On 27/07/2012 23:52, Adrian Du?a wrote:> Dear R-devel,
> I'm trying to validate the results from a C function, against a (trial
> and tested) older R function. For reasons unknown to me, the C
> function seems to give different result sometimes at each trial, even
> with the very same data.
See the advice in 'Writing R Extensions'. In particular, the most
common cause is the use of initialized values, so run under valgrind.
Also check that your C code does not change any of its arguments: if it
does you may end up with self-modifying R code. (That's probably rare,
but I spent a couple of hours on such an example last night.)
> These are the relevant outputs from R:
>> library(QCA)
> Loading required package: lpSolve
>> benchmark <- function(x, y) {
> + index <- 0
> + while((index <- index + 1) < length(x)) {
> + x <- setdiff(x, findSubsets(y + 1, x[index], max(x)))
> + }
> + return(x)
> + }
>> set.seed(12345)
>> exprnec <- sort(sample(13:19683, 500))
>> noflevels <- rep(2, 9)
>> mbase <- rev(c(1, cumprod(rev(noflevels + 1))))[-1]
>> foo1 <- benchmark(exprnec, noflevels)
>> foo2 <- .Call("removeRedundants", exprnec, noflevels,
>> all.equal(foo1, foo2)
> [1] "Numeric: lengths (184, 181) differ"
>> set.seed(12345)
>> exprnec <- sort(sample(13:19683, 500))
>> foo2 <- .Call("removeRedundants", exprnec, noflevels,
>> all.equal(foo1, foo2)
> [1] TRUE
>> set.seed(12345)
>> exprnec <- sort(sample(13:19683, 500))
>> foo2 <- .Call("removeRedundants", exprnec, noflevels,
>> all.equal(foo1, foo2)
> [1] TRUE
>> set.seed(12345)
>> exprnec <- sort(sample(13:19683, 500))
>> foo2 <- .Call("removeRedundants", exprnec, noflevels,
>> all.equal(foo1, foo2)
> [1] "Numeric: lengths (184, 173) differ"
> The relevant C code can be found here:
> http://codeviewer.org/view/code:287e
> As I am too baffled by these (to me strange) results, any hint is much
> appreciated.
> Thanks very much in advance,
> Adrian
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road, +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK Fax: +44 1865 272595