/11/06, Muhammad Subianto <msubianto at> wrote: > Dear all, > I have a result my experiment
2012 Jul 27
C code validation
Dear R-devel, I'm trying to validate the results from a C function, against a (trial and tested) older R function. For reasons unknown to me, the C function seems to give different result sometimes at each trial, even with the very same data. These are the relevant outputs from R: > library(QCA) Loading required package: lpSolve > benchmark <- function(x, y) { + index <- 0
2014 May 02
Authors@R: and Author field
Hi to all Authors@R: c(person("fooa","foob", role = c("aut","cre"), email = ""), person("foo1","foo2", role = c("ctb"), email = "")) Author: fooa foob, with contributions from foo1 foo2 using r CMD check --as-cran .. (R 3.1
2006 Apr 11
About list to list
Dear all, I have a result my experiment like this below (here my toy example): foo1 <- list() foo1[[1]] <- c(10, 20, 30) foo1[[2]] <- c(11, 21, 31) foo2 <- list() foo2[[1]] <- c(100, 200, 300) foo2[[2]] <- c(110, 210, 310) foo3 <- list() foo3[[1]] <- c(1000, 2000, 3000) foo3[[2]] <- c(1100, 2100, 3100) list(foo1,foo2,foo3) The result: > list(foo1,foo2,foo3) [[1]]
2015 Dec 17
Multiple IPs and hostname
Hi, I'm running postfix as SMTP-server and dovecot as IMAP-server. The server has multiple IPs, and postfix is configured that every domain is using a separate IPv4-address. Examle: --> --> --> --> The hostname of the server is: Now I have a request from one of my customers,
2012 Oct 17
Do *not* pass '...' to NextMethod() - it'll do it for you; missing documentation, a bug or just me?
Hi, although I've done S3 dispatching for more than a decade now, I think I managed to overlook/avoid the following pitfall when using NextMethod(): If you explicitly pass argument '...' to NextMethod(), you will effectively pass those argument twice to the "next" method! EXAMPLE: foo0 <- function(...) UseMethod("foo0"); foo1 <- function(...)
2010 Apr 27
suggestion on method dispatch
Dear all, I have define a function and its methods as follows: ######## beginning of code fn <- function(x,...){ UseMethod("fn") } fn.foo1 <- function(x, commonA=1, ...){ print("fn.foo1 is called.") } fn.foo2 <- function(x, uniqueFoo2, common=1, ...){ ## uniqueFoo2 is a unique argument in fn.foo2 x <- uniqueFoo2; class(x) <- "foo1" ## use uniqueFoo2
2014 Dec 08
CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at> wrote: [...] > Why not declare colorspace as a "Suggests:" kind of dependency? I guess that is a solution. :/ In another example in the 'disposables' package I have: \donttest{ pkg <- make_packages( foo1 = { f <- function() print("hello!") ; d <- 1:10 }, foo2 = { f
2008 Mar 25
Passing (Optional) Arguments
Dear List: In short, I am writing a number of functions as building blocks for other functions and have some questions about scoping and passing arguments. Suppose I have functions foo1, foo2, and foo3 such that: foo1<-function(a=1,b=TRUE,c=FALSE){#do stuff}; foo2<-function(x=1,y=FALSE,z=c(1,2,3,4)){#do stuff}; foo3<-function(lambda,...){lambda*foo1()*foo2()}; I want to be able to
2006 Dec 20
[LLVMdev] Instructions having variable names as operands
Dear Mr. Lattner: You have asked me how my instruction set works. If I code like this: int foo1() { int x1,x2; x1 =1; x2 = foo2(x1); return x2; } int foo2(int k) { if(k == 1) k = 2; return k; } int main () { int j; j = foo1(); } This should be emitted like this: Enter foo1; reg x2, x1 add 1;x1 Call foo2;x1,x2 Exit foo1; x2
2004 Apr 23
symlink bug still not fixed
Hi. I found and reported a bug about a year ago regarding symbolic links but haven't seen any mention of it since and it is still present in 2.6.1-pre2. Just want to make sure it isn't forgotten. It can be reproduced by synchronizing two directories, one of which contains a normal file and the other has a symlink of the same name. With the archive, update and backup options set, rsync
2012 Nov 06
Hi the list In the DESCRIPTION file of my package foo0, I have: Depends: foo1 Imports: foo2 Suggest: foo3 Enhence: foo4 If I understand correctly, to install foo0 on my computer, I need to already have foo1, foo2, foo3. foo4 is not necessary. I my R sesssion, when I will write: library(foo0), then the package foo1 will be attach. foo2, foo3 and foo4 will not. Is that correct? But what is
2010 Dec 15
problem with ~/mail/ namespace
We just changed from UW imap last night and one of our bigger problems right now is that the ~/mail/ compatibility namespace doesn't seem to work. dovecot 2.0.8 Dec 15 12:01:52 dovecot: [ID 583609 mail.warning] imap(tom2): Warning: Subscriptions file /nfs/rack/u4/t/tom2/mail/.subscriptions: Ignoring invalid entry: ~/mail/foo1/folder1 Dec 15 12:01:52